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GCS Connector on EMR failing with java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I have created an emr cluster with the instructions on how to create a connection from gcs provided here and keep running the hadoop distcp command. It keeps failing with the following error: 2023-07-...
Abhinav Rai's user avatar
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Is it possible to specify the number of mappers-reducers while using s3-dist-cp?

I'm trying to copy data from an EMR cluster to S3 using s3-distcp. Can I specify the number of reducers to a greater value than the default so as to fasten my process?
Kshitij Kohli's user avatar
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AWS file upload

I want to upload few files into AWS bucket from hadoop. I have AWS ACCESS KEY, SECRET KEY and S3 IMPORT PATH. I am not able to access though AWS CLI command. I set the keys in aws credential file....
akr's user avatar
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