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Adding Mutliple Row Effected properly but not Updating (C#, Entity Framework 6)

As you can see below, I'm trying to update the "active" and "version" fields, which are properties of the templateData object. When I want to add a new record, it works fine and meets the needs. But ...
OkurYazar's user avatar
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Delete and Update database at the same time MVC

I want to delete all records in a table as long as there exist more than X records based on some ID in database. using(ApplicationDbContext app = new ApplicationDbContext()) { ...
Eduard's user avatar
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Linq to SQL - Stored Procedure Query for Login

I'm working on a login Windows Form using Linq to SQL, any idea whats next on this? CREATE PROCEDURE SP_VERIFYADMIN ( @Username varchar(30) = NULL , @Passwords varchar(30) = NULL ) AS SELECT ...
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