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How to automate cli interactions with gh copilot using expect

I want to automatically press Enter (select generic shell command) Enter (Copy command to clipboard) Up (Move cursor to Exit) Enter (Exit gh cli) so I can Ctrl+V to paste the suggested terminal ...
Han Qi's user avatar
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3 answers

Expect module: end of string is correctly matched, but characters remain in 'after' part, causing next expect to continue prematurely [closed]

I am writing a Perl script with the Expect module, where sometimes expects continues too early, because it matches a prompt of a previous command's output. To illustrate the problem, I created a ...
Karl Hungus's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Automate debug java with rlwrap

I use rlwrap to debug a Java process rlwrap jdb -attach When the breakpoint stop: > stop in > set a = 0 > cont I do that few times, each time the ...
python3.789's user avatar
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expect: make two python scripts communicate

I want to have two scripts communicating by exchanging messages. I have to use pexpect because of other restrictions. I am trying to make a minimal working example before I build it out for my ...
Mikkel Rev's user avatar
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What is the "normal" way to implement include guards in TCL?

There are a variety of ways I could implement include guards in TCL, but this is probably the most robust way I've considered, without knowing any tricks or shortcuts: if { ! [info exists _THIS_FILE_] ...
Chris's user avatar
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How can I correct the encoding of the interactive output in my Expect/Tcl script?

I'm writing an expect script which processes input and output of Bash. Unfortunately, the output contains unwanted characters (\xc2 and \x0d). How can I avoid them with Expect/Tcl? $ expect -f <(...
sealor's user avatar
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Use Python interact with an interactive Bash session using the pty module

In (Debian) Linux I'd like to start an interactive Bash session and then pass it commands. With my attempt it seems Bash isn't behaving as it would in a real terminal and abruptly stops during ...
suuudooo's user avatar
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Expect: ssh + sudo - How to get the exit code of the command?

I need to ssh + sudo and came up with this solution to know if the executed command failed. But I did not manage to return the real retCode of the executed command, any idea ? # -----------------------...
LoB's user avatar
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How to get non-latin output from expect script

I'm trying to write a script to test telnet connection. I use CP866 encoding in qnx 6-like OS and need to have the whole cyrillic expect's output. My expect version is 5.33, tcl is 8.3.5 There is no ...
Shirley_'s user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Multithread an Expect script in bash

I have a bash script running on RH linux that takes in a list of devices, loops through the list and calls an Expect script to SSH to each device. #!/bin/bash while read device do /home/bin/get-...
Roger McCarrick's user avatar
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Expect script: "send" command loses first character?

I have a script which connects me to VPN using GlobalProtect: #!/usr/bin/expect -f spawn globalprotect connect -p expect "username:" send "JoeDoe\r" expect "...
Danijel's user avatar
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Tcl expect not cleaning up on exit, or messing up FIFOs?

TL;DR: expect appears to be messing up named pipes in some obscure way, or not cleaning up on exit. I'm trying to automate generation of ssh keys, without touching the disk with either the private key ...
EML's user avatar
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Using Expect to make SSH connection in first script, and send commands in another

I have an Expect script which when called successfully connects to a device by ssh. If I want I can even send a command right after connecting. However, my goal is to send mulitple commands from a ...
Bruceb85's user avatar
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Keep process invisible for user in linux dialog script

I got a project with a dialog script, where the TUI will run and the admin can handle passwords. My problem is that when admin presses changepass for example, i want it to run the command for changing ...
Axel's user avatar
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ansible expect module does not create the file with creates option

I have the below task - name: "PATCH| 1.5.2 | Ensure bootloader password is set" ansible.builtin.expect: command: grub2-setpassword responses: Enter password: "{{ ...
Senan T's user avatar
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Bash using Expect script gives error for ssh call

In a bash script I have an expect segment where it sends commands to a machine via ssh. I have the bash -c there as I need to set environment variables in this command. But I'm getting an error: extra ...
gunnersFc's user avatar
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I need a way to automate an existing script which contains DIALOG [closed]

I have an existing BASH script which needs user input. To automate other things, I already have a bash script that contains lots of other code. So the solution should be implementable in bash. I have ...
user27192874's user avatar
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How to manipulate with time at Expect/TCL scripts

I'm working on integration tests, now there is a need to introduce the ability to manage time. I want to use libfaketime, but something is going wrong. export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/...
Zjia9cuc9's user avatar
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set timeout -1 is endless and not executing in expect

I am writing an expect script that helps me run a program. When i set the timeout to 10 or 30, the program runs although since it's a big run installation, it doesn't get completed within 30 seconds. ...
Priyansh Mehta's user avatar
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Is it possible to preserve matched process output in expect interact?

