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Unable to get selected cell Date value in popup in SwiftUI

this is my popupview struct PartialApprovePopup: View { @Binding var canShow: Bool @State private var fromDate: Date? @State private var toDate: Date? var minDate: Date var maxDate: Date var body: ...
Swift's user avatar
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2 answers

Date/Time Format VBA Access Query

I am new to Access and I have a code here below that is supposed to insert the current month to a table through the current date I have in my pc subtracted with 1 hour: strSQL = "INSERT INTO [...
Shiela's user avatar
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2 answers

How to format a general date to a distinct month in a combobox dropdown list in Access VBA?

I have here a combobox which is getting values from a Date column of a table. So this is how it looks like: Is there a way that I can convert the date list of the combobox into distinct months like ...
Shiela's user avatar
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Need assist in forcing macro auto run based on date field [closed]

I have macro to auto send email which is working but only when manually requested. What code needs added to send email based on dates in excel fields. Example when 12/14/24 is entered in a cell, I ...
Need Assist's user avatar
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Find total length of time in multiple values of a dataset that overlaps with a given period of time

I have a dataframe like the following: df <- tibble( period = list( c("09:34:00-20:40:00", "20:57:00-21:00:00"), c("16:03:00-19:00:00", "19:10:00-21:00:...
flâneur's user avatar
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Get daily count of items which have a start_date and an end_date

I do have tours in a table which do have a start date and an end date, e.g. id start_date end_date 1 2025-06-13 2025-06-13 2 2025-06-12 2025-06-17 3 2025-06-20 2025-06-21 4 2025-05-31 2025-06-02 ...
PhilippG's user avatar
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In Excel how to find days from dates in a specific cell date minus date in same row column without specified cell

Here is an example of what I am trying to do: A Date C D ------ -------- ------ -------- 1 Today [=TODAY()] A Date C D ------ --...
BertMG's user avatar
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Denote timezone in ISO 8601 when using date only

We're working on system backups and want to use ISO 8601 dates on media labels. We're at a tossup between whether or not a date like 2024-01-11 is using local time or UTC (which is not local in our ...
leetbacoon's user avatar
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Remove duplicates based on date relation

I am conducting a study on urine infections. Each row is a urine culture result. Patients will have a hospital number. Some of them may submit multiple urine samples throughout the study and therefore ...
Stuart Drazich-Taylor's user avatar
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SAS Proc transpose wide to long multiple variables

I had some data with a long text string that contained data with certain dates within them. I parsed out each individual text section and the corresponding date into different columns. Each ID will ...
Ryan's user avatar
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How to make a date input match a certain day of the week?

I have an HTML script with date inputs for each day of the week (Sunday-Saturday). I'd like to validate the inputs so that the user can only select dates which match that day of the week. For example, ...
Paul's user avatar
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How to hide 'mm/dd/yyyy' placeholder in HTML date

I'm making an HTML form with a date picker for each day the week. The form is going to be printed at the end. I want to hide the 'mm/dd/yyyy' placeholder when the page is printed. Ideally it would ...
Paul's user avatar
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Generating date range based on allowed weekdays, repeat times and times of day in Google Sheets

Recently, I’ve been dealing with a lot of medical-related things. To make it more manageable, I decided to create a schedule that I could print out, follow, and update as needed. Input Data Time of ...
Toshchak Pёs's user avatar
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How to Create a Calendar Grid in SwiftUI Where Each Month Has Correct Number of Days and Empty Cells for Invalid Dates?

I am trying to create a dynamic calendar in SwiftUI, where I display each month with the correct number of days, starting from the correct weekday (e.g., December 1st should be under Thursday). The ...
Nick's user avatar
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Get Day Index of specific Week

i try to get the index of a specific week from 0 to 6. This is working correctly for contries where the week starts from Monday to Sunday. fun getDayOfWeek(date: LocalDate): Int { val dayOfWeek = ...
SkAppCoding's user avatar
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Microsoft Graph API - filter Teams chat messages by CreatedDateTime?

I'm trying to use the Graph API to get messages from a Teams chat, but by filtering to a specific date-time range. For some inexplicable reason, the filter based on the message's createdDateTime ...
josephwj's user avatar
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Comparing two dates across the century on one Excel spreadsheet. Getting data mismatch?

