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Free running program captures wrong exception address

I'm using an ARM Cortex-A9 processor ZYNQ 7000. The processor raises an data abort exception if invalid address is accessed. The exception handler captures the data abort address, but if the program ...
Jackoo's user avatar
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Zynq 7000: Minimum asm code to init cpu1 from cpu0

I'm trying to figure out the minimum requirements to initialize cpu1 from cpu0 in an amp configuration on a zynq-7000. I have a given FSBL that hands over to u-boot with which I copy both programs (...
robsn's user avatar
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Stuck in API XAxiDma_BdRingFromHw, why doesn't the S2MM Block descriptor's Completed bit Set?

I am working on Zynq 7z030 and i am trying to receive data on the DDR from the PL side. I am using the AXI DMA SG poll code provided as example by xilinx on SDK. (xaxidma_example_sg_poll.c) After ...
atnd's user avatar
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ARM Cortex-A9 Preload and Lock Code in L2 Cache

I've been studying and experimenting with the caches on an ARM Cortex-A9, namely a Zynq SoC, for the past week with the main objective of loading and locking part of my code to L2 (PL310). The steps I ...
josecm's user avatar
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number of cores in the ARM Cortex A9

I'm using Zedboard with Zynq Chip. I want to know the number of cores per CPU (in the board there is two, CPU0 and CPU1, but there is no indication of the number of cores!). Thanks.
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