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How to recovering sharp edges on a triangular mesh

I need some suggestions to be able to recover or recreate the edges in my mesh. The mesh comes from a 3D scanner and the edges are therefore not well defined. I implemented an edge detection algorithm ...
The Overrider's user avatar
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what are the common used fast Edge Detection Algorithm using GPU shader(glsl, hlsl, not CUDA)?

what's the fastest Edge Detection Algorithm using GPU shader(glsl, hlsl, not CUDA)? just fragment-shader, just image-processing, no matter the image is colorful or gray color buffer with normal ...
gpu's user avatar
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Is there any differentiable computation that maps the edge map into 2d coordinates of edge points and use it as a part of deep learning model?

I am doing a task where I use the Canny edge detector to compute an edge image which has white pixels representing the edge, and then I will need the coordinates of the these edge pixels in the image ...
AllyCasa's user avatar
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Refine an algorithm to locate the extrema of an object represented by a 2-d matrix of zeros and ones

Note: Not looking for code here, just an algorithm as I am stumped not on implementing a solution to this problem but on finding out what the solution is. I have a large 2-d array that I created from ...
Owen Burns's user avatar
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how to detect the rising edge of the signal (the rising edge consists of several points)?

I have a signal in and I want to detect the rising edge of the signal and obtain a curve which has the peak point in the position of (x=147), I have tried to make difference of the signal, but the ...
Zhizhuo Jiang's user avatar
3 votes
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Finder pattern for detecting image alignment markers

I am looking for an algorithm that can detect image alignment markers similar to the way QR codes use square markers on 3 corners to align and orient. I intend to use this solution to perform image ...
Bandwagoner's user avatar
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Remove outer hull of 2D scatterpoints in Python

For my project i use 2D images from a telescope. The outer border of each image is known to be oversatured with points due to telescope malfunction. Therefor i want to extract the points that make up ...
Smurf9852's user avatar
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Find thick and odd shapes on an image

I am coding a specific edge detection algorithm. The image is black and red as given below. I am trying to extract red points that make a horizontal or vertical line and trying to get rid of anything ...
A Doe's user avatar
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3 answers

Looking for edges, algorithms optimization

I have straight-forward functions for identifying edges in THREE.Geometry(). var edges = []; for(var i = 0, l = geometry.faces.length; i < l; i++) { findAdjacentFaces(i, edges, geometry); } ...
VVK's user avatar
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Is there a way to determine the length of edges in images under edge detection algorithms using OpenCV?

I am relatively new to OpenCV, but I have a question. I am interested in trying to figure out a way to take my image that have already been implemented by a color quantization algorithm and determine ...
Wilson's user avatar
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Need a geometric edge/crease detection method

I am experimenting with a primitive rendering style (solid colors with highlighted edges/creases) for an open-source game I contribute to. The world geometry is fairly simplistic, and is mostly ...
Josh's user avatar
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Edge Detection Algorithm with Processing (Java)

i want to code an algorithm, that can do an edge detection for an image. I already have a part of the code, which detects all edges in horizontal way. Example picture: But i need an edge detection in ...
Sascha's user avatar
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Detect quadrilateral from grayscale image

I'm looking for a method to detect quadrilateral based on grayscale images like this. The actual solution I've made is based on HoughLines and has two problems: As it is a parametric method, small ...
Ghilas BELHADJ's user avatar
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MATLAB, algorithm for free surface detection in bubbly flow

I am trying to figure out an algorithm for detecting the free surface from a PIV image (see attached). The major problem is that in the flow under consideration gas bubbles are injected into the fluid,...
Fryderyk's user avatar
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Similar (not duplicate) image detection

I've been working on how to sort images by how similar they are (not looking for duplicates), I've tried pHash and other hash algorithms, but I feel like what I need is a way to detect similar edges (...
CoolGuyBananarama's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Binary Image "Lines-of-Sight" Edge Detection

