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Shopware 6: Docker exec chown fails in Git Bash script with "No such file or directory"

I have a Git Bash script that runs some Docker commands to set up my Shopware container. One of the commands uses docker exec to run sudo chown on a path inside the container: docker exec -it $...
mlodhi's user avatar
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docker-compose fails to change ownership on ubuntu 22.04.3 on VMware Workstation

VMware Workstation: 16.2.5/17.0.2 Ubuntu: 20.04.6/22.04.3 Dockerfile: FROM debian:12.1-slim WORKDIR /root RUN groupadd -f ernie-1001 -g 1001 \ && groupadd -f ernie-1000 -g 1000 \ &...
Ernie Sanderson's user avatar
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Сontent of the directory is only partially bonded in Docker Volumes

I have a Node.JS service running in a Docker container that deploys related Docker containers (Docker-outside-of-Docker) through REST. The actions sequence (inside the NodeJS container): Create a new ...
alks's user avatar
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Running Airflow in Docker \ chown: changing ownership of '/sources/{logs,dags,plugins}': Invalid argument

When I try to start the Airflow services with docker compose --profile flower up, the following errors occur when starting the airflow-airflow-init-1 container: chown: changing ownership of '/sources/...
Agustín's user avatar
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Docker COPY --chown ownership sometimes applies to

I have the following Dockerfile FROM python:3.11 # Create non-root user to run with ARG USERNAME=bean ARG USER_UID=999 ARG USER_GID=$USER_UID RUN groupadd --gid $USER_GID $USERNAME && useradd ...
Luciano's user avatar
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Limactl: How to fix chown problems?

I tried running this docker compose file I used the docker template limactl start --name=docker template://docker With the following mounts ...
unloco's user avatar
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Docker chown folder on volume binded with magento

I am actually blocked because when I add this command in my Dockerfile "RUN ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/local.magento /etc/nginx/sites-enabled" to activate my virtual host, I have ...
R Lopez's user avatar
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Docker permissions with base image for non-root user

I have a base image that does a couple of installments with root permission, then create a new user, change owner of the WORKDIR then switch to the user. The child image will inherit this image with ...
Duy Tran's user avatar
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5 votes
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Docker EACCES permission denied mkdir

My friend gave me a project with a dockerfile which seems to work just fine for him but I get a permission error. FROM node:alpine RUN mkdir -p /usr/src/node-app && chown -R node:node /usr/...
azium's user avatar
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Can't change ownership of '/dev/gpiomem' in a docker container in RPi

I'm trying to run a simple docker container with a python base image to control the LEDs on my RPi4. The Dockerfile compiles fine and I'm running it as follows: docker run --rm -ti --privileged --...
langford_js's user avatar
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Change file ownership for external persistent volume of MySQL Container

This is a tricky one. I have the official MySQL Docker container with a persistent volume. I realized that the performance was quite bad, so I stopped the container, moved the files on the host system ...
Xentrax's user avatar
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Chown in Dockerfile works sporadically

I already read the discussions about chown and volumes in dockerfile but I could not solve my problem. My dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:latest WORKDIR /tests/ RUN mkdir /tests/logs RUN mkdir /tests/...
Furin's user avatar
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Docker MongoDB -> chown: changing ownership of *: Operation not permitted

I know this is a duplicate, but I tried every solution and there is no solution that works. Informations: Docker-Compose 3.9 MacOS Big Sur 11.5 My Docker-compose.yml version: '3.9' services: ...
DoctorFuchs's user avatar
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Dockerfile chown is being overwritten

I am installing newrelic php agent in a customer dockerfile executing nginx and php-fpm. The dwefault user and group running are www-data I am creating the logs dir for newrelic and chowning to www-...
Kristi Jorgji's user avatar
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chown failed during docker container start up, when trying to change a config file mounted from host

I have a simple question regarding to docker. I am trying to run a openmicroscopy/apacheds container in a linux host using root. I have my own config.ldif file, and mapping into the container's ...
sean's user avatar
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How to set owner of directory in Docker

I'm trying to create a directory owned by a specific user in Docker. I'm using this Dockerfile: FROM node:14.4.0-alpine COPY package*.json ./ RUN npm install . ENV PATH=/node_modules/.bin:$PATH RUN ...
Antonio Gamiz Delgado's user avatar
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How to set laravel file permissions inside a docker image

I have the following dockerfile to build my Laravel web application. After I run it I get permission errors when trying to acccess the vendor and storage directories. My question is what is the ...
Rutnet's user avatar
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Chown permission denied while Docker volume binding

I ran this command but container doesn't run: docker container run -p 6379:6379 -v /home/user/redis/data:/data redis And after checking its logs: find: '.' Permission denied chown: changing ownership ...
raman bhadauria's user avatar
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Docker: how to get ownership of $HOME?

I have a function Docker image which runs a specific analysis pipeline: the pipeline runs correctly, I get my results, the container exits etc. However, I am getting warnings/errors that a certain ...
mf94's user avatar
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Docker inside Docker in a Kubernetes Cluster

I am trying to run a Jenkins pod in a Kubernetes cluster on bare metal. I was trying to implement docker in docker as I need to build a Docker image in a pipeline so I mount /var/run/docker.sock as ...
jjd's user avatar
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permission denied error on tomcat docker image deployment to openshift container - /usr/local/tomcat/conf/web.xml (permission denied)

Here is my Dockerfile content. When I run this locally it works well but when I try to deploy it on the openshift container it throws permission denied error FROM tomcat:8.0.36-jre8 CMD ...
veer7's user avatar
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Copy and chown files into a docker bind mount at runtime

