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Rollup.js ES bundle failing to resolve react-icons/io5 dependency

I'm working on creating an NPM package (for a private company-specific NPM registry) containing a single React component and from searching online on how to do this, I decided to use Rollup.js to ...
Neil Patel's user avatar
2 votes
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How do you combine subpath exports, environment conditional exports, and module system conditional exports in the same package.json?

When publishing an NPM package, there are three distinct types of export that you can specify in a package.json file. Subpath Exports This allows you to export multiple ‘indexes’ from a single ...
steveluscher's user avatar
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NPM test script fails with "Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]"

I'm trying to update dependencies for my React Node project, and any update to package.json at all, including deleting yarn.lock and installing the same dependencies fresh with yarn, causes yarn test (...
kenzie's user avatar
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1 answer

As CommonJS dies out, what should go in a library’s package.json "main" field?

When the maintainer of a JavaScript package decides to stop distributing a CommonJS version, what should go into the "main" field of the package.json file? Example old package.json fields ...
Dem Pilafian's user avatar
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React module system vs Express module system

When using react, we import the library in the following manner import React from 'react' In express, we use const app = require('express') In their github source code, both of them uses module....
Ved Timbadiya's user avatar
2 votes
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NPM package with exports won't load in typescript

Our library needs to work both for projects using ESM modules and CommonJS. Therefore we built it with 3 different configurations: ESM, node16, and types. This setup works for JavaScript projects with ...
Arnold Daniels's user avatar
-1 votes
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Does Windows' VS Code recognize tilde (~) character when requiring modules?

I am developing from a source code that was created using a UNIX-based system. I am using Windows-based system and there are a lot of modules required using the tilde character. Somehow, my VS Code ...
Richard's user avatar
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How to import the same npm module in more than one TypeScript file? [duplicate]

Question: Whenever I import the same npm module in more than 1 TypeScript file, I got the error "error TS2451: Cannot redeclare block-scoped variable 'os'" as soon as I run the TypeScript ...
howard_9's user avatar
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2 answers

"does not contain a default export" even though one is declared

Software rots. I made a minor change to a three year-old GitHub project and the rebuild failed due to automatic security patches. Got everything fixed except for a default import failure. The error is:...
Jeff Lowery's user avatar
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Axios response is raw in npm package

So I have been trying to publish a npm package. Requisites:- CommonJs. Axios (I can change this if you have better options) typescript So the server response in json when I wrote the code, but when ...
Pratik Mazumdar's user avatar
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Node.js: How to use npm ES6 modules (import) in commonjs (require) app.js

I'm kind of a newbie with node.js, so please, be merciful :) I use node ver 14.15.1 The problem I'm facing is to get a npm module("ghost-cursor", ...
luka stopar's user avatar
2 votes
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How do I require a function in a node modules without using a Module Bundler

I cannot find an accurate answer to this anywhere. I understand the browser doesn't recognise commonJS syntax hence why if require() is loaded into the browser a reference error occurs like this let ...
Kevin Greetham's user avatar
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Include a few ES style npm modules into a project with mostly commonJS modules

I have browsed a lot of questions in this space, but I haven't found a clear answer. I recently updated many of my project's npm dependencies to their latest. The project is entirely built around ...
farhadf's user avatar
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How to my npm package in a way such that people can load it from JSDelivr?

I'm writing an NPM package in typescript for learning purposes. I configured my parcel set up so it exports two kinds of builds, an ESM build and a CJS one. I published it to npm and I can install and ...
Nethrenial's user avatar
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Best practice for NPM package with es6 modules - bundle or not

Writing an NPM package containing es6 modules, is it best practice to keep the source files separate package.json esm index.js Content1 Content1A.js Content1B.js Content1B....
fast-reflexes's user avatar
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karma-typescript confused by .d.ts typings into failing to bind to npm package code

I'm importing an npm package into my project with a package.json like this: { // ... "browser": "dist/umd/index.js", "main": "dist/cjs/index.js", "...
kshetline's user avatar
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bundle an npm package AND convert it into an es module

I want to import chessground into a project of mine. It seems it's a CommonJS module, so i used browserify to import it into my web page. browserify -r chessground > chessground.js In order to use ...
mathik's user avatar
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How can I use an npm package that just wraps my JavaScript code?

