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Is the type of a non-type template parameter part of the function signature?

Regardless of whether this is a good idea or not, is it allowed in C++ to have two template functions, that differ only in the type of a non-type template parameter. I am asking this question, because ...
K-os's user avatar
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Is there a way to evaluate a bundle of constexpr functions at compile time in C++?

I am new to C++ templates and I'm trying to make a constexpr template function that takes a paramater pack of other functions of return type bool (and in this example input type int) and checks if a ...
Vilim Hrupelj's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

Loop over pairs from 2 constexpr arrays to instantiate and run template function

C++ version for project is 20. Suppose we have some service class template: template<int someSegmentSize> class SomeAbstractFileService { public: void init() { std::cout << &...
AlecadM's user avatar
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How to expand function template parameters package in std::function as the function's argument?

This question is an extension of another question from a decade ago: #include<functional> template <typename ReturnType, typename... ArgumentTypes> struct Caller { static void Call(std:...
埃博拉酱's user avatar
3 votes
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Why template function which is constrained to work with integrals, is working fine with char as well? [duplicate]

I have a simple cpp template function as follows. #include <iostream> #include <concepts> template <typename T> requires std::integral<T> T add(T a, T b) { std::cout <&...
VivekDev's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I pass a parameter pack to a std:tuple?

This is a simple question, yet the Internet offers no answer or examples to this one: what is the correct means of passing a parameter pack to a std::tuple ? I have tried the following, only to find I ...
Ashley Ben Story's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use attribute (not its value) of a struct/class as template/function parameter?

To be short, I want to achieve something like "templatize" the operation of "getting an attribute of a object" as a generalized template function, like the function foo below. ...
LibrarristShalinward's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Weird behaviour with 'if constexpr' and templates in MSVC

The code below behaves incorrectly. When f<0> or f<5> is called, it prints as if k = true, but the if statement behaves as if k = false. When f<1> is called, it does the opposite. ...
daniel creatd's user avatar
0 votes
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C++ Function Parameters Guiding CTAD

I am trying to do something involving CTAD within function calls and it's best to first explain the desired behavior with an example, before asking my questions. NB: the below is a bit of a ...
georgi koyrushki's user avatar
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partial function template specialization with templated object as function argument [duplicate]

suppose i have this class : template <typename T> class MyClass{ } template <typename T> class MyOtherClass{ } and some generic template function template <typename A> void ...
uray's user avatar
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1 answer

How to create a generic factory function that creates an instance of some type? [duplicate]

I need to create a factory function to create an instance that can accept any type with the different number of arguments. I have two classes Employee and Contact and to create an instance for both ...
Muthuraj's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it mandatory to have a function template to pass std::vector as an argument?

Is it mandatory to have a function template to pass std::vector as an argument as in the below code? Also, in the parameter, why do we need to pass <T> along with std::vector? template <...
Ussu20's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Parameter pack and perfect forwarding

I just wrote following simple code but it doesnt compile: #include <iostream> #include <string> class Obj{ public: std::string name = "Name"; std::string l_name = "...
Qwe Qwe's user avatar
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2 answers

Declaring and naming a type in the function signature so it can be re-used in the function

I have a utility function for transforming an iterable according to a functor: template<typename Iterable, typename Functor> auto transform(Iterable const& input, Functor&& ...
H.v.M.'s user avatar
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Can't create multiple constexpr getter

I have a struct which wraps multiple std::sets of data. I want access to the sets to be computed at compile time. To do this, I created a template constexpr getter method to return the requested set. /...
Jeff L's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

Template specialization using a variable argument

I am trying to wrap a c-style variant in a library. It uses a type enum, which I mean to fill using templates. A simplified version looks roughly like this: enum Type { Type_Int, Type_Double, ...
David van rijn's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Function that takes both variadic arguments and a class type?

