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Custom serializer for Jackson with togglebale options

I have a rather complicated Class structure that is needed to be serialized into CBOR. Now issue is that sometimes i need CBOR with tags while other times i need without tags. Id like to be able to ...
Marko Taht's user avatar
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How to use lenient mode with FasterXML CBOR?

I want to use the CBORGenerator.Feature.LENIENT_UTF_ENCODING enum that was introduced in version 2.12 of the jackson-dataformats-binary library. I am using version 2.16.0 of the library. I thought I ...
Shane Bishop's user avatar
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How can I decode CBOR-encoded data that uses CBOR byte strings in Java?

I am sending CBOR-encoded data from one application to another. The application receiving the CBOR-encoded data is a Java application. The CBOR-encoded data was encoded with strings as byte strings, i....
Shane Bishop's user avatar
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Integer keys when serializing a POJO to CBOR with Jackson

I'm writing a Kotlin program (though there's nothing Kotlin-specific here, so Java-based answers are also welcome) that needs to communicate using a CBOR-based protocol. That protocol uses integers as ...
thoom's user avatar
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Can not write a field name, expecting a value

When we switched from Jackson version 2.8.9 to 2.9.8 we ran into some trouble with serializing data in CBOR format. As it turns out the custom Jackson module we've been using is causing trouble in ...
Sander Koenders's user avatar
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Serialize fixed size Map to CBOR

I have the following JSON: [ { 2: { "c": true } }, { 3: { "p": 10 } } ] That I would like to convert to CBOR format. Accordingly to I have the following ...
bibu's user avatar
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