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express-http-proxy resets connection when transfter-enconding header is set to chunked

I have a very basic usecase where I'm proxy requests to to using express-http-proxy module. Code is straightforward as shown in the documentation. var proxy = require('express-http-...
RKodakandla's user avatar
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express-http-proxy is not passing req.user in proxied service nodejs

In nodejs created a gateway that proxies the apis based on some conditions. The gateway also checks the headers in token and if validated then set the req.user Here is the proxy code proxy(host) { ...
Code Guru's user avatar
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nmap to scan a list of endpoints (ip:port)

Is there a way to scan a big list of specific endpoints (IP:port) in nmap without passing them individually? We have a list of IP:port that we want to run through the http-open-proxy script to verify ...
Sayantan Ghosh's user avatar
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express-http-proxy - handle form-data and body request nodejs

I have created a nodejs gateway server, in which based on url prefix, it proxy using express-http-proxy:1.5.1 to many other microservices like this this.router.all(Routes.ABC, httpProxy(baseUrl.XYZ, { ...
Code Guru's user avatar
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Parse request body and determine proxy target NodeJS http-proxy

Due to a use case, I am trying to first parse request body and then decide the proxy target. But whenever I am parsing req body, proxy does not work. it just becomes unresponsive. I tried bodyparser ...
Sam's user avatar
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How to proxy an iframe from an external domain using express-http-proxy

I am trying to display an iframe for an external website (e.g. in my React website and given that I cannot access or alter the contents of an iframe for external domains, I was reading ...
noblerare's user avatar
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Unit test express-http-proxy with Jest

I have a custom-proxy.ts module that exports a function like this: import proxy from 'express-http-proxy'; export const customProxy = proxy('a-url', { filter: 'POST', https: true } This is ...
q-q's user avatar
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How to log success and error message of express-http-proxy

i want to console log success and error response of this proxy request, however i'm not able to find any option to do that: app.get( "/api/:resource/:id", requestProxy({ cache: redis....
Rukmani Tripathi's user avatar
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Why does express-http-proxy seem to be ignoring the path?

I have the following... const coreUrl = "myip:3000" app.use('/login', proxy(coreUrl, options)); I would expect this to forward to myip:3000/login but it actually forwards to myip:3000 I ...
Jackie's user avatar
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