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3 answers

Convert Decision Table To Decision Tree

How to convert or visualize decision table to decision tree graph, is there an algorithm to solve it, or a software to visualize it? For example, I want to visualize my decision table below: https://...
Putra Ardiansyah's user avatar
-2 votes
1 answer

how to define defrule in CLIPS

(defrule amphibian "" (water-aniaml yes) (aquatic yes) (eats-instencts no) (not(guess ?)) => (assert (guess("guess not amphibian")))) (defrule skin-dddeceptionn "" (water-aniaml yes) (...
Nesreen's user avatar
3 votes
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How much data do I need for recommender system?

I have to develop a personality/job suitability online test for an HR department. Basically, users will answer questions, on a scale of 0-10 for example, and after say 50 questions, I want to ...
AwokeKnowing's user avatar
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opensource php expert system for mySQL [closed]

I am looking for a open-source expert system (hopefully php). I would like something analogous to a binary decision tree, or some kind of yes/no solution to solving problems Problem ---> Questions ---...
JakeSays's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

PHP function to increment variable by 1 each time

I have started writing a PHP script for a game about creatures, there are 4 yes/no questions and what I am trying to do is write a function that will display 2 buttons that say yes and no and give ...
Harry12345's user avatar
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Building an expert system/decision based in PHP

The problem I am trying to solve is I have 16 different animals and I need to write a PHP script that asks the user 4 yes/no questions and each question narrows down the available animals until ...
Harry12345's user avatar
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artificial intelligence and expert systems

I started building my expert system from generating decision tree like this: decision tree: I used PC-Shell to build expert system, main code ...
user1379570's user avatar
1 vote
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Building web-based expert systems?

A client has asked us to build a web-based tool to help new users entering into their domain. The system would ask users questions to help build a profile on them and their interests. The profile ...
jeighke's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Inference engines vs Decision trees [closed]

I am using an expert system with an inference engine (forward chaining) and I would like to explain why it is better than a decision tree using very simple concepts. (in one particular situation) I ...
Ricky Bobby's user avatar
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2 answers

Automated Legal Question and Answering System

I'm trying to implement a web application that will let users define rules and ask questions to see if statements are legal or illegal according to a set of rules. The domains I have in mind would be ...
Cerin's user avatar
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3 votes
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Drools: insertLogical and retract

This is a follow up on my previous question. I have a decision tree in the following form: and I want to transform it into rules in Drools Expert. The use of insertLogical has been proposed. Drools ...
John Manak's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Decision trees and rule engines (Drools)

In the application that I'm working on right now, I need to periodically check eligibility of tens of thousands of objects for some kind of a service. The decision diagram itself is in the following ...
John Manak's user avatar
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0 votes
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Building a decision tree system to help spec out a system

I'm looking into a way to build a system that will help our sales team spec a product. The ideal system would ask some base questions which is common amongst all products. Further questions would then ...
thiswayup's user avatar
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