Consider the following expect script: #!/usr/bin/expect spawn bash interact { -o hello_world { send "Goodbye" } } Under this script, any time the process sends hello_world, the ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Does Tcl or Expect have the ability to quote arguments in a way that is parsable by a shell?

Consider the following short Expect program: #!/usr/bin/expect puts $::argc puts $::argv If I invoke it as follows, it correctly identifies that there are four elements, but the natural tcl ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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Passing variable from shell script to another script using expect

I'm trying to write a script to be able to pass a variable using which extract a value from the database to pass another script which uses this value as part of the input for ...
Toonzen's user avatar
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running expect spawn in docker alpine - no such file or directory

I'm new to bash testing and wanted to create a docker image to test a cli. I discovered 'expect' and wanted to try it against this example bash script. Only problem is its failing to spawn a file. ...
Inspiraller's user avatar
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Unable to use pexpect.sendline for more than 8000 seconds

There is timeout keyword variable for sendline function in pexpect, I wanted to run my script to wait for response even for almost 2 days, for which I am trying to give timeout=43200 but my child ...
Sandeep kumpaty's user avatar
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Unable to get expect scripts to work in Rundeck

I have a fresh install of Rundeck on one of our management VMs. I used Rundeck at my previous employment so I have some history using the tool. Background: We have multiple GitHub repositories ...
Martin Machl's user avatar
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How to control echo of a spawned process in expect(1)?

How to properly set and get echo status of the terminal associated with a spawned process in expect(1)? stty -echo executed immediately prior to spawn does not seem to affect the spawned terminal. ...
pavel's user avatar
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I'm trying to use expect to login to a remote server automatically

#!/user/bin/expect -f spawn ssh [email protected] expect "Welcome to Interface Concept User SSH service [email protected]'s password:" send "myPassword\r" I expect eof. This is ...
David Palafox's user avatar
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Writing an expect script to execute commands on remote server that Linux itself might not be familiar with such as 'configure terminal'

So far I have spawned a bash script in my expect script that logins to the remote server automatically, which works. Now within my expect script I am trying to run commands such as 'configure terminal'...
David Palafox's user avatar
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sh spawn expect - handling multiple lines in expect command

I am encrypting source files using PGP encryption. After importing the key, every time I run the script it is expecting a confirmation. But in Production I am planning to use spawn and expect commands,...
Giri Sreerangam's user avatar
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use expect command to configure zyxel accesspoint

I can configure my Accesspoint via console and now I want to do this bulk via expect command. It does not work and i suspcect that the problem is that expect does not like : in variables. This is my ...
vtmb's user avatar
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Expect script fails when outputting command as getting stuck on "--MORE--"

I have a simple expect script running on Ubuntu which I want to automate via cron. The script works fine if I manually run it with my terminal window full screen however if it is smaller than that of ...
user2604974's user avatar
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Expect script frozen when appending output to nohup.out

This is the first time I have done an expect script. In principle it is a simple script #!/usr/bin/expect set timeout 200 spawn XXX/bin/PROGRAM expect "Choose an option ..." send "1\...
Brorx's user avatar
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How to read all the arguments into a single variable in expect script, like $@ in a shell script?

I want to read multiple arguments which contain double-quotes into a single variable in an expect script. Through the set command I assign a single argument, but something like $@ we use in a shell ...
user1645254's user avatar
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read variable inside text file used as list in TCL

I've this part of TCL/expect code: commands.txt sample content: configure terminal interface Vlan10 ip address set commands "commands.txt" # set f [open ...
Andrea's user avatar
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Control-M scp issue with file path name containing spaces

The following is my shell script to transfer TWO files using scp protocol. The second scp statement shows the source file directory containing spaces (see line 10 where I added a backslash in Badge\ ...
punsoca's user avatar
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Expect: Any way to match a specific rule only once?

