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Fetchxml How to fetch multiple attributes in a groupby fetch (aggregate)

I have a fetchxml which worked fine until I added another attribute to the fetch. <attribute name="ey_b_closed_conversations" alias="isClosed" /> this is the line I added to the fetch, and ...
Ofek Tsoref's user avatar
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FetchXML Query to fetch columns from multiple Linked Entity

Scenario: There is a portal which shows data in grid and this data comes from Dynamics 365. Being Dynamics developed I have been requested to provide a query which will show data in below format for ...
Nachiket's user avatar
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How to pass null or empty to FetchXML filters?

Scenario: I've a text field in Dynamics CRM on Order Type. This field is integrated with some other systems and it'll be accepting only already stated list of values; like, ABC, IJK, XYZ etc. Now I ...
Mohsin A.'s user avatar
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CRM fetchxml - AggregateQueryRecordLimit exceeded

I am accessing dynamics CRM data via fetchxml in c#. When I try to execute the following query I am getting below error. AggregateQueryRecordLimit exceeded. Cannot perform this operation. <...
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Request URL Too Long for fetchXml query types

I'm using CRM 2016 web api with fetchxml query parameter, but my query is too long it's simulate the IN operator were the number of parameters passed in the IN list are 300 elements and some times ...
M.Abulsoud's user avatar
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How to Create Report that Get Image from Online CRM database using FetchXml Query?

I have a requirement to display corresponding property images which awx_propertyid is equal to the image entity awx_propertyid report in fetchXML SSRS report. Now I would like to display the images ...
Santosh Rawat's user avatar
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Fetchxml to get record count only by parent and not by linked entity

Currently I am trying to retrieve count of parent records where condition is governed by linked entity record. When I am trying to run fetchxml without any aggregation record count is coming fine , ...
Manish's user avatar
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FetchXML in SSRS

I'm quite new to this; but i would like to make a DynamicsCRM report that contains basic info about one opportunity and some info about the reservations that are connected to it. I've managed to set ...
Brtrnd's user avatar
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how to adapt old JS CRM 2011 to CRM 2015

I'm new at Microsoft Dynamics CRM and I'm working with CRM 2015. I'm working with CRM 2015 and I've been given to fix an error script developed for CRM 2011. It looks like an old syntax and I don't ...
zhaila's user avatar
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How can I fetch 'distinct' data keeping row ID in the lookup view?

Assume I have an entity with the following structure: ID (it would be the GUID of the record, I'll use number in this example for easier read) Name Product (lookup to product) Price List (custom ...
Alex's user avatar
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If-else clause in fetchXml CRM

I want to get data from two tables deal and details. I could make join and fetch data but I couldn't figure out how to link-entity on a condition. In simple terms, I want if deal.sell is yes: ...
user2714823's user avatar
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FetchXml group by different values

I want to count Status Reason on Case entity. But I don't know how to group by as shown bellow. I was looking around but couldn't find anything useful. ------------------------------------ ALIAS ...
Matjaž's user avatar
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CRM 2011 FetchXML returning invalid XML

I am trying to retrieve an account but the fetchXML is returning invalid XML: function SelectLoadOutTransactionCurrency(id) { debugger; var _oService = new FetchUtil(_sOrgName, _sServerUrl); var ...
Dan Tromp's user avatar
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How to execute FetchXml to get EntityColletion in CRM

I have a fetchXml using which i need to get an EntityCollection. When i googled i got results which are using a particular service class object as follows FetchExpression fetch = new FetchExpression(...
Jaganmohanreddy's user avatar
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Limit the result from FetchXML query in CRM online 2015

I am using a service that gets data from CRM ONLINE and transfers it to SQL database for reporting purposes. I am using the following Fetch XML query to query CRM string fetchXml = string.Format(@"&...
hkhan's user avatar
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FetchXML - Today - minus 30 days

I am attempting to create a FetchXML script that retrieves records with a date of today minus 30 days. Below is the SQL that works. Could somebody help me with the FetchXML, please? SELECT * FROM [...
Richard Butterwood's user avatar
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FetchXml: filter by today is within the last x days of a date/today is exactly x days from a date

