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Dynamics 365 Plugin - Handling Attachments in Notes (msdyn_richtextfiles)

I am working on a Dynamics 365 plugin to handle file attachments in Notes (annotation entity) and store them in an external system. The process works as expected when users add attachments via the ...
Peter Forsbom's user avatar
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how to Publish duplicate detection rule?

We have duplicate detection rule which will go inactive status once we import it in other env. how to enable the rule using PowerShell using web API.
karthik's user avatar
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Migrating Dataverse records - Assigning value to regardingobjectidname on email entity using C#

I am migrating email records from one Dataverse environment to another. I am having problems assigning a value to regardingobjectid.Name. I get no error assigning the value, but in the target ...
Frode Magnussen's user avatar
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Remove white spaces in quick view form

Hi we added ProviderStatus as quick form view in main form, but it shows white spaces which need to remove. I tried several approaches but does not work: function formLoad(executionContext) { var ...
Sagar Nanaware's user avatar
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How to Send Emails to Secondary Email Address in Dynamics CRM Customer service module Based on Case Creation Email?

We have a case management system in Dynamics 365 where we want to maintain a unique contact for each customer. However, we're facing an issue where Dynamics 365 does not allow us to use the secondary ...
Codify DXT's user avatar
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Migrating data into CRM some date values stored with either 4 or 5 hours head

I been migrating data into CRM from SQL server through SSIS(kingswaysoft). Some record's date values stored either 4 or 5 hours ahead .Is it possible to save date as same as source. how to resolve ...
Ganapathe's user avatar
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Dataverse C# .NET Core 6 - Using TokenCacheStorePath on Azure App Service WebApp

I'm trying to use the "TokenCacheStorePath" parameter in a Dataverse connection string for a WebApp published on an Windows Azure App Service but I can't get the ServiceClient to create the ...
Andrea Boscaro's user avatar
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Deploy CRM solution using Package Deployer as update instead of upgrade

We are using the Package deployer for deploying the solution. We want to update the solution instead of the stage for upgrade and upgrade. Is there any way do this? We have created a solution as we ...
karthik's user avatar
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Dynamics CRM Plugin: Calling Web API with certificate in sandbox mode

trying to call an web API using client certificate in a plugin (D365 online) but i have this error "Permission request type 'System.Security.Permissions.KeyContainerPermission, mscorlib, Version=...
taniiit's user avatar
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Set subgrid command button visiblity based on which parent table they are added using Power FX formula

I have a custom entity (c1) referenced from both CRM opportunity and quote. In simple terms, the quote has a lookup to c1 and also the opportunity has a lookup to c1. Then, I have added a subgrid of a ...
Mathee's user avatar
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Azure AD Authentication within an iFrame in Dynamics

I have a 'Cart' application - written as legacy ASP.NET web application with accompanying ASMX services. The application is two-layered, both the back and front end are deployed to the same App ...
Nani's user avatar
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how to edit Solution zip file webresources xml file in dynamics CRM

We have created a webresource for theme update for CRM portal using XML <AppHeaderColors background="#45B2FF" foreground="#FFFFFF" backgroundHover="#165A31" ...
karthik's user avatar
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No Import Packages were found. Existing the Program

"I am unable to connect to the Package Deployment tool. Can anyone help me with this issue?"
Sidhu's user avatar
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How to Display Users who Close a Task

I got a question on how to display the user who close a task in Dynamics CRM. I see there is no specific field for this and I'm wondering if I could just use the 'Modified By' field, after the task is ...
ichachan's user avatar
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CRM Dynamics and record access

In CRM Dynamics I have a business owner team called Team X, and the team contains 2 members: Member A Member B If I assign record to Team X then the record is visible to both user, this is correct. ...
tlas956's user avatar
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Dynamics CRM : Editing the opportunities created by other owners

I am trying to find a long-term solution to edit the opportunities created by other owner in the following scenarios. Our team consist of 4 members who creates the opportunities in CRM. If any one of ...
Ask's user avatar
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What permission enables the SharePoint-Document lookup control?