Consider this binary image: A normal edge detection algorithm (Like Canny) takes the binary image as input and results into the contour shown in red. I need another algorithm that takes a point "P" ...
Hesham Eraqi's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Edge detection for image stored in matrix

I represent images in the form of 2-D arrays. I have this picture: How can I get the pixels that are directly on the boundaries of the gray region and colorize them? I want to get the coordinates ...
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-2 votes
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need algorithm to find edge and boundary of matrix members

I have a 16X16 matrix , which contain members from 0,1,2,3, i want to know which algorithm should i use to find the boundary's between members to show the grouping, in the other word, with which ...
user3263996's user avatar
-1 votes
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Find vertex from a object by using vertex detection

I would like to find all vertex (e.g. return x, y positions) for the black object. I will use Java and JavaCV to implements. Is there any API or algorithm can help? Sorry for not enough reputation ...
user3526130's user avatar
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Graph search algorithm without starting point

I have an edge map of a scene and would like to extract the edge which best separates the sky and terrain. This seems to be well framed as a graph traversal problem. However, popular search algorithms ...
eagle34's user avatar
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Matching photographed image with screenshot (or generated image based on data model)

first of all, I have to say I'm new to the field of computervision and I'm currently facing a problem, I tried to solve with opencv (Java Wrapper) without success. Basicly I have a picture of a part ...
gemorra's user avatar
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MATLAB - Find local maximum and minimum of an edge map (row-wise)

I'll start off by saying I'm new to MATLAB, and this is the first time I'm trying an application related to image processing. I'm building a MATLAB library (which is to be used in a Windows Phone ...
LahiruAgAr's user avatar
2 votes
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Supposed easy edge detection in MATLAB

I have the following image: and I'd like to detect a contour of the note which is intuitionally seen easy, but when I try to do it, it actually isn't that easy. For quick prototyping I started using ...
tim's user avatar
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Image comparison of HD and SD images using Java

I have a database containing both the SD and HD version of same set of images. Problem is that their names are different from each other. For example an image of a flower in SD has a name greatflower....
Taha's user avatar
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What is the purpose of the hypotenuse in the sobel edge detection algorithm?

I understand that you filter each pixel by a horizontal and vertical matrix that gives a horizontal and vertical gradient. The gradients represent the difference in color along their respective axis. ...
user1873073's user avatar
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Canny edge detection algorithm - implementation problems

I am trying to implement Canny Edge detection algorithm and I've encountered some problems along the way. I think I understand every step of Canny edge detection, but when compared to results given by ...
bartl's user avatar
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Practical way of setting Canny edge detection algorithm parameters automatically

Canny edge detector is often used in many image processing tasks. However, in order to obtain a descent edge detection map carefully setting its parameters is very important. Based on my experience ...
feelfree's user avatar
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simple straight lines detection algorithm

I'm looking for a simple algorithm for finding straight lines on the image. Not necessarily fast, just a working concept. I've done my homework and already found several approaches to the problem (e.g....
mariusz's user avatar
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Time complexity of Canny edge detector

I am currently writing a research paper about a new steganography algorithm. I have used canny edge detector at some point in my algorithm. In the paper I need to write the time complexity of the ...
Mangat Rai Modi's user avatar
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Scaling Laplacian of Gaussian Edge Detection

I am using Laplacian of Gaussian for edge detection using a combination of what is described in and ...
metsburg's user avatar
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Can't get clean output in my MATLAB implementation of Canny-Deriche

My code so far is: function imgg = derichefilter1(x, k, a, b, c) osize = size(x); x = double(x); a = double(a); b = double(b); c = double(c); k = double(k); y1 = zeros(osize(1),osize(2)); y2 = zeros(...
Hameer Abbasi's user avatar
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Scanline Algorithm

