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OpenStack Gnocchi - Equivalent of ceilometer /v2/meter/[meter]/statistics

I'm looking for the exact equivalent of the /meter/[meterName]/statistics endpoint of the ceilometer web api for Gnocchi, but I'm struggling finding the equivalent, it looks like there is no way to ...
briosheje's user avatar
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Trying to do telemetrics on OpenStack using Ceilometer in Python

As a project I need to do some telemetrics with Ceilometer on OpenStack. I was given an old piece of code as a reference how the newer version should look like. Using what little knowledge of Python ...
GreedySage's user avatar
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ceilometer not upgrade due error 401 authentication

I installed openstack using devstack in one node. And this is my local.conf file: [[local|localrc]] ADMIN_PASSWORD=StrongAdminSecret DATABASE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD RABBIT_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD ...
Masumeh Sadat Tohidi's user avatar
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Rocky ceilometer memory mteric add memory.usage data collection granularity is not accurate

Here is the document I refer to Configure the/etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml, add the following sources: - name: memory_util_source meters: - "memory" - "...
Jobin's user avatar
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Autoscaling using Ceilometer/Aodh failed to trigger an alarm in the openstack rocky

Here is the document I refer to 1.sample_server.yaml type: os.nova.server version: 1.0 properties: name: cirros_server flavor: m1.small image: b86fb462-c5c2-4a08-9fe4-c9f86d05763d networks: ...
Jobin's user avatar
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response gnocchi measures empty

i want to use gnocchi Stein version but i have problem with it, because all measures is empty and i don't know how to solve it. in the blew i show the configuration and command lists: in the gnocchi....
Ali Ebrahimpour's user avatar
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Does OpenstackSDK have support for usage metrics?

So...I'm facing a problem which I need the available amount of resources (and how are they being used) in the DCs (focusing on each project/server/network consume) of my Openstack (Stein) through ...
Ailson Forte's user avatar
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How to get Memory Usage from Windows Server 2012 R2 in OpenStack [closed]

I have a Rocky OpenStack cluster that I want to monitor the memory usage of instances. monitoring Linux instances is OK but Windows Server instances do not provide any data for memory usage. I've ...
Milad Yarmohammadi's user avatar
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How to use Gnocchi API on Openstack rocky

I'm trying to use gnocchi API for read metric data. So I installed Openstack with devstack( I attached a configuration file (local.conf) ). I think I installed ceilometer and gnocchi for collected ...
김민석's user avatar
3 votes
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OpenStack get vm cpu_util with Stein version

In stein version, ceilometer remove polling for cpu_util. Follow this doc: The measurements only cpu ( ...
dommgifer's user avatar
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why does the frequency of my Gnocchi measurements not match the set granularity

Im running openstack and am trying to get my gnocchi meters to come through more frequently so that I can run a scaling demo without lots of 5 minute lags. In Gnocchi I have changed the Archive-policy ...
user10198244's user avatar
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Ceilometer HTTP 404 Not Found

I am using pike release of openstack and ceilometer version 2.9.0 and keystone v3. $ceilometer meter-list gives HTTP 404 Not Found error $gnocchi metric list --> HTTP 401 $openstack metric list ---> ...
scorp's user avatar
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gnocchi API response 401 unauthorised

I have prepaired Gnocchi by documentation at I am using Keystone, but I am not able to make a request. Sample: GET http://<serverIP>:8041/v1/metric/...
M. Pav's user avatar
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Django Ceilometer get events for all projects

I have a problem for getting all events for all tenants/projects in Ceilometer. When I get the event list I always get only the list of events related to project that my user assigned. The user is ...
Fuat Ulugay's user avatar
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Django Ceilometer get resource list and resource type

I am using Openstack Mitaka. In Django I am trying to get all the resources for tenants. (This is ok) After that I need to understand the resource type. For example if it is an instance or floating ...
Fuat Ulugay's user avatar
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configure disk usage in percentage at pipeline.yaml in ceilometer

