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2 answers

drizzle-kit not using .env.test or .env.development in bun.js

I'm working with bun.js and I'm trying to do bun run drizzle-kit push, bun run drizzle-kit generate, bun run drizzle-kit migrate but no any of these commands works, the drizzle cannot get my ...
Anas's user avatar
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drizzle orm useLiveQuery doesn't detect parameters change

I am using drizzle orm for sqlite with useLiveQuery. Habits are returned and then based on habits ids I want to fetch tasks. But I always get 0 results. If I pass directly [1,2] I get result. It looks ...
1110's user avatar
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Mapping Query Builder Results to Nested Objects in Drizzle

I'm transitioning to Drizzle ORM from a NestJS-TypeORM background : TypeORM: Both the repository and query builder return similar structured results, making it easy to work with joined data. Drizzle: ...
BereketeAb B. Kebebew's user avatar
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How to make a custom constraint name in drizzle orm? [closed]

How to make a custom fk pk constraint name in drizzle orm? I always face this problem : sqlState: '42000', sqlMessage: "Identifier name '...' is too long" I have tried changing the ...
Galaxy's user avatar
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How to get a row from a table as well as the one to many relations from another seperate table using Drizzle ORM?

I have this Drizzle ORM schema for one of my Cybersecurity projects: export const ips = createTable("ips", { id: uuid("id") .primaryKey() .default(sql`gen_random_uuid()`),...
TheLawlessDev's user avatar
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pgTable from drizzle relations many to many is deprecated

Following the docs to create a many to many relation it suggests to create a junction or join table. The ts deprecation error is below. @deprecated — This overload is deprecated. Use the other method ...
frost2709's user avatar
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How can I avoid N+1 query issues when checking friend statuses in a list with Drizzle ORM?

Im using Drizzle ORM I have this code in business layer to get list of users and represent them as Friend List export const getFriendList = async (sessionUserId: number, userId: number) => { ...
Cazcade's user avatar
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how to define a created_at read-only columns that is automatically filled with the creation date of the record

I want to define a created_at date column in drizzle The column is ready only, so the type inferred should for this field as optional (Date | undefined) for creation. I tried with this: export const ...
opensas's user avatar
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automatically running drizzle migrations in sveltekit on every deploy

I'm planning to use drizzle for handling persistence I'd like to run pnpm db:migrate when the sveletkit server starts if the migrations fail, server should not start (otherwise the app would be ...
opensas's user avatar
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Trouble setting up turso database with drizzle ORM

So I have a Create React App (deprecated I know) and a Turso database that I am trying to connect to. My app needs to be able to read and write and I have a function to write that looks like this: &...
Ethan Deardorff's user avatar
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NextJS Drizzle-Kit cannot use CLI

I am using the drizzle auth template and trying to modify it to add Role Based Authentication. So I made some changes to the db.ts to add in the roles import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/postgres-js';...
Jack Duffy's user avatar
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How to replicate a LEFT JOIN LATERAL query in Drizzle ORM

I'm trying to translate the following SQL query into Drizzle ORM in TypeScript: await this.drizzleDB.execute( sql` SELECT, i.title, iu.description, iu.last_updated_timestamp ...
Timur's user avatar
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Drizzle ORM and Postgres: invalid byte sequence for encoding »UTF8« when using mutated vowels

I forked this Next.JS-Boilerplate repository which uses drizzle-orm with node-postgres. I created a database scheme export const myTableSchema = pgTable('myTable', { id: serial('id').primaryKey(), ...
Kruspe's user avatar
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drizzle ORM select data from table in order of newest data

I am using drizzle ORM with my Next.js & PostgreSQL I want to get the data from the newest data to the first one (oldest) I know orderBy() could help me ! for id of my post Iam using uuid not ...
AmirHossein_Khakshouri's user avatar
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NeonDB Fetch Error with drizzleORM: Cannot connect to neon database from Next js 14 app to fetch data but connects for mutations