I have a table with a column that is a reference to the SharePoint-Document table in Dynamics 365 CRM. This field is placed on the model-driven app form. However, certain users have it locked (read-...
Alex's user avatar
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how to update Navigation entity with Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics

I am using Microsoft.PowerPlatform.Dataverse.Client.Dynamics package to update CRM entity. to update a normal field, entity.Attributes["ecg_proposal_url"] = sendURL ; await client....
Ofer Gal's user avatar
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OData PATCH request shouldn't fail when a referenced record is not found

I am quite new to OData services and am working on an integration between an ERP and CRM application. When using Postman, I run into the following problem... I have 2 data entities to sync: Contacts ...
Jesper Baardman's user avatar
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How to add/remove member to a team in CRM dynamics using HTTPClient in C#

I see the code to add member to team using the class AddMembersTeamRequest. But how to add member to a team HTTPClient in web API C#. I have tried using the uri /api/data/v9.2/teams('{teamid}')/...
Swetha V's user avatar
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Nuget not found exception for newly introduce package in CRM online plugin after deployment

I am trying to modify my plugin and adding new nuget references. It is build fine in my local but after deployment it is giving exception "File (Azure.Idenityy.dll) not found." How to ensure ...
srishti purohit's user avatar
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How to get attachment content of post and comment in dynamics 365 using crm sdk

activityfileattachment and fileattachment entities, do have attachment information associated with the post but i am not able to find it's filecontent although activityfileattachment does have ...
Akshar's user avatar
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problem with the payload when saving a record

when I try to add\change the value of a custom lookup and then save it, I get this error: Exception Message: Error identified in Payload provided by the user for Entity :'', For more information on ...
Programingnoobie's user avatar
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Incoming Emails are not getting loaded into CRM Queue in Server Side Synchronization

Recently We have switched from Email Router to Server Side Synchronization (CRM On-Premise). Switching was successful and mailbox also seems active and showing incoming and outgoing processing status ...
RAJESH HARNE's user avatar
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I want to create an Array with For loop to hide multiple fields in CRM MS

i want to use an array that contains all the fields and it will be hidden and use for loop to do it. Inside the CRM MS i don't know how. function hideShowPicklist(executionContext) { var ...
Abeer Abdualaziz's user avatar
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Retrieve the FormLevel Notification in Dynamics CRM

Is there any way of getting the Field Level Notification as we set the Notification in Dynamics CRM Client Scripting. Like formcontext.getControl("fieldname").getNotification . I could not ...
Suga's user avatar
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How to get input relative to Xrm.Page.getContext("*any name*") or getAttribute

I am using CRM Online and I want to get DOM element from XRM.Page object using JavaScript. So, how can I get access to input that is relative to control or attribute element got from Xrm.Page....
Дмитрий Cенько's user avatar
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How to display different subject rows in different Forms?

I have a subject tree as a case type on Case Entity I want to display different subject rows in different Forms. Like Form1 will display 'Client Services' and Form 2 will display say 'Credit' & '...
MVC_Nhibernate's user avatar
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Dynamics CRM + field type to store shareholders information

I have a requirement in which I am getting company's information from an external webapi and I need to store that data in CRM. Problem is the users want the shareholders information to be stored in ...
MVC_Nhibernate's user avatar
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Dynamics Crm Bulk Update records in a transaction

Requirement I have the requirement where I want to update few fields on account and create contact for it reading data from an API. The number of records to be updated is around 100,000 so I want to ...
MVC_Nhibernate's user avatar
-1 votes
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D365 Same Tracking Token was assigned to Email/Case in Customer Service

One customer had a problem where an incorrect email (from another customer) was assigned to a case. The incorrectly assigned email is a response to a case that was deleted. However, the current case ...
Stefan's user avatar
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parentFormContext attribute in Primary Control is supported?

There is one scenario in which the Entity data is shown in Subgrid which is inside the Quick View form. On click of Custom New button, there is a requirement to populate the Parent record in lookup of ...
Innocent's user avatar
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How to execute a long running task in Microsoft Dynamics CRM and overcome the 2 minutes limitation?