How to configure in etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml to get the disk.device.usage in percentage for every 600 seconds. Configuration Details virsh # version Compiled against library: libvirt 1.2.17 ...
Selva's user avatar
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OpenStack's Ceilometer metering notifications export to kafka - Most efficient way

as in the subject I need to put the defined metrics' measures on a kafka topic in order to feed our monitoring system. I've seen that Ceilometer's Kafka publisher is deprecated so it's not a deal, but ...
user2523783's user avatar
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How to import new libraries to devstack local.conf without the need to make ./ && ./

I want to know if there's a way to update devstack libraries when changing local.conf without the need of doing: ./ && And if not, then how can I save my temp data?
pecabum's user avatar
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Service gnocchi-api not found

I've been installing Ceilometer for Openstack Pike on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS using this install guide. Everything went ok, up to the moment, when but when I've tried to restart gnocchi-api I got message ...
zxexperience's user avatar
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How to enable "memory.usage", "disk.usage", "disk.device.usage" of ceilometer?

I use Kolla to deploy OpenStack, but they are now None. Metric
王宇霄's user avatar
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gnocchi-api running error, Address already in use

When i install Ceilometer and on the stage of "Verify operation" on OpenStack Installation Tutorials, i run command following,But it's not success. [root@controller3 gnocchi]# gnocchi resource list -...
accjiyun's user avatar
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[DevStack][Ceilometer][Gnocchi] Error 403

I am currently on an Openstack Project and I'm trying to use Ceilometer and Gnocchi. I've installed DevStack with the following lines in the local.conf file to install and configure Ceilometer and ...
Damien's user avatar
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Error while creating alarm using openstack4j-3.0.3-withdeps.jar

I am facing an issue while creating the alarm with openstack4j-3.0.3-withdeps.jar. Same issue observed with openstack4j-3.0.5-20170507.171628-1-withdeps.jar CeilometerThresholdRule ...
prashr186's user avatar
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How to restart ceilometer service

I changed pulling intervals in /etc/ceilometer/pipeline.yaml file from 600 to 60 and can't make the service to use new values. I restarted everything that relates to ceilometer in openstack-status ...
gh0st's user avatar
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Heat Autoscaling - Scaleup - Change a flavor

I am using Heat Autoscaling in my environment. Can be able to see that it is working fine in case of scale up (Technically scale out) , that is adding a instance based on the load as well as deleting ...
iamnewuser's user avatar
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How does Heat set alarm configuration and get alarm back from Ceilometer?

I really need your helps. Currently, I am working on Heat auto-scaling. I already learnt some documents about auto-scaling in Heat. I know that Heat uses Ceilometer API to set alarm configuration and ...
Shayne Jonas's user avatar
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Is there any api to get keystone notification events?

The only information I found is that you can view those events through ceilometer or RabbitMQ. Would be nice if I can get those events directly through APIs.
intenseFrog's user avatar
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ceilometer - meter for getting active tenants

I need to know the possibility of getting the active tenants using the ceilometer meter. To be more clear, We can use the meter "Instance" for getting the instance details, "volume" for getting the ...
Sparky's user avatar
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How to query ceilometer config?

I am trying to figure out if there is a way to query openstack for the ceilometer configuration. In particular, I would like to be able to query an API for the sampling interval for different meters. ...
jdowner's user avatar
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What is openstack ceilometer alarm creation error "Missing argument: \"data\""

I facing this error : *{"error_message": {"debuginfo": null, "faultcode": "Client", "faultstring": "Missing argument: \"data\""}}* I am doing the rest call in php for alarm creation as $json = ...
alpha9eek's user avatar
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Ceilometer Alarm Error - With Heat (OpenStack)

i have a problem i can't image why.... i have downloaded an autoscaling heat template for openstack. In this template files are the following resources: cpu_alarm_high: type: OS::Ceilometer::...
Christian's user avatar
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Ceilometer or Healthnmon for measuring VM stats in OpenStack

I am looking to measure stats for VMs running in OpenStack environment. Stats would be like Uptime, CPU or RAM consumption just by that VM. My understanding from reading the documentation is that ...
user2001669's user avatar
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OpenStack Alarm Engine

What is the best architecture for development of OpenStack alarm engine? Should Ceilometer architecture be used or is it better to manually do the monitoring and alarm triggering part by using ...
Syed Tauqeer Hasan's user avatar
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convert ceilometer output to python dataframe

I'm a little new to Python and openstack ceilometer. I'm reading ceilometer data using the following code: import ceilometerclient.client cclient = ceilometerclient.client.get_client(2, os_username="...
tezzaaa's user avatar
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How to configure cloudkitty in devstack

I need some documentation or guide which demonstrates me the installation of cloudkitty in my openstack Devstack. I have tried installing the same using the following guide: https://wiki.openstack....
Murali's user avatar
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Openstack RDO ceilometer alarm action can execute script?