1. <condition attribute="expirationdate" operator="last-x-days" value="3" /> The above will check to see if expirationdate is within the range of today-3 to today. Is there a way to do the ...
dalawh's user avatar
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CInt(Count("") Counting rows in current group in FetchXML report

I've converted an SSRS report from SQL to FETCHXML that was used by on-premises CRM 2011. Now the report is using CRM 2013 as the data source. In the old version of this report we had this ...
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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Report showing NO DATA when uploaded to crm online

When building a report in SSRS and viewing it in PREVIEW mode, my report is showing lots of data; however, when deploying it to CRM online 2013, this is what I am getting: This is CRM DYNAMICS ONLINE ...
Alex Gordon's user avatar
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Query all Subjects that have no children

I'm trying to write a FetchXML query that produces a result set containing all Subjects that do not have any child subjects (or equivalently, subjects not used as the parent of another). These "leaf" ...
KeithS's user avatar
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How can I get opionset value on RetrieveMultiple

I'm doing RetrieveMultiple call with following query: <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="logical" distinct="false"> <entity name="lt_myentity"> <attribute ...
Piotr Pankowski's user avatar
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FetchXML. The entered and stored passwords do not match

My CRM updated, and since then my custom reporting tool hasnt been working. It uses PHP and the EntityUtils provided in examples. The issue is that I can authenticate with a LiveID but when I use ...
Brad Mc's user avatar
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How to query privileges specific to entity (without the ID of the entity record) using CRM 2011/2013 sdk?

Creating an external MVC website using CRM 2011/2013 web services. Must hide/show parts of the application based on write access to a certain custom entity. Found solutions like http://mileyja....
Rohit Tidke's user avatar
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Converting an entity attribute to string for condition clause in FetchXML

I need to write a query that returns all entries that have a certain decimal attribute that begins with a certain number string. Something like ... WHERE TO_STRING(numerical_attribute) LIKE '%' || ...
Heathcliff's user avatar
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How to filter a date that is before a certain date using FetchXml?

I am currently using the Advanced Find in CRM 2011, and I can't seem to find a way to filter a Date field that is before a certain date. The closest operator that I could find was "on-or-before", but ...
dalawh's user avatar
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How to Make a Condition Optional in FetchXML

I have some SQL reports that has very slow performance, so we converted all of them into FetchXML, but all the SQL reports has all the conditions optional, something like this: SELECT ... FROM ... ...
Mahmoud Gamal's user avatar
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Fetchxml to get contacts with active opportunities having the current user as owner CRM 2013

Goal: Make a view that can show all Contacts owned by the current user, and any Contacts with an associated opportunity owned by the current user. Problem: I don't have a great command of fetchxml ...
Dave Hoyt's user avatar
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How to display month name instead of month number

I am trying to make some reports for MS dynamics CRM 2013 using Visual studio SQL Server Data Tools, I take the following xm from : <fetch version="1.0" output-format="xml-platform" mapping="...
Mahmoud Gamal's user avatar
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need help for sql query to Fetch XML query in CRM2011?

I have this query select d.ope_supervisorName,d.ope_categoriaName ,d.ope_categoria,d.ope_cuota,d.ope_cuotaventadetId ,f.Ope_name,c.ope_name from ope_cuotaventadet d join ope_figura f on d....
angel's user avatar
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Get distinct rows before applying aggregate count in FetchXML

I'm trying to get the count of contacts who have activities. I'm retrieving only one attribute in my FetchXML "fullname" with the aggregate function "count" applied on it. I also have a link-entity ...
user3340627's user avatar
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Aggregate function with FetchXML

I need to fetch the entity who has the max date in a certain field. I tried the code below with Stunnware but it gives me an error that the MAX function is invalid. <fetch version='1.0' ...
user3340627's user avatar
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Dynamics CRM subgrid with all related instances of same type

For accounts in Dynamics CRM I have a custom related entity X (one account can have zero or more Xs related to it). On the form of X I want to show a subgrid with all active instances of the same type ...
krembanan's user avatar
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How to create Team base Report in CRM 2011

I want to create case report in Dynamics CRM 2011. That show all cases of a Team. How can I filter this filter in fetch-XML Query.
riaz.usmani's user avatar
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How to get those Record whose Activity Created or Change in last 24 hours in CRM