We currently have an npm package for clients to use on their ES6-based projects like React. This main index file of this package has the following shape: export function ourFunction() { } And ...
khajiit's user avatar
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Typescript library for Node as hybrid package in NPM

How to properly configure typescript tsconfig.json and npm package.json to create a hybrid npm package? I mostly followed this article (but I also tried other methods) This is the alpha version of my ...
Atiris's user avatar
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cjs or esm for react components library [closed]

I got a components library that will be published to npm to be consumed by a razzle app. My main question that I want opinions on best practices is, should the packages be built with cjs or esm, and ...
Joelgullander's user avatar
2 votes
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How to publish dual npm package (CommonJS + modules) so that submodules are uniformly imported

I have been struggling with packaging an NPM package so that it bundles both CommonJS and ES modules but either are imported with the same absolute module path. Not only the main module. For example, ...
Tomasz Pluskiewicz's user avatar
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How (or maybe whether) to put both es6 style and csj style files in an NPM module I am publishing

I am going to publish an NPM module but I need clarification on how/whether to put both ES6 import/export style and Node CommonJS require style in the published directory. According to one website I ...
Craig  Hicks's user avatar
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Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined Webpack + AngularJS

There's dozens and dozens of questions like this one, and none have helped because the root cause is always something I'm not doing. I'm making a bundle for the browser with webpack 4.26.1, and I keep ...
Sofia Paixão's user avatar
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Typescript: Compile ambient module declarations for publishing to NPM

I am looking for suggestions to automatically have TypeScript compile node (commonjs) ambient module declarations for a npm package I am currently writing in TypeScript. I seem to be running into some ...
Sinclair's user avatar
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Import fails with file outside the root folder - webpack

If I place a .js file outside the root folder where package.json is, and then I try to import it, it fails. I can run npx webpack which seems to run without problems, but then the application fails ...
Alvaro's user avatar
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Converting Typescript absolute paths to nodejs relative paths?

I'm compiling typescript to es5 / commonjs format. I'm using typescript's tsconfig.json paths property to specify a fixed root for `import statements. So for example I might have a path ...
Ole's user avatar
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41 votes
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How are UMD and CommonJS (CJS) package folders different, and which should I use?

I installed reactjs and react-dom like this with package.json "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "^v4.1.1", "popper.js": "^1.14.3", ...
kust kust's user avatar
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Publishing both es6 and commonjs with subfolders

I want to be able to import module from subfolder like this, without any lib folder, I ...
user3803241's user avatar
4 votes
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How to publish a component written in typescript consumable as a global, commonjs, or typescript module

I have written a simple component in typescript which has a dependency on d3. I would like to publish this component on npm and have it be usable as a global, a commonjs module, or a typescript module....
AndyPerlitch's user avatar
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Browserify - Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'undefined'

In my final bundle.js file which includes all js modules, I'm getting the following error Uncaught Error: Cannot find module 'undefined' at s (bundle.js:1) at bundle.js:1 at Object.33.../Utility (...
Umar's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Indirectly reference remote Javascript URL

We want to use Rollup with Angular 4/Typescript and NPM We have the following requirement within our company: Certain teams create JS libraries which need to be centralized (like a CDN) These ...
stephan.peters's user avatar
4 votes
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Include static data files in an NPM package, use them in a portable way

I want to publish an NPM package that contains a large-ish amount of static data files. There could be 1000 files, containing 1 KB of data each, yielding 1 MB or so of data. It is important that that ...
GregRos's user avatar
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48 answers

Field 'browser' doesn't contain a valid alias configuration

I've started using webpack2 (to be precise, v2.3.2) and after re-creating my config I keep running into an issue I can't seem to solve I get (sorry in advance for ugly dump): ERROR in ./src/main.js ...
Matthew Herbst's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Which npm packages will and will not work on Angular 2? How do I tell?