I have nginx and wordpress in docker containers, which share a volume bind mount (i.e. mapped to files on disk) for /var/www/html. At runtime I need to add files to the mapped directory, chown them, ...
lonix's user avatar
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What does chown 999 do? [duplicate]

I know what chmod (change mode) and what chown (change owner) do. I also understand what the numbers mean after chmod do. I was going through a docker tutorial and I saw chown 999 being used. What ...
YulePale's user avatar
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Dockerfile chown command cannot change the containers folder permission

I tried the following post. How to set up laravel nginx and mysql with docker compose But Dockerfile is not changing the permission of /var/www to www:www. due to that all the php artisan commands ...
Jayendra Gothi's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unable to change folder ownership using Chown in docker file

I'm unable to change ownership of a folder when running chown in the dockerfile. Currently /app/Data is owned by root and I'm trying to give ownership to moduleuser. Here's my dockerfile: FROM ...
Rana's user avatar
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Permission in docker Container just partly working with chown

I have a problem with access rights in a Docker Container. I am copiyng a folder from the host to the docker image into the folder /var/www/html. This folder has a deeper folder structure. Then, I ...
DS87's user avatar
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31 votes
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Dockerfile "RUN chmod" not taking effect

Everything else takes effect but permissions are not changing, am I missing something? FROM joomla:3.9-php7.2-apache RUN apt-get update \ && apt-get install -y apt-utils vim curl COPY ./...
Maurício Mendonça's user avatar
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Bash script incorrectly incorporating \r into variable

I have an environment setup script which I am building in a docker container. It takes a properties file which is key=value pairs, and then goes through and uses them to create an environment. The ...
J. Olsson's user avatar
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Docker changes owner of local files mounted as volume

I cannot find anywhere answer why docker changes owner of files mounted as volume. Before docker run: $ ls -la total 56 drwxrwxr-x 9 ci ci 4096 Mar 13 21:13 . drwxrwxr-x 4 ci ci 4096 Mar 13 21:12 .. -...
Taz's user avatar
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Docker - Ownership lost after mounting a single file

I'm trying to get used to Docker and I now stumbled upon a delicate problem which I was not able to solve yet. (Im working on Windows 10, but the same problem applies to Debian) I would like to run ...
Stefan Hueg's user avatar
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chown returns invalid user in Dockerfile

Can someone help me sort the below issue out? I am trying to spin up an ubuntu image with the below Dockerfile FROM ubuntu:16.04 RUN apt-get -q -y update && \ apt-get -q -y upgrade &&...
Foudel's user avatar
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GitLab CI + Docker container and volume file permissions

I'm running a pipeline with GitLab CI, and I've set up a server with a runner, following GitLab's documentation (, and
erichjsonfosse's user avatar
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How to fix denied permission to access a directory if that directory was added during docker build?

I using the following Dockerfile to extend a docker image: FROM solr:6.6 COPY --chown=solr:solr ./services-core/search/A12Core /A12Core/ Note that solr:6.6 has a USER solr statement. When running ...
SpaceTrucker's user avatar
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Installing global package with sudo yields permissions error during postinstall routine

I am trying to run this command on CircleCI: sudo npm install -g --loglevel=warn @oresoftware/r2g I get this error: #!/bin/bash -eo pipefail sudo npm install -g --loglevel=warn @oresoftware/r2g /...
Alexander Mills's user avatar
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Dockerfile chown not working

I have a dockerfile setup FROM node:8.10.0 USER node RUN mkdir /home/node/.npm-global ENV PATH=/home/node/.npm-global/bin:$PATH ENV NPM_CONFIG_PREFIX=/home/node.npm-global RUN npm install -g @...
PowerLove's user avatar
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Docker Entrypoint Script Root Permission

I have a Dockerfile that has 3 constraints: 1.) The final USER statement in the Dockerfile must be USER tomcat for security purposes (it is built off the tomcat:8.5.23-jre8-alpine image) 2.) It ...
littlespice3's user avatar
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File permissions on docker display "?"

My docker file looks like # FROM USER root RUN rm -rf /home/* RUN adduser -d /home/backup backup ...
Greg's user avatar
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docker-node: Running as non-root user, file permissions

Following docker-node’s best practices, I want to run my node app as non-root user. The recommendation is as follows: FROM node:6.10.3 ... # At the end, set the user to use when running this image ...
qqilihq's user avatar
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21 votes
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Wordpress on Docker: Could not create directory on mounted volume

Here is are the original files in the Wordpress Docker container on path /var/www/html: $ docker exec 5b957c7b9c5ad054883694afbfb80d3c9df6707458d55011f471be0701f3890c ls -l total 192 -rw-r--r-- 1 ...
Peter G.'s user avatar
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How to give docker container write/chmod permissions on mapped volume?

I have a synology NAS which has docker support and wanted to run some docker containers (I'm pretty new to Docker) on it. For example pocketmine-pm (but I believe I have the write issue also with ...
Patric's user avatar
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9 votes
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chown docker volumes on host (possibly through docker-compose)

I have the following example version: '2' services: proxy: container_name: proxy hostname: proxy image: nginx ports: - 80:80 - 443:443 volumes: - proxy_conf:/...
Morpheu5's user avatar
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6 answers

Why does chown increase size of docker image?

I can't understand why the 'chown' command should increase the size of my docker image? The following Dockerfile creates an image of size 5.3MB: FROM alpine:edge RUN adduser example -D -h /example -...
Fractalf's user avatar
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6 answers

why doesn't chown work in Dockerfile? [closed]

My Dockerfile creates a directory, chown's it, and then lists the directory afterwards. The directory is still owned by root. Why is that? Here is the Dockerfile: FROM ubuntu:precise RUN useradd -...
user100464's user avatar
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