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2 phase commit data consistency when one node crashes or is slow during commit phase

In 2 phase commit, lets say one of the nodes crashes or is slow during the commit phase and the other nodes have already successfully committed their changes. Now if a query is issued to one of those ...
jittrfunc's user avatar
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MuleSoft: XA Transaction management for two different REST Call

We have a situation where we need to manage db transaction across multiple rest api call. In traditional example where new customer is registered, ordered, and payment done with different micro ...
Viral's user avatar
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Minimum version of IBM websphere MQ supporting XA transactions

I want to use XA complaint IBM Websphere MQ. What is the minimum version of Websphere MQ supporting this feature of distributed transaction?. Additionally I will be using IBM MQ classes for JMS
Ravikiran butti's user avatar
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Is it safe to set Hibernate after_transaction as a JTA connection release mode when using Bitronix Transcation Manager?

According to Hibernate docs, in a JTA environment the default connection release mode is after_statement, meaning that after each statement the hibernate logical connection is released. When the ...
Vlad Mihalcea's user avatar
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java.sql.SQLException: could not use local transaction commit in a global transaction

We are having two instances of oracle (two physical machines) and one schema for our application. we are using weblogic application server. application uses datasource for which XA transaction is ...
JackNJill's user avatar
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XA transactions in Spring Batch

I'm writing a number of batch jobs with Spring Batch which mostly do export/import from/to database. The Spring Batch job repository database and target database(from/to which I'm read/write data) are ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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Does JTA work across multiple threads?

From JTA specs i understand that it works (or supports) distributed transactions only for calling thread. Does this mean that transactions cannot be spanned across multiple threads? Or it depends on ...
spark07's user avatar
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