I created a plugin that runs on update when updating 3 fields, the plugin will run a fetchXML and get the records from another entity that has the first record Guid as a lookup then I will apply a ...
Q.Aimad's user avatar
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Azure Function with TDS(Tabular Data Stream) and MFA enabled Authentication

I have a C# console App which uses the below connection string and it works fine, when i run it it asks for the password and once authenticated it works perfectly and i can access dynamics crm online ...
Minks's user avatar
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CRM 365 - Managed solution import does not remove event handlers

A form in our UAT environment contains falsely 2 event handlers on a field. I have created a solution in DEV environment, in which I included the same form, which only has 1 event handler on the ...
Dalele's user avatar
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KingswaySoft: Premium Look up date retrieved throwing an error

I'm using the Premium Lookup to match some data. the query I'm using in the component is : <fetch mapping="logical" count="1" page="1"> <entity name="...
MChem's user avatar
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Plugin to trigger only once on create / update of multiple records in entity / table x

We have an entity which holds 3 types of Records A, B, C. Record type A is the parent of B (each A can be the parent to multiple B records) and further B is the parent of C (each B can be the parent ...
Raghu's user avatar
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Error while login Power Portal using Azure AD B2C

I am using Power Portal Azure AD B2C for login with external account. but after login I got this error message (I have disable custom error from power platform admin settings) My Azure B2C portal ...
Usman's user avatar
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How to Revoke Dynamics 365 Access token

I am using service to service authentication, I get the access token in my daemon service using OAuth 2.0 Client Credential flow using following end point and use it to access Dynamics 365 Web API's ...
user2724058's user avatar
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CRM SDK - update entity's primary image to another field

I am trying to update the existing entity's PrimaryImage attribute programmatically. I have been trying to access the entity's attributes but couldn't find any regarding PrimaryImage. Is it even ...
I Love Stackoverflow's user avatar
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CRM v2011 platform is not opening browsers other than IE

When we're trying to open CRM portal v2011 with chrome or edge but aren't seeing anything, we are seeing just an empty page. But we try to open with IE, portal is working, main page is opening. Also ...
caglarboran's user avatar
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Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords() does not work on button click in htmlweb resource

I have html webresource and js file that searches and shows record in popup. The following code works fine on page load but Xrm.WebApi.retrieveMultipleRecords() would not work on button click. Please ...
ali vandam's user avatar
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Dynamics 365 Duplicate Detection Plugin on Subgrid Record create

hope someone can help me I am been struggling with this for a few hours now. I am creating a Plugin to Create a custom entity record called Future Products(Entity B) on a Subgrid of an EntityA record(...
Papi's user avatar
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Application User access to SharePoint through D365

We use an application user ( to do CRUD operations for dynamics crm, everything works ...
Mihai P.'s user avatar
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Use PS to pull data from CRM Dynamics365

I've done a bit of research but am having trouble finding any definitive answer on the topic. So I'm here to see if anyone has any experience with getting data out of CRM using PowerShell. I am semi-...
Blink_'s user avatar
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Create custom fields for Invoice in Dynamics 365 Sales

Hello I'm new to Dynamics, and I'm interested if there is a way to add a custom fields inside Invoices entity. I have seen that there is a way to create a new entity inside Sales, but I need to еxpand ...
Simona B.'s user avatar
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Automatically assign records after 1 day in MS Dynamics CRM

I would like to implement a functionality in MS CRM- When a user changes a department, record owned by him should be automatically assigned to department owner after 1 day. How to achieve this ...
Ravi's user avatar
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Adding Multiple Linefeed in Confirm dialogue using Javascript?

We got an requirement in which we have to add two linefeed after paragraph to make the confirm box look user friendly. I was able to achieve single line feed on text in confirm dialogue. But when I am ...
Innocent's user avatar
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Importing Unmanaged Solution from Dev does not remove Field from Form added in QA

In all environments, there is a field MXM_RemoveMe we want gone from the Account "Information" Form (one of the Account's OOTB Managed Forms, but of course we've customized it on our own a ...
Don Cheadle's user avatar
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function getControl("Subgrid").addOnLoad execute twice when parent record is first created

Hello I made a function that detect if i added or deleted a new row in my subgrid and execute some coce according to that Normally it works fine in an existing parent record unless I create a new ...
omarbouattour's user avatar

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