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OpenCV.jar library not recognized when importing from it [Java]

I am using Netbeans and I have a .jar file created by me with CMake than I am now trying to use in my code. I imported the library in my project, put the dll in the same folder, gave the path to the ...
CristianBastan's user avatar
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How to deploy product to cloud which has dependency on a DLL file?

I have a java program which uses opencv library. The opencv library has dependency on a dll file. If I have to have this project on cloud, how to resolve this dependency?
Vinay Prabhu's user avatar
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Identifying missing DLLs for OpenCV using Java Bindings

I'm using opencv_java400-x64.dll provided by the OpenCV release. It works well on my system (Windows 10 Pro). On other user's system's (usually Windows 7) some of them cannot load the DLL and receive ...
BullyWiiPlaza's user avatar
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System.loadLibrary() error -- unable to specify a relative or absolute path

I have an issue with specifying the path to the x64 OpenCV DLL. I was using static{ System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); } to load the OpenCV x64 DLL and it worked fine in NetBeans (...
user2426320's user avatar
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The java system library do not load opencv library

I'm using the opencv library in a java project. I have a simple java project that compiles as a 'jar', and manually adding the opencv library, then, I know that I have to put this code after nothing: ...
Tupac's user avatar
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Java Not Loading .dll File From Classpath

I have a project, let's call it Project A, that I am doing some computer vision things with. It is using the opencv-248.jar and the opencv_java248.dll. It is currently running on windows. When I run ...
j will's user avatar
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Compile to 64-bit target in Netbeans

I've made a 64-bit application (meaning it uses 64-bit DLLs (OpenCV for Java to be exact)) in Netbeans and using the inherit Run function works fine but if I try to build it and run the jar, it gives ...
Arhowk's user avatar
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OpenCV in Java, why can't I use Mat.CvType.CV_8UC1?

If I try to write that code Mat.CvType.CV_8UC1 I get the error CvType cannot be resolved or is not a field. What am I missing? I think I've added the correct library and DLL in the project ...
Bogdan Tomi's user avatar
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Runnable JavaCV Project

I'm developing a short application using the OpenCV wrapper, JavaCV. I tried to run a basic example and it worked on my computer without any problems. Now I run into Problems, when I try to execute ...
Phidelux's user avatar
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OpenCV.dll and java.library.path

Required library not found: C:\Users\ath\Desktop\KA\AuIer\AI\OpenCV.dll: Can't find dependent libraries Verify that the java.library.path property is correctly set and the '\path\to\OpenCV\bin' exists ...
dinesh707's user avatar
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Missing libraries in JNI2OpenCV?

I'm a newb when it comes to JNI2OpenCV. It has errors regarding java.library.path. I've read this thread OpenCV to JNI how to make it work? but it seems that this is a different case from mine. Here's ...
user469764's user avatar
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OpenCV to JNI how to make it work?

I am tring to use opencv and java for face detection, and in that pursit i found this "JNI2OPENCV" file....but i am confused on how to make it work, can anyone help me?
user293252's user avatar