Is there a possibility using the command --alarm-action 'log: //' to run any script or create a VM instances on OpenStack, for example: Can I do something like this $ ceilometer alarm-threshold-...
My Name's user avatar
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OpenStack Compute-node communicate/ping vms run on it

In Ceilometer, when pollsters collect meter from VMs, it used hypervisor on compute-node. Now, I want to write new plugin for ceilometer and not use hypervisor to collect meter, I want to collect ...
CBR's user avatar
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Can openstack ceilometer perform realtime instance monitoring

I am developing a dashboard for system monitoring. I have been using ceilometer's python API before. But I have noticed that every time I run the program it sends the data from the start this way ...
Imo's user avatar
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publish() takes at least 3 arguments (3 given)

I am working with ceilometer python API and publishing data to pubnub. not sure what is meant by this error. This is the part of code that is causing the problem i think, def init_Data(data, ...
Imo's user avatar
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Ceilometer rest api, only most recent results?

I'm trying to fetch a bunch of ceilometer data through rest api. I tried to get list of instances, so I fetch instance list through rest API url: http://IPADDR:8777/v2/meters/instance But for a ...
user3924850's user avatar
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Not able to create alarms using openstack API

Seeking help, I am not able to create Alarms using openstack API. Currently I am doing something like this : POST request to : http://controllerIP:8777/v2/alarms I have also set my headers [X-...
maddy's user avatar
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Devstack Services

I have installed ceilometer services in a devstack environnement by enabling them in local.conf" enable_service ceilometer-acompute ceilometer-acentral ceilometer-anotification$ enable_service ...
Ahmad KHALIL's user avatar
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How to get instance usage data for billing from Ceilometer client?

I am creating billing module for openstack. I am trying to get instances running for particular tenant during last 30 days. I tried using ceilometer client for accessing this. I tried client....
SaurabhJinturkar's user avatar
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Openstack API - Nova vs Ceilometer to Know Instance State

Does anyone knows a way to ask to openstack, through API, if a instance is running or not? I don't even know if I have to ask to Ceilometer or Nova. Thanks in advance
Raquel Lira's user avatar
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how to impliment auth_token in Ceilometer Python Client API

I am really having a hard time understanding Ceilometerclient. I dont not understand why does it not recognize auth_token attribute, it is written in their documentation, what am i doing wrong import ...
Imo's user avatar
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How to get Authorization Token for Ceilometer API Openstack

I am new to openstack, trying to use Ceilometer python API to pull some data from a testbed server, I am accessing the server from a remote site the problem is that I cannot figure out how get the an ...
Imo's user avatar
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what does end point mean in terms of Ceilometer API python?

I am new to openstack, trying to use Ceilometer python API to pull some data from a testbed server but I get this error I do not understand, what does it need as an endpoint? raise exceptions....
Imi's user avatar
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Ceilometer group by metadata

With ceilometer statistics, is possible filter by grouby with resource_metadata? For example, with instance, group by from metadata. ceilometer statistics -m instance -g ...
aispobla's user avatar
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Custom ceilometer metrics

I am trying to add a custom metric to ceilometer via API and have success in adding new metric and new data, but I have fail when try to see this new metric in dashboard. The comand I gave use: Get a ...
Alex Nagorodniuk's user avatar
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Openstack Ceilometer shell look over detail data

I installed Openstack Ceilometer yesterday. And there is a resource id named c4371f8f-6e4b-41b0-8c2f-3857fe8e38a4. I use ceilometer meter-list -q resource_id=c4371f8f-6e4b-41b0-8c2f-3857fe8e38a4 to ...
changzhi's user avatar
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