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Piping multiple commands to bash, pipe behavior question

I have this command sequence that I'm having trouble understanding: [me@mine ~]$ (echo 'test'; cat) | bash echo $? 1 echo 'this is the new shell' this is the new shell exit [me@mine ~]$ As far as ...
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Pipe Operator in Linux

As per my understanding, the pipe operator in Linux takes standard output of the one command and channelizes it to the standard input of the next command. But I have faced one anomaly. I am trying to ...
user2740885's user avatar
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Command line tool to get binary data as String in Windows like Cat?

So I have program that transforms data by piping the string into stdin like so. cat input.mp3 | myexe except I want this commandline tool to run on Windows. type input.mp3 | myexe.exe and cat and ...
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