I'm trying to fetch data from my db in a server component but I keep getting this connection error ⨯ NeonDbError: Error connecting to database: fetch failed at async page (./src/app/tailor-cv/job/[id]/...
Ebuka's user avatar
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Cleanup PostgreSQL connections after `drizzle-kit push` with postgres.js client

I'm using the postgres.js (3.4.4) client with drizzle-kit (0.24.1) to run drizzle-kit push, but then I notice it wastefully leaves behind persistent connections. I know I could run a cron job to ...
Meow's user avatar
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unique constraint with deleted_at IS NULL condition

How do I create a table with a WHEN SQL tag? I want a table like this "members_table", { id: serial("id").primaryKey(), email: text("email").notNull(), ...
Oscar Alsos's user avatar
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"Drizzle Kit Migration: PostgresError 'password authentication failed for user' during database migration"

after connecting all setup with supabase as shown in this youtube chanel text timing 1:30:30 database setup its throwing error :- > [email protected] db:migrate drizzle-kit migrate No config path ...
John's user avatar
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Getting error: "could not determine data type of parameter $1' when using Drizzle sql operator with template literals

I have a simple table: CREATE TABLE items ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR (50) UNIQUE NOT NULL, price decimal NOT NULL ); INSERT INTO items (name, price) VALUES ('sprocket1-2a', 50.0)...
tehawtness's user avatar
5 votes
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Does drizzle ORM auto rollbacks when there is an exception or do I need to call tx.rollback?

I'm building an API with nestjs and drizzle. When there is an error and I need to early return and respond the Request with an HTTP error, I do: throw new HttpException('message', code); and nest ...
PortalGamesMais's user avatar
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Foreign key reference in drizzle causes type error

In my drizzle schema, I have two tables, users and payment_history, when I try to reference the id of payment_history, it throws a type error Function implicitly has return type 'any' because it does ...
Crade47's user avatar
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Drizzle: there is no unique or exclusion constraint matching the ON CONFLICT specification

import { sql, type SQL } from "drizzle-orm"; import type { AnyPgColumn } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core"; export function lower(col: AnyPgColumn): SQL { return sql`lower(${col})`; } ...
Ghyath Darwish's user avatar
7 votes
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Anyway to migrate down in Drizzle

After generate and pushing migrations I see we have the option to drop migrations in the documentation. However this does nothing to the underlying db state. Running drizzle generate again also does ...
nightwolf555's user avatar
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Why does my code return the old value after I update the record?

I update a record in the database using Drizzle ORM but the database returns the old value: export async function updateDailyWord(data: number) { const date = new Date(; console.log(...
nosebleeded's user avatar
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Should I use Query or Select with Drizzle ORM?

I'm using Drizzle ORM with a Postgres database. It's not obvious to me when to use Select vs. Query to access data. For example:; // OR db.query.users.findMany() The ...
David Beaudway's user avatar
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Drizzle-ORM findmany return null from a non empty column

The same query as for the other table but seems not to work. Table with the function and a trigger to populate k_value column SQL query returns correct data: Column "k_value" is populated ...
Traconis's user avatar
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How to find a module in deno?

I'm trying to follow the documentation on the page: In the documentation it has this code snippet: import { drizzle } from 'drizzle-orm/libsql'; ...
sander's user avatar
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Having issues with drizzle-kit and postgress push command

I'm using drizzle ORM and supabase to manage database but I am facing some issues when running yarn push here is the error code `Pulling schema from database... PostgresError: Tenant or user not found ...
João Victor's user avatar
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Drizzle relational queries - get the total rows count before applying LIMIT and OFFSET

using drizzle relational queries is it possible to know the total rows count before applying LIMIT and OFFSET? if yes, how? //this is full query sample without geting the totalCount async many(...
user2170991's user avatar
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Drizzle-ORM creating hash index on table

I want to create an index on a table in my Drizzle schema with one caveat, I want the index to be using the HASH index type. In the bottom you will find my current attempt. However, when I am looking ...
Max Xie's user avatar
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Drizzle orm self referening table and relation names

I have a categories model that can have many subcategories that self-reference the categories model. export const categories = pgTable("categories", { id: text("id").primaryKey(),...
Phaedrus's user avatar
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Drizzle postgres migration gives lots of type errors

I wanted to use drizzle for my project. But it seems I can't migrate as it is producing lots of type errors. My package.json is very simple "devDependencies": { "@types/node&...
Sumiya Sayeed's user avatar
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Drizzle - Convert pg SelectedFields to plain type

I'm currently using Drizzle in a project and have implemented a repository pattern for the connection with Drizzle. The issue is that within the base class of the repositories, I have this method ...
CodeRevenge's user avatar
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How to get the model type in Drizzle ORM?