I have asked this question before and was deleted because of insufficient information. I'll try better this time. The spreadsheet has two dates (Birth, Death). I'm trying to figure out how many ...
user3022578's user avatar
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Negative time values in PhpSpreadsheet

Our software is designed to track work hours, so we need to generate Excel files that include negative time values. According to the PhpSpreadsheet documentation: Note that the baseline date itself ...
Michele's user avatar
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Use JQuery to format date in a paragraph to a different format

I have a page with blog posts on so I can't adjust the output (no access to server-side code) but I want the date in Nov 4, 2022 format. The HTML looks like this: <span class="post-time"&...
user2945884's user avatar
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How do I do basic date grouping operations in Google Sheets?

I have data that looks like this (sample): Col A Col B Col C Value 1 Value 2 1/4/24 4:15 pm Value 3 Value 4 1/4/24 6:30 pm Value 5 Value 6 1/5/24 2:30 pm Value 7 Value 8 1/5/24 3:30 pm Value 9 ...
user3466413's user avatar
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How can I sort a list of vehicles by maintenance due date in JavaScript?

I’m building a web application to track vehicle maintenance schedules. Each vehicle in my list has a nextMaintenanceDate property, stored as a string in YYYY-MM-DD format. I need to sort this list ...
Sarath Saji's user avatar
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Pyspark date parser raises timeParserPolicy upgrade exception even when already in CORRECTED mode

Spark version: 3.3.1 Python version: 3.9 By default, calling pyspark.sql.functions.to_date(col("foobar"), "yyyy-MM-dd") raises spark upgrade exception if foobar col can't be parsed ...
hdw3's user avatar
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Days elapsed since dates given, with time offset from multiple international dates

I have several dates/times that I need to display, in local time - but I'd also like to have the time elapsed in days/hours for each date: 2024-11-22 04:03:59 (4 days 17 hours ago) The data I have ...
Tony Merryfield's user avatar
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ADF, utcNow() convert to DateTime

in ADF I have a pipeline parameter that is set to utcNow(). I need to pass this parameter to a stored procedure activity that is expecting a datetime value in a parameter. I am trying to convert the ...
WindSwept's user avatar
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Can't nullify hours in Date object Swift [duplicate]

I've set local time (on mac) to -09.00 GMT on test purpose, now i want is to set zero time components to Date object. I use that extension to modify date func nullifyTime() -> Date { let ...
Evgeniy Kleban's user avatar
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Row numbers of lowest dates for each year in a datatable column

I have a datatable with a column that contains dates: > dat Var1 Var2 <Date> <num> 1: 2023-11-01 18.05 2: 2023-12-01 4.65 3: 2024-01-01 20.34 4: 2024-02-01 21.71 ...
Ben's user avatar
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Error displaying createAt Date in NextJs from Mongo

When i try to log whole mongo table it logs everything in it, but when i separatly try to log user.createdAt it logs undefined When i use user.createdAt.toString() it shows error (toString for ...
Nihal K's user avatar
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Create a custom ifelse based in proportion limit values

I'd like to create some trick using a custom ifelse based in a rule comparing dates. If the value in the next date is 10% higher comparing with later date then repeat the old value, if not accept the ...
Leprechault's user avatar
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HQL ORDER BY query with adding days to date column

I use spring boot, and I want to add specific days to date column in mysql database on hql query order by clause. But which results error when I tried. I need to get results in the order of adding ...
KJEjava48's user avatar
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Create multiples dates list for each level of a factor [duplicate]

I would like to create a data frame that would include a date list replicated by the levels of a factor. I can create the list pretty easily lst_dates<"2024-05-07&...
Couis's user avatar
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android get time in given timezone ignoring device's current time

I should get the time in my country not depending on in which timezone user is in or which time he set manually from the settings of device. Below code works when user sets different timezone, it ...
nasibeyyubov's user avatar
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Using antd RangePicker ver 5.6.3 and i want to set disable date range but i can't

Im using antd 5.6.3 version , RangePicker. I'm trying to allow date range after and before 3 days from Startdate(first selected date). It needs to disable dates right away when user select start date. ...
Sihyeon Lee's user avatar
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Error in Athena when trying to query records between dates that are stored as string

I have an issue with Athena when trying to query records between dates that are stored as string. My csv dataset, spread among several files across directories, has a quote_date column with 10/8/2024 ...
Stefano's user avatar
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Using Format( "dd/mmyyyy") in sql for MS-Access VBA select causes syntax error