Does an NPM package need to be modified to be compatible with Angular 2 (eg. add in typings, make directives for them) or will any existing package work? If they're not all compatible, how do I know ...
Diskdrive's user avatar
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Webpack and ts-loader bundle returning TypeError on third party library

Everything compiles and bundles however there is a TypeError in the browser: "box2dweb_commonjs_1.default is undefined." No error on starting webpack-dev-server and checking the bundle at http://...
Paul's user avatar
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Performance for common.js modules export

How do I export a number modules via an index.js file while making sure they don't impact performance? Probably best explained with a source code: // index.js module.exports = { Database : { ...
filype's user avatar
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How to fetch modules from npm as standalone AMD/CommonJS modules

So, I'm not using Node or WebPack serverside, but would still like to use modules from npm every now and then. My clientside uses requirejs, so I would need the modules in either AMD (preferred) or ...
Seppo420's user avatar
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I can't link javascript files as commonjs modules

I have: test.json - contains the content to be uploaded into the HTML page test.js - contains the function that sends an Ajax request to the JSON file, parses, compiles with Handelbars Temlate and ...
Rumata's user avatar
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Commonjs library's index.ts as external module

I need some guidance to correctly develop reusable commonjs library (npm package). Lets say the library structure is the following: —lib ——Helper.ts ——Serialization.ts ——meta ——— Entity.ts —index.ts ...
Amid's user avatar
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How to use webpack with js that isn't exported

I'm trying to figure out how to include this javascript with webpack but I'm struggling. I'm installing an angular module called angular-colorthief via npm. I've installed it and included the module ...
MorningDew's user avatar
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Highcharts click event not working with npm standalone module

I recently migrated an existing ReactJS component that renders a Highcharts chart into CommonJS format. Accordingly, the Highcharts library is now included via ES6 import, as supposed to via the <...
Francis's user avatar
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Loading GoCardless SDK with require not working

When I try and load the GoCardless SDK and appy the congfig as sated in the documentation nodejs throws me the following error: var gocardless = require('gocardless')(gcConfig); ...
user avatar
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require('backbone') returns different object in different files

backbone1.js var backbone1=require('backbone'); window.backbone=backbone1; backbone2.js console.log(window.backbone===require('backbone')); Why is the condition returning false. Shouldn't it ...
Flake's user avatar
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Browserify bundle output is very large, cannot find a way to debug the process

I'm using browserify with npm to create a bundle of js. The web app using react and a lot of other modules so the output file is about 3.4M, 2M uglyfied and 430K gzip. The browserify process is ...
Rotem's user avatar
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Use class from CommonJS module in Typescript

I have an npm package with a file similar to this: 'use strict' module.exports = class TModel { constructor (app) { = app } static schema () { } } Which I want to use in a ...
BeaverusIV's user avatar
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Why npm packages often use relative paths for require (e.g. ../../file)?

A number of packages on npm seem to use require function in the following way: var CounterActions = require('../actions/counter'); instead of this: var CounterActions = require('mypackage/actions/...
Adam Zielinski's user avatar
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How does lodash's modular build work? Or any commonjs modular build work?

It's my understanding that I can npm install lodash but then call require('lodash/collections/each') and only get that single function without the overhead of loading all of lodash. How does ...
tnrich's user avatar
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How do I think and act in Require.js if I have a <script src="..."> background and a Django backend?

I started and stopped asking several questions to help me get (in the immediate need) react-tooltip, which does not advertise a non-CommonJS distribution. But I expect to want to do other things that ...
Christos Hayward's user avatar
24 votes
3 answers

Webpack doesn't find a module that actually exists

I'm in trouble, I just did npm uninstall react-bootstrap and then npm install react-bootstrap and webpack cannot load this module anymore. I launch webpack like this : /var/www/cloud/node_modules/....
Alex's user avatar
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Browswerify compiling to full paths even when fullPaths is set to false

I have the following gulp task: var source = require('vinyl-source-stream'), gulp = require('gulp'), browserify = require('browserify'), reactify = require('reactify'), notify = ...
Alexander Suraphel's user avatar