I am stuck in the midway(or at the start you can say) while implementing scanline algo. I follow parity test i.e., for each scanline edgeCnt = 0; for each pixel on scanline (l to r) if (oldpixel-...
user1744119's user avatar
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Find inner geometry from edges

First I am not sure which keywords to use for this and I think I am probably using the wrong ones to google about it, so if someone could give me any hint it would be much appreciated. My problem is ...
Mac's user avatar
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detect edge with certain curvature

I am trying to find edges in an image that have a certain curvature: the lighter side of the edge should be the convex side. The edges itself are no problem with sobel or canny, but I do not know how ...
HugoRune's user avatar
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Adjusting the threshold in Canny edge algorithm

I wanted to try my hand at text recognition, so i've used opencv to trace out the edges and c++ to find slopes, curves etc, the edge algorithm works well on big and uncluttered sets of characters but ...
Gambit King's user avatar
8 votes
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Find the maximum number of edges in the graph

There are 'n' vertices and 0 edges of an undirected graph. What can be the maximum number of edges that we can draw such that the graph remains disconnected. I have made the solution that we can ...
Luv's user avatar
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Region Sets From Boundaries

I have an elevation map represented by a 2D array of floats. There are regions of this map whose edges I have contained in a single vector which contains a list of the edge cells (identified by their ...
Richard's user avatar
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Where to find materials about edge detection and which is good for virtual wardrobe application?

I am trying to build an application called virtual wardrobe where I am planning to capture the image of a human and then allow him to select different clothing and instantly see his virtual image ...
Anil Tulsi's user avatar
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Algorithm for finding the edges of an unknown # of shapes

I'm looking for an efficient algorithm that can give me all the edges of a random shape. I can write one, but if anyone knows of an existing solution that may be optimized, it would be appreciated as ...
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Find all non-overlapping polygons in a list of edges/vertices

I have a list of edges and a list of vertices. Each edge references two vertices, each vertex maintains a list of edges. I want to find all non-overlapping polygons produced from this graph. An ...
Josh C.'s user avatar
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Algorithm for labeling edges of a triangular mesh

Introduction As part of a larger program (related to rendering of volumetric graphics), I have a small but tricky subproblem where an arbitrary (but finite) triangular 2D mesh needs to be labeled in a ...
Reunanen's user avatar
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What is the fastest way of edge detection?

I am thinking of implement a image processing based solution for industrial problem. The image is consists of a Red rectangle. Inside that I will see a matrix of circles. The requirement is to count ...
Chathuranga Chandrasekara's user avatar
16 votes
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How to use Chamfer Matching algorithm for finding 'Similar Images'

I would like to ask for more information on how Chamfer Matching algorithm (an edge matching algorithm) can be used to find 'similar' images. I would like to know if it is possible to place a 'score' ...
bloodfire1004's user avatar
1 vote
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Managed code (C#) vs Matlabs and C++ for speed

I am about to start developing an edge detection system (once I've read through a couple of books, which I'm doing so at good speed), but one thing I am wondering is the speed of an app like Matlabs (...
GurdeepS's user avatar
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8 votes
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Algorithm to implement a lasso selection tool?

I am developing a Mac OS X application which, as part of it's UI, will display many visual elements in it's main view which can be selected. These elements can be positioned really anywhere within the ...
CJ.'s user avatar
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Resources about Shen Castan algorithm

I have started some simple project about Text Detection in images. And one of steps in solving this problem is implementation of Edge detector. I wanted to implement Shen Castan, because it gives ...
svlada's user avatar
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Canny Edge Detector in C

I am looking for a bit of clarification on how the algorithms implemented in Canny edge detection - Wikipedia entry - work. It seems pretty straightforward to perform noise reduction using a 2D ...
user21293's user avatar
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Best articles to start learning about edge detection/image recognition

I am involved in a personal project which will require pretty extensive knowledge of edge detection and image segmentation/object recognition. I know the importance of planning/understanding before ...
GurdeepS's user avatar
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