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migrations using clickhouse and testcontainers

everyone! I have some problems to up my migration files inside clickhouse container package tests import ( "context" "fmt" _ "
Boomy's user avatar
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1 answer

runningDifference() not working in clickhouse for this serinario

In clickhouse lag/lead functions are not supporting, i used runningDifference(), for this scenario it's not working. select endtime, runningDifference(endtime) as time_diff from (select ...
dundi rajesh's user avatar
1 vote
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Clickhouse creating view on cluster on non default database fails

I am trying to create a view on a clickhouse server that is ran in docker based on image clickhouse/clickhouse-server: I create a table in a database named X (not default), the connection ...
V.Cunichin's user avatar
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Clickhouse asynchronous_insert_log table not visible

asynchronous_insert_log table is not there under system db in clickhouse. My config.xml contains below configuration by default: <clickhouse> <!-- Other settings --> <...
Komal Bhadani's user avatar
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Clickhouse async insert settings implementation

How to correctly using async insert settings in clickhouse? I am following the documentation on clickhouse website here: to use async ...
Shikhar Tyagi's user avatar
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Reproducing ClickHouse Client CLI query result format using Golang ClickHouse library

Clickhouse CLI result When performing a query using the clickhouse-client command line interface and setting the format as JSON, we not only obtain the result but also statistics. Command clickhouse-...
calebeaires's user avatar
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Clickhouse: Want to extract data from Array(Nested) column in Clickhouse

Query used to create the table: CREATE TABLE default.ntest2( job_name String, list_data Array(Nested(s UInt64, e UInt64, name String)) ) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (job_name)...
Yash Chauhan's user avatar
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Clickhouse: Want to extract data from Array(Tupple) column in Clickhouse

Query used to create the table: CREATE TABLE default.ntest2(job_name String, list_data Array(Tuple(s UInt64, e UInt64, name String))) ENGINE = MergeTree ORDER BY (job_name) SETTINGS index_granularity =...
Yash Chauhan's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Post Context deadline exceeded (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)

I am running a simple query using Clickhouse HTTP Interface package main import ( "fmt" "net/http" "time" ) func main() { url := "http://localhost:8123" +...
Zunnurain Badar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

playtika.testcontainers Error creating bean with name 'embeddedClickHouse'

I am trying to run tests using playtika.testcontainers embedded-clickhouse, which used to work, but now I am getting java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to load ApplicationContext, caused by ...
user2329454's user avatar
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Postgres query convert to clickhouse with conditional count

I need to convert this postgres query to clickhouse: select count(1) filter (where car_model = 'chevrolet'), count(distinct car_num) filter (where car_model='chevrolet') from cars; I have tried with ...
Husan Musa's user avatar
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Scanning sum() of Decimal type with Go, sqlx, ClickHouse

I have a "Duration" field of type Decimal(38, 3) in a ClickHouse table. From my Golang service I'm sending a query to get the SUM() of it but I just can't scan the result back. I tried using ...
Ismael Farfán's user avatar
2 votes
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Choose an SQL driver at runtime in Golang when drivers have the same name

I'd like to know if there is an approach or projection pattern to be able to choose SQL driver at runtime in Golang when both of these drivers have the same name. I want to switch between HTTP ...
Denis Shebut's user avatar
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Clickhouse http interface read Native/RowBinary Format data

Want to get the query statistics info like rows_read/bytes_read for a query. But using the native interface(golang client), it seems impossible. And using Http interface we could get it in the header ...
Ling Peng's user avatar
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Making sure table/materialized view created before continuing next command on Clickhouse

I'm using clickhouse-go, sometimes when I run create multiple materialized view, then query from those materialized view it shows success, but sometimes failed because the materialized view not yet ...
Kokizzu's user avatar
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ClickHouse - SELECT row of data is too slow

The following problem occurred in our project, which we cannot solve. We have a huge data of our logs, and we go to ClickHouse from MongoDB. Our table is created like this: CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ...
Egor Kurito's user avatar
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clickhouse gives "create user" as syntax error

I have enabled access_management also but when I try show users or create user this is how I'm getting. 3e6af090665c :) show users; Syntax error: failed at position 6: show users; Expected one of: ...
Mammu yedukondalu's user avatar
1 vote
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How to change order of composed primary key in clickhouse efficiently

I have a table with schema CREATE TABLE traffic ( date Date, val1 UInt64, 'val2' UInt64 ... ) ENGINE = ReplicatedMergeTree(date, (val1, val2), 8192); the partition key is date here. I want to change ...
Tomyhill's user avatar
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Clickhouse DB: ReplacingMergeTree ver column is not affected

This is my table's create script CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS replacing_test ( addr String, ver UInt64, stt ...
zukito's user avatar
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3 answers

Getting lot of "DB::NetException: Connection reset by peer, while reading from socket" errors that are creating lot of noise

I am running click house version '20.6.4' with default settings.While walking through the logs i found these logs in abundance. ServerErrorHandler: Code: 210, e.displayText() = DB::NetException: ...
Tomyhill's user avatar
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Clickhouse downsample into OHLC different time bar intervals

How would you do all kinds of time frames especially time frames where you have gaps in time over 24hr? Like accounting for close/swap on 24hr currency markets or commodities / indexes ? clickhouse ...
user10078199's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Clickhouse : import data having double quotes escaped by backslash

I am trying to import a html snippet which is part of one of the column in csv. There are double quotes in the html snippet and its is escaped. this csv is created using apache spark. for ...
Shivakumar ss's user avatar
3 votes
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Unexpected behaviour for saving the value in decimal column in clickhouse

When save the value (0.0003) in decimal column (Decimal(12,4)) in Clickhouse, the saved value was 0.0002. Why is it behaved like this? But when I did insert by SQL directly, I was able to save it ...
user3321541's user avatar
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2 answers

How initialize the result of groupArray function of the ClickHouse to the array

In my Go application, I make a request to the ClickHouse database via clickhouse-go package. This query which I make return always only one record and it's an array of integers. Is there any way to ...
Nurzhan Nogerbek's user avatar