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" Connection refused" in IntelliJ and JBoss Dev Studio and mvn on commandline on Mac for TestNG test

I have a Java functional TestNG test which is hitting a REST API endpoint. Same test worked on Windows PC with IntelliJ and JBoss with no special settings. I can hit this endpoint in Postman, so I ...
Aaron's user avatar
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The OSX firewall prompts to "accept incoming network connections" when creating a ServerSocket

I'm using sockets to communicate between local processes. This causes the OSX firewall to prompt: Do you want the application "" to accept incoming network connections? I have two problems: ...
Peter Tseng's user avatar
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How to deploy an application with firewall permissions on Mac?

I've bundled a jar file as a mac application using jar bundler. I'm now trying to create an installer for this app so that: 1) The application will be placed in the applications folder 2) The ...
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