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Excel embedding through OneDrive: preview is correct, while the end result is not

I have embedded an Excel file (<2Mb) to my website using the following code generated using OneDrive. <iframe width="1150" height="1300" frameborder="0" scrolling=&...
SmartDataProducts's user avatar
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Tons of errors when embedding webpages in HTML

I can't seem to embed anything on my website. At first I thought it was just the YouTube embed but then I tested another webpage and it didn't work either. The errors I get seem to change at random. ...
BlenderTimer's user avatar
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Is there a way to embed a flipbook into a website using an iframe to display on desktop at one size and a different size on mobile?

I am adding a flipbook that I created on fliphtml5 to a website using an iframe. The flipbook looks great on a desktop but does not display correctly on mobile. On a mobile device, it only displays a ...
Dawn's user avatar
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Embedding PDF with fullscreen option

Is there any way to add the fullscreen option to the PDF that is embedded using iframe ? <iframe src=""></iframe>
Kitiara's user avatar
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4 votes
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Embed non-square Youtube video as square

I want to embed a non-square Youtube video as a square in my website. Setting width="" and height="" on the iframe works to make the player square. However, the video inside the is not square: there ...
Tonald Drump's user avatar
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Iframe format for embedding

I'm trying to embed a 360 panorama tour into Adobe portfolio I brought this from visor but adobe portfolio just supports Iframe format : <script src="" data-vizorurl="https://...
Mahmoud Youssef's user avatar
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Is there any prerequisite for a web page to be integrated into an iFrame?

I am currently working on a user interface that can integrate other pages in the form of <iframe>s into the canvas of the page or in a new window, using JavaScript to control that <iframe>....
Tony Martin's user avatar
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Allow portions of a website to be embedded into other websites and different domains

I've a website with some graphs and I'd like that some of them could be embedded into other web-sites, that can be in different domains. basically the graphs are unique and have an id, example: ... &...
Alg_D's user avatar
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How can I trigger clearing of cache of the parent page of an iframe?

I have already browsed through various questions on SO on iframe caching but haven't got the answer I am looking for. We allow embedding of content uploaded on our web app using iframe embed code ...
Mandar's user avatar
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Inserting .txt file as html

Is there a way to insert a .txt file into a webpage and have the server/browser interpret it as html instead of just displaying the code? I've tried using iframe as below, but that just displays the ...
user2856593's user avatar
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can anybody help me create an embed code for my users? [duplicate]

Hello can anyone help me with an embed question? I need to know what code I use to allow users to use on thier own websites, kinda like disqus and other websites were there is an embed code and it ...
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How do I get a embedded <object> code working?

I want to embed a video on my page, and this comes in a code, but when just simply paste this on my page, it won't work. I've done this before with iframes, and this works instantly. How do I get ...
M''''s user avatar
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hidden iframe video moves around in Safari

I have a slider with some images. When one image is clicked, the picture is removed and an iframe with an embedded vimeo video is added in it's place. This works great everywhere except Safari. When ...
patricko's user avatar
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Scrolling effect on Android after embedding youtube videos with Iframe

I am making a slider with three different videos. I have some problems regarding the youtube videos embedding as if i embed the videos using object parameter, it works fine on each and every device ...
Hiten S's user avatar
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