I am working on an expect program to ssh into a server and run a few commands. I have a rule which goes -re ".*└─.*" { send "echo Done backing up!\n" send "...
PugzAreCute's user avatar
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How can I compress repetitive expect matches with a loop?

Suppose I have an array of patterns: set pat(0) "foo" set pat(1) "bar" ... set loc(foo) "123" set loc(bar) "456" ... expect { -re "it's a $pat(0) in ...
Chris's user avatar
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Rsync within expect script: error "No such file or directory"

I want to execute rsync to update several directories on another machine, without typing the password for each one of them. I decided to try the expect extension by following some simple StackOverflow ...
tkow's user avatar
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python playwright expect pytest class

How to check expectation if a class contains a word and want to check if a tenant has that word in the class example of a class: "x-grid-row x-grid-data-row x-grid-row-selected x-grid-row-focused&...
Piotr Sawicki's user avatar
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How can I pass commands to SSH when using expect while it doesn't support using double quotes?

I'm automating my login process to my servers using an inline bash script, I'm using expect to automate this, but upon logging into server I also want to print a message, I didn't had any luck with ...
Ilgar's user avatar
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Wildcard(*) SFTP in an expect script?

Here's my code: #!/usr/local/bin/expect -f set timeout 800 spawn sftp $env(SSH_USER)@$env(SSH_HOST) port(22) ...
rmorrow's user avatar
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Expect script to iterate through list of files, fetch file and perform local file manipulation

I have been struggling with this problem now for a few days. The task would be to connect to an sftp server, iterate through a list of files to 1. Fetch the file from sftp 2. Perform some file ...
TimoT's user avatar
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Can two subprocesses both send messages to stdout inside a Tcl/Expect script?

I have written an Expect script which spawns one subprocess (certbot), parses the output, then executes a second subprocess (a Python script) using data extracted from the first, and finally sends a ...
soapergem's user avatar
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Expect script <<sudo - instructions >> doesn't work

I need to set by Expect a date (ex. 02/28/2024) on a Blade server (here below showed as litp-admin@ipaddress_2) In pratice something as here below ssh - t root@ip_address1 ssh litp-admin@...
user23424886's user avatar
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Expect script: How to interrupt (ctrl+c) running script after defined time

I am very new to expect, so I apologize if I don't already know some basic stuff. I want to run a script (a demo) for 10 seconds and then I need it to be interrupted by Ctrl+C. I cannot let it sleep ...
Alexandra Krnáčová's user avatar
-3 votes
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Expect script: How to set return value of a command to a variable and exit from script if the return value is not 0?

I am running a command in expect script and I want to exit the expect script if command return value is not 0. I set the variable ret to "$?" like this, which is not working: send "./$...
Alexandra Krnáčová's user avatar
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Is it possible to force `expect` to `puts` a string of nulls without a newline?

Consider the following script, which I'll call PrintNull.tcl. puts -nonewline "\0\0\0\0" If I run this script with tclsh, it outputs the four null characters as expected: tclsh PrintNull....
merlin2011's user avatar
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Playright loop while condition is met in addition to that keep clicking on refresh button every 10 seconds until locator found

I am waiting for a text within a locator that only displays itself after a few minutes but the page won't reload on its own to show it - we have a standard refresh button that needs to be clicked ...
David Pongo's user avatar
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What is the difference between referencing a HEREDOC and a File when using expect

I have a script that connects to servers via ssh using expect and issues some commands. When I run the expect script as HEREDOC it quits with an eof by the spawned shell after entering the Password, ...
45306's user avatar
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Is it possible to detach a tmux session by sending control sequences using expect?

Consider the following expect script: spawn bash expect " \$" send "tmux\r" expect " \$" send "echo hello\r" send "\x02" send "d" interact ...
merlin2011's user avatar
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