In C++, is it possible to create a templated function which takes both a class type and a variable number of arguments? The function I'm imagining would work something like this (although this is ...
Enderhippo's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to handle variable number of arguments and string variables

In the following code, the variable number of arguments assume a string variable in itself but it does not happen for string literals #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <...
soham's user avatar
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CPP inheritance with template functions

I have the code like this (it's simplified version, really code more complex): class IFoo { public: template <typename T> T GetInc(T x) const { return x; } }; class Foo : public IFoo { public:...
edmond's user avatar
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30 votes
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Overload resolution and template argument deduction - why is 0 special?

In the following example, 0 behaves in a special way: it chooses a different overload than one would expect for one example function call. I would like to know why. My understanding is also below. #...
toxic's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Function argument list doesn't match function template (function template is made for passing stack allocated array) [closed]

I made function template to pass stack-allocated array as parameter, which is shown below: struct Pos { int row; int col; Pos(int r, int c) { row = r; col = c; } Pos() { ...
Hyun's user avatar
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2 answers

How can I find function arguments in a C++ function template?

I am working on a C++ function template and I am trying to find a way to access the function arguments within the template. Specifically, I have a template function called enumerate that takes a ...
킵고잉's user avatar
1 vote
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How does overload resolution work with variadic template arguments and a non template argument derived type

I'm trying to create a overload for a function with variadic template arguments for a type and all its possible derivates. Naively i tried with just one overload and the base class as the first ...
ridilculous's user avatar
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Battling type parameter order and enable_if specifications in function templates

Consider: template <typename InputIt, typename T = typename std::remove_const<typename InputIt::value_type>::type> std::vector<T> WorkOnIt( InputIt first, InputIt last) { std::...
Mustang's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is a function template accepting const char(&)[N] more specialized than function template accepting const T&?

I've defined two versions of a function template called compare: #include <cstring> using namespace std; // fist version template <size_t N, size_t M> int compare(const char (&a)[N], ...
fansure grin's user avatar
5 votes
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c++ address of an overloaded function

I have the following small C++ code sample, but I can't figure out why the compiler works this way, although I have spent quite a lot of time studying cppreference. I would appreciate any explanations!...
Евгений Лисицын's user avatar
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The difference of " *mat.ptr<float>(i,j)" and "*mat.ptr(i,j)"?

I'm attempting to modify values in an Opencv::Mat using the code below: void gaussian_high_pass_kernel(cv::Mat& gaussianBlur, float sigma) { float d0 = sigma; for (int i = 0; i < scr....
meng lu's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do I have `-Wunsupported-friend` warning when I compile friend function template?

I want to declare member function of template class as friend. But I got warning message such as warning: dependent nested name specifier 'Schedule<T>::' for friend class declaration is not ...
myoldgrandpa's user avatar
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Is there any workaround for a virtual function template with a type constraint in this case?

If you have a concept and a class member function template like so: template<typename T> concept Vector2 = requires (T t) { t.x; t.y; }; struct Shape { bool contains(const Vector2 auto&)...
JensB's user avatar
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2 answers

deducing non-type template argument type from template function argument

I have a template function parametrized by a compile-time constant whose type should be the same as the type of the function argument. For instance, I'm seeking to have this kind of syntax: #include &...
Oersted's user avatar
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Can you conditionally remove a function parameter based on a template parameter?

my function looks like this template<bool extra> void func(int& arg1, const int arg2){ //a lot of code... if (extra && arg2 > 0) ++arg1; arg1 *= 10; //a lot of ...
fetis's user avatar
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Function template overloading vs class templates

Function-templates can be overloaded by using different template-parameter-lists (if I interpret correctly). If the template-parameter-...
wimalopaan's user avatar
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declaring a template function with void return taking a typedef

I have looked at most of the related posts but couldn't find a response that related to my specific usage scenario. The code is as shown below: //classA.h file #include <type_traits> #include &...
Vinod's user avatar
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If I forward declare a function template, may I put the definition after the calling site and not explicit instantiate it at all?