Suppose I query the database like this: const post = await db.query.posts.findFirst({ where: ...}); What is the type of post? Context: I want to create a component that accepts a post like this: type ...
Page not found's user avatar
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'npx drizzle-kit generate' command not updateing schema for SQLite

Need some help with drizzle orm. I'm using sqlite with drizzle orm, in the schema i have one table. i generated migration files from it. But when i added a new column in the existing table and tried ...
Ashiqul Islam Ayon's user avatar
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Debugging Drizzle SQL query with undefined (reading 'referencedTable')

I'm have created a query with drizzle-orm and having an issue to debug it const results = db.query.contract_opgc.findMany({ columns: { contract_id: true, .... }, extras: { totalCount: sql<...
MarJano's user avatar
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Drizzle join results are scrambled

When I execute the following query, results come out scrambled: const results = await`${tweets.response} is null`) .innerJoin(users, eq(users....
enzo's user avatar
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Derived or Computed Column from JSON with Drizzle

I'm using a frontend library to do the heavy lifting on the UI for me. Its data is stored in an object, which I'm storing in my DB as JSON. However, one valuable piece of information is nested inside ...
psygo's user avatar
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How to Delete and Truncate Everything on Drizzle (PostgreSQL)

I'm a bit surprised this isn't present in the Drizzle docs or, better yet, isn't a function out of the box with it, but how exactly do you delete and truncate everything? I've tried many variations of ...
psygo's user avatar
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drizzle-kit push:pg "serial" is not recognized

I have a backend project saved in a repo that uses Drizzle ORM, cloned on 2 PCs (Win and MacOS) that have the latest image of Posgtres. Pushing schema works only on MacOS, giving error on Win > ...
Lunikkun's user avatar
3 votes
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How to use drizzle inferSelect or inferInsert

So I'm new to drizzle, big fan of typeorm here and I know how questionable is that but anyway. I created my schema and my very first query, read something about inferSelect types and typeof to safely ...
juli1234's user avatar
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`drizzle-kit studio` is giving `error: password authentication failed for user "postgres"`

I've reproduced the issue in a blank project from scratch. Here is a conclusion of the issue I'm encountering: docker-compose.yml version: '3' services: db: image: postgres restart: always ...
Ahmed Abdelbaset's user avatar
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How to use findMany in Drizzle ORM?

I'm using Supabase too. I'm getting this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'findMany') at Module.getAllRestaurantsByVendor (projectfolder/src/modules/restaurant/db.ts:...
Chi Hao's user avatar
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Drizzle ORM + Vite-react - Postgres.js TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Socket')

I'm using Drizzle ORM on my vite-react web app and running into a TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'Socket') error. I'm spinning up postgres from docker and can confirm the db ...
alex's user avatar
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drizzle: db.query throwing undefined is not an object (evaluating 'relation.referencedTable')

so i have these schema called products.ts and category.ts, the relationship between those files is one-to-many. product.ts import { pgTable, timestamp, uuid, varchar } from "drizzle-orm/pg-core&...
Sahrul Ramdan's user avatar
-2 votes
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error: password authentication failed for user "postgres" drizzle migration

I'm using drizzle for a my ORM and I'm able to generate migrations successfully how ever when I try to push the migrations this is the error I get: error: password authentication failed for user &...
Jacob Mutale's user avatar
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drizzle-orm: what type should I set when passing query builder as param to another function

I'm creating a generic function to generate paginated results for different entities. In order to do that, I'm using part of my query builder as a subquery to fetch the number of the records and set ...
Cleber Gasparoto's user avatar