I'm querying a table containing a date field that is defined as general date. Table contains records with dates in format dd/mm/yyyy ( which is standard for my location ) for 16/11/2024, 23/11/2024, ...
Mick K's user avatar
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A table of multiple values was supplied where a single value was expected YTD

I am trying to calculate a table where I can see the YTD values with this DAX: Is YTD = IF ( 'Append'[Attribute - Date] >= DATE ( YEAR ( DISTINCT ( 'Append'[Date Ref.EoMonth] ) ), 1, 1 ) ...
Yolanda CB's user avatar
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Why does Carbon::createFromFormat() not throw an exception when given a UK format and a US date?

I have this code: try { Carbon::createFromFormat('dmY', $rawDate)->format('Ymd'); } catch (InvalidFormatException $e) { echo 'Oops, bad date format.'; } If I feed in 31012024 as my $...
Ethan Field's user avatar
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Power BI Visual throws an error when changing from hierarchy date to standard date

I have a date column in my data. When I drop the column into the visual it shows as a hierarchal date like normal (Separate columns for Year, Qtr, Month, Day). When I go to change it to a standard ...
Michael D Losee's user avatar
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Dax Add column based on date

I want to generate a column. that shows as YTD if the date is the last day of the previous month or before and FCT otherwise. This Dax code is giving me errors. First tried Today() and then realised ...
Yolanda CB's user avatar
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How to calculate next's month date without knowing the client's timezone?

Dates are really weird, and I can't seem to solve this issue: Client lives in GMT+2 time zone and server saves everything in UTC time zone. Client provides date 2024-12-01 which is converted to UTC ...
MCTG's user avatar
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Trying to get the datetime of 12am on last Monday - it always gives me 12pm

I am trying to calculate the Date object of the last Monday at 12 am. Here is my code: Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance() calendar.setTime(currentDate) Integer dayOfWeek = ...
Alex A.'s user avatar
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How to trigger inline script onload?

I have the following script, as seen, it calls the Date method onClick event, like so: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <body> <p onclick='this.innerHTML = Date();'>click me!</...
iorgu's user avatar
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When a column has multiple values per user how do I select the most recent one according to date in another column? [duplicate]

Below is the query which works fine however Status column can have several values per user and I only want the row with the most recent date. This is in another column called modified in the ...
LesleyJill's user avatar
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Javascript add days to a date [closed]

I need to visualize a div containing all 30 days after the current one. But when javascript add a day after 1 december 2024 the result is 1 january 2025. This is the code var ldate = new Date(); ...
angelo alamia's user avatar
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calculation of date, landing on a workday, don't count holidays

I have a trial date of April 10, 2026. I need 84 days prior to the trial date and I want it land on a workingday and don't count holidays2026 (range is set out), if any. =if(WORKDAY.INTL(trial-84),1,...
Tami 's user avatar
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Hibernate Audit times incorrect nanos

When I'm updating the object gets updated correctly but the audit table looses the nano correctness. So for example I create the object with time 2024-11-13 15:39:06.9320892 +00:00 In the Object table ...
Marija Mihajlova's user avatar
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PS: Add-Content Get-Date & concatenate variable

I have a variable called BB_NP and I want to add the contents of that (string) to an output text file with a date/time, so just a basic log file. Add-Content -Path ".\LogFile.txt" -Value $(...
UniqueTurbo's user avatar
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Google Annotation chart Invalid date, or date and time error

I am having problem in formatting the date column for Google Annotation chart. I am following this link My Data for ...
Curious_learner's user avatar
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Day of the week picker

I am trying to create a SwiftUI component that let's the user pick the day of the week. Ignoring the UI, the main issue I am facing is, I am trying to avoid using a custom enum such as: enum Day { ...
Amin's user avatar
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How can i find the last full weekend of a Month?

$ts1=strtotime("last saturday of november 2024"); #Timestamp1 $ts2=strtotime("+1 day",$ts1); #Timestamp2 echo "Last Saturday: ".date("d.m.Y",$ts1); #30.11.2024 ...
HamRadio's user avatar
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How to set text color of DatePicker to White?

I'm using a previous question on Stackoverflow for implementing Wheel Date picker using DatePicker of View library in jetpack compose. The result i have before navigating to next page. After i ...
Fatima Jamal's user avatar

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