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How to redirect traffic from specific IP to localhost using iptables

I have executable and it tries to connect to (ssh) address which does not exist. I want to redirect that traffic to localhost:22 using iptables.
Abdulla's user avatar
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Removing port from TCP_IN does not close it from outside traffic on CSF

A few days ago I have installed CSF on my Ubuntu host via SSH. Everything seemed to be working fine and I had the chance to play with it for a few hours. Figuring out how I close and open ports. ...
Stefan Idriceanu's user avatar
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iptables SSH brute force protection [closed]

I have an iptables firewall with the default INPUT policy set to DROP. I'm using this for slowing down SSH brute force attempts. The problem is that if I leave the last line in, the previous rules don'...
c0mpute's user avatar
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Opening a custom port on AWS

I'm configuring a NAT instance that should redirect all incoming requests on port 2222 to port 22 of a server in a private subnet on my virtual private cloud, so I can connect with SSH straight to my ...
Chittolina's user avatar
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Block SSH Port in Ubuntu

I want to secure my server by accepting SSH port to my IP address using an internal iptable. I want to know is it good solution ? What happen if I lose my IP address and I will not able to connect SSH ...
Ata's user avatar
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AWS EC2 Instance - ssh "Connection timed out" suspecting iptables

I am new to firewalls. I was playing with iptables on ec2 instance earlier today but now I am unable to connect via ssh - "Connection timed out". The console shows the instance is running and the ssh ...
Kalyanaraman Santhanam's user avatar