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replacing sails.js redis session store with cookies or localstorage

Our team is maintaining an app using Sails.js framework, this app serves as an admin panel for a larger app and as such does not see much traffic. To streamline it and minimize moving parts, we wanted ...
Alexander Tsepkov's user avatar
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req.sessionID always different except when called from localhost?

I got several question about sessions/connect/mongodb Basically I'm just trying to share sessions between 2 aps, A and B, both are node apps (one is using sails).Consider that app B is not mine and I'...
dkx22's user avatar
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Should I consolidate session management using Sails.js and Stormpath?

I'm investigating using Stormpath for our user Management. I currently have a Sails.js application which uses Node.js / Express.js. Currently, session management is handled by the default Sails.js ...
Shaheen Ghiassy's user avatar
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Difference B/W Session and Cookie in Sailjs

I've a large application working on and I am facing with hte problem of sessions a lot, it just unset or corrupt the session of my application sometime, all I got it undefined in my session. By the ...
Ahsan Hussain's user avatar
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Why does this flash policy module (express middleware) use _.clone() in Sails.js?

From a tutorial on Sails, this is a Sails policy - essentially Express middleware: module.exports = function(req, res, next) { res.locals.flash = {}; if (!req.session.flash) return next(); ...
dsp_099's user avatar
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SailsJs :: Keep sessions with mocha

I need to keep my sessions alive between to mocha requests. After login, I store in the user id in the express session object : req.session.user = ; On a browser, the session is kept ...
Aston's user avatar
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Sails.js single instance of an authenticated user

I would like to only allow one instance of a user logged in. If I log in on this computer, and then go to another computer to login, the previous session should be destroyed. How can I do that? How ...
No_name's user avatar
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Sails.js rolling sessions

A rolling session is a session that expires in a set amount of time should there be no user activity(excluding websockets live updating data). If the user visits another part of the site before expiry,...
No_name's user avatar
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Is it possible to access a session variable directly in a Model in SailsJS

I have a situation where I'd like to use Sails' create blueprint on a Model. However, I need to access a session variable on that create: URL: /api/myModel/create [post] Model: module.exports = ...
Jacob Bolton's user avatar
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2 answers

How to get access to req (request) property from service

It is simple to get access to session property from the action of controller. var SomeController = { someAction: function(req, res) { // no we have access to session object if (!req.session....
YarikKotsur's user avatar
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how it works sessions in passport-local and express

I'm trying to implement sessions in my sailsjs app. To make login I'm using passport and passport-local, by default passport manage session with serialize and deserialize but how it works, in the ...
RiccardoV's user avatar
2 votes
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Getting rid of session and socket pooling sailsjs

Hi I am current working on my rest api app using sails. I was reading the following article In point 2 ...
Muhammad Raihan Muhaimin's user avatar
8 votes
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Sails.js authorization for socket requests

I'm trying to build a chat application based on sails.js. The url for messages from a specific chat looks like this: /api/chat/:id/messages When I request this url with XHR, it provides a session ...
alevkon's user avatar
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