In a header file of a large project, I have to forward declare a function template before the calling site. The code boils down to this: //H1.h #pragma once template <typename> void f(); ...
zwhconst's user avatar
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How to create an array of N floats values with fold expression?

Suppose the following function template<size_t N> constexpr std::array<float, N> make_ones() { std::array<float, N> ret{}; for (size_t k = 0; k != N; ++k) { ret[k]...
user877329's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the difference of using `typename` in the following?

What is the difference between using "typename" before the return type of a function and without using it at the declaration of a function like the following below? And what is different if ...
Crackie's user avatar
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Why I need default sum function, for a variadic template sum?

I want to calculate the sum of any number of arguments given to function sum. Assuming that integers given to the function will satisfy operator+. If I comment out the function sum() (the one having ...
Aditya Garg's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a way to pass a function template, as an argument in another function?

The best way for me to describe what I am asking is a simple example. template<typename T> void execute_example(T* begin, T* end) { T val = 10 * 0.8; while (begin != end) { ...
Sam Moldenha's user avatar
2 votes
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How to define and use std::less as a template argument in a function definition?

What is the proper C++ syntax to supply and use std::less as a template argument? #include <iostream> #include <functional> template<typename CMP> float order(float a, float b) { ...
wcochran's user avatar
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9 votes
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Implementing variadic Max function in C++20

Despite, the fact, we have std::max, I wanted to try if it is possible to make a Max version that takes variadic arguments and calls the Max recursively for finding the max element. I saw similar ...
MyClass's user avatar
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Is it possible to return a member variable of a class specified by a template function?

I am trying to generalize a function for a game engine I am writing to simplify the shader loading process. Anyway, the difficulty arises in my attempts to templating the function. I attempted to ...
ModernEraCaveman's user avatar
-1 votes
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a type template function that accepts only a few type

fn foo<T>() -> f32 { return 0.0; } So I want to define a function that accepts only certain types (e.g. i32, i64, f32) as template parameter. For this case I hope to define only foo<...
Rahn's user avatar
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How to use constexpr function template to re-write a very long switch-case efficiently?

To easily re-write a big switch-case, I'm trying constexpr function template like this (it's only a simplified version with just cout): #include <iostream> template<int T> constexpr void ...
huseyin tugrul buyukisik's user avatar
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Template definition to wrap any callable: class member functions, among others

I looked up to this and this SO answers, but none solves my problem. Short description: the template function, where much more should happen than just that of this example, should be able to wrap any ...
deponovo's user avatar
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C++ function template specialization, function redefinition error

So, I have an assignment for college to create templates for these functions and ive done it by the instructions.. However, the fillDefault, which I had to make a specialization for int doesnt work. I ...
PrzgiBaklo's user avatar
-2 votes
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Using function templates for function overloading

I'm trying to overload a function while adhering to the DRY principle. The only difference between overloads are argument types, so I chose to use templating. I came up with essentially the following ...
lu4nik's user avatar
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How to use functions of different types as template arguments? [duplicate]

That's my demo to illustrate: #include <iostream> #include <ostream> #include <utility> template <typename T> bool f(int) { __builtin_unreachable(); } template <> ...
zclll's user avatar
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4 votes
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Which member functions can be templated in C++?

I was asked a question Which class functions can be templated in C++? (constructor, destructor, const, static) Did I understand correctly that all member functions (except destructor) can be ...
mascai's user avatar
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call template function for each template parameter in constexpr std::array<size_t,3>

Given a function print<size_t>(void) and a constexpr std::array<size_t,3> q={1,2,3}, I want a loop that calls print<qi> for each qi in q. My minimal example looks like this: #include&...
fuse tee's user avatar
4 votes
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Non type template parameter in msvc does not compile

I studied about non-type template parameter and came to know that they must be compile time constant. Then I created the below given program that compiles with gcc as well as clang but fails to ...
Vlad from Moscow's user avatar

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