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Preserving Field Order in Elasticsearch _source Retrieval?

I'm working with Elasticsearch and have encountered an issue with the order of fields within nested objects when retrieving documents using _source. { "student_id": "123", &...
Ahmed Hassan's user avatar
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How does Elasticsearch/Lucene achieve such performance when querying multiple fields?

According to the answer given here, Elasticsearch doesn't seem to use compound indexes for querying multiple fields, and instead queries multiple indexes and then intersects the results. My question ...
whit3.oc7opus's user avatar
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Elastic Search - How to update mapping field from keyword to text

{ "properties":{ "device":{ "type":"object", "properties":{ "id":{ "type":&...
Vignesh's user avatar
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What is the best way to update cache in elasticsearch

I'm using elasticsearch index as a cache table. My document structure is the following: { "mappings": { "dynamic": False, "properties": { ...
Nick Zorander's user avatar
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Getting dirty results with ngram analyzer for highlight search

Hi I am using ngram with min length 1 and max length 100 and I am fetching the document and highlight the field from document . Now when i am getting the result from ES it has some random document ...
harish kumar's user avatar
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Elastic search give priority to starts with match

I am using elasticsearch 6.8 version for document indexing and I have this requirement when searching. I have created an index with the following settings. { "settings": { "number_of_shards": 3, "...
ChannaB's user avatar
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Create index in elasticsearch with different document types

I need to index CLIENT entity in elastic. My object CLIENT consists of few segments (JSON documents) like COMMON (firstname, lastname etc), EDUCATION (fields...), JOB (fields...) and so on. So my ...
Seldon's user avatar
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Dbpedia indexing for named entity linking (chatbot)

I'm working on a project for a chatbot. The chatbot must answer users' questions using dbpedia, and was initially trained with the IBM watson assistant service. However, in this service it is ...
ff93's user avatar
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How to index mixed language contents on Elasticsearch?

How to index mixed language contents in Elasticsearch. Let's say that we have a system where people submit contents from various parts of the world. Countries ranges from US, Canada, Europe, Japan, ...
rayhan's user avatar
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Where to store data for a search index?

I'm building a search index (Elasticsearch) for existing data in a relational database. Is it common to have duplicated in both the relational database as well as the search index? Or should it just ...
Bob's user avatar
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Elastic search index on all attributes?

I am new to elastic search(ES) and have gone through basic tutorials like this mykong tutorial I have question on create part of any document CREATE Operation Example To insert a new Document with /...
user3198603's user avatar
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How disable base64 storing for ingest-attachment elasticsearch plugin?

The documentation shows example about how store base64 documents into elasticsearch via ingest-attachment plugin. But after this I got that elasticsearch index contains parsed text and base64 field ...
Cherry's user avatar
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Full text search(Postgres) Vs Elastic search

Read Query In Posgres, Full text indexing allows documents to be preprocessed and an index saved for later rapid searching. Preprocessing includes: Parsing documents into tokens. Converting tokens ...
overexchange's user avatar
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Search across _all field in Elastic and return results with highlighting

I am using Elastic 5.4 and wanted to query across index containing documents of multiple types.(type a and type b). Below are example documents in the index: Documents: { "_index": "test", "...
FindingTheOne's user avatar
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How to exclude unrelated search results from django-haystack and Elasticsearch?

I'm trying to search for products based on their keywords. My haystack index is as follows: class ProductIndex(indexes.SearchIndex, indexes.Indexable): name= indexes.CharField(model_attr='name') ...
ttmtran's user avatar
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Best way to compose MongoDB with ElasticSearch

I'm working on a new version of a project, so i have a lot of old data that should i migrate to the new version. The old version developed with PHP+MySql, and the new one is with MEAN. Now i want to ...
jones's user avatar
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index and searchs analysers in elastic search: troubles in hitting exact string as first result

I am doing tests with elastic search in indexing wikipedia's topics. Below my settings. Results I expect is to have first result matching the exact string - especially if string is made by one word ...
user305883's user avatar
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Why isn't Elasticsearch detecting my custom made analyzer?

I made an index "user-name" with a custom made analyzer called 'autocomplete': client.indices.create({ index: 'user-name', type: 'text', settings: { analysis: { filter: { ...
ThePumpkinMaster's user avatar
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How to update an index with new variables in Elasticsearch?

I have an index 'user' which has a mapping with field of "first", "last", and "email". The fields with names get indexed at one point, and then the field with the email gets indexed at a separate ...
ThePumpkinMaster's user avatar
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How to get the last update of the index in elasticsearch

How can I find datetime of last update of the elsasticsearch index? Elasticsearch index last update time I tried to follow the example , but nothing happened . curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_all/...
Иван Янковой's user avatar
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Elastic Search (NEST) cannot search documents content (PDF, MS Office, txt)

I am using "Nest" Elastic Search to index my documents. everything is working normally: indexing and retrieve Documents. I need to search the content of any document type, i installed the "mapper ...
Hussein Salman's user avatar
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Do voltDB or NuoDB need ElasticSearch?

Currently I am working in a project that use PostgreSQL + ElasticSearch. However I recently found VoltDB, and I was wondering if we still need ElasticSearch for doing searches with VoltDB. If I am ok,...
Luis Vargas's user avatar
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How should I index my data in ElasticSearch to solve this situation?

I'm building a search engine for a game (path of exile). In this game, items have sockets. items can have from 0 to 6 sockets some sockets can be linked there are 3 types of sockets (Red, Green, Blue)...
Robin's user avatar
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ElasticSearch mapping for nested enumerable objects (i18n)

I'm at a loss as to how to map a document for search with the following structure: { "_id": "007ff234cb2248", "ids": { "source1": "123", "source2": "456", "source3": "789" } "...
Lee Hambley's user avatar
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