I am creating CRM 2011 Fetch-xml Report and want to get those contact whose activity has been change or created in last 24 hours. how can I do that.
riaz.usmani's user avatar
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CRM Fetch Statement Filter Condition where 2 lookups equel 2 linked entities

I Have a fetch and I want to link an entity where 2 lookups contain to other linked entity ID's Code: <fetch mapping='logical'> <entity name='serviceappointment'> <...
Richard Dewhirst's user avatar
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CRM 2011 FetchXml to pull list accounts and display only most recent activity dates

I am trying to create a report in fetchxml on crm 2011 that displays a list of Account Names, and also in the same row displays the date of ONLY the most recent activity for that account. So ...
user2714083's user avatar
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Convert Query into Fetch-XMLQury

I want to change select query into FetchXML Query. My query is SELECT * FROM new_periodtotal JOIN product ON product.pruductid = new_periodtotal.product JOIN new_program ON new_program.product = ...
riaz.usmani's user avatar
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How Can I Find All Accounts Who Have Not Modified Any Activity in Last One Month Using FetchXMl

Is it possible to find all accounts who has not modified any activity in last one month in CRM. I have tried one but i am not sure whether it is correct or not. can anybody please help me. I am not ...
Kartik Patel's user avatar
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CRM 2011 Chart: count of grouped dates for other field

I have an entity expressing employee absences split per half day (AM and PM). the entity has 4 relevant fields: the employee name (another custom entity), a reason for absence (holiday, overtime ...
Nzall's user avatar
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MS CRM 2011, Views filtered by teams throw error when user is not a member of any team

We have created some views that show activities assigned either to the current user OR any of the user's teams. The filtering was fairly simple: Related Activity Parties - Party equals current user ...
Egor's user avatar
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FetchXML View to Include Attributes from Nested Link-Entity

I would like to have a view that show attributes from 3 entities: Statistics has a lookup to Account and Account has a lookup to Address. The view is on Statistics and I want attributes from all 3 ...
Bvrce's user avatar
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FetchXML to Get 2nd Relation Entity

Is it possible to display fields from nested link-entities in a view? I have 3 entities: statistics, account, and address. Statistics has a lookup to Account and account has a lookup to Address. I ...
Bvrce's user avatar
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CRM 2011 - How to set data in records from subgrid in Entity using C# code

I am making a plugin in CRM 2011. The plugin is taking data from the Entity's subgrid by using fetchXML, making some calculate with the data and at the end of the plugin I want to set the new ...
user2968949's user avatar
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'in-year' operator in FetchXml condition

I was looking for an 'in-year' operator in FetchXML conditions, but only found the 'in-fiscal-year' operator. Is there a workaround for this functionality?
Marvin's user avatar
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How do I access the result of FetchXML as XML rather than entities?

In the past my FetchXML was delivering me the result in xml format, but since I change server this function string ret = service.Fetch(fetchXml); no longer works, so I had to resort with another ...
Hugo Silva's user avatar
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CRM2011 FetchXml Error - System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapHttpClientProtocol.ReadResponse

I have change server and now i'm having a problem with fechxml, all other SOAP services are working 100%, like updade, create, delete, expect fetch, and i don`t have idea or the reason for this to be ...
Hugo Silva's user avatar
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How can I convert this T-SQL to Fetch-XML?

I want to use this SQL in a Dynamics CRM report. I can't work out how to convert it to Fetch-XML. select p.ProductNumber "Plan Number",p.Name,p.price "Monthly Rate",count(*) "Group", '0' "Direct ...
cja's user avatar
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SSRS Report in 1:N relation

Please guide me about this. I am working on CRM online. I need report(custom SSRS) which will be invoked from Campaign and it will print all the Leads belongs to that Campaign. How should i achieve ...
Anish's user avatar
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Search all records created before 1-2 weeks ago?

I'm trying to create a report based on opportunities. One stat I'd like to see is opportunities that were modified but were not created this/last week, so I can see how many old opportonities have ...
kinza tahir's user avatar
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Fetch XML vs SQL CRM2011

I am having a bizarre problem, and was hoping that someone could shed some light on why it is occurring. If I Query dynamics using FetchXML using the following: <fetch mapping="logical" count="10"...
Chris's user avatar
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