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Why pipes not working for cat | cat | ls?

I really need help and any suggestions will be very welcomed. Me and a mate have coded a mini version of the Shell and I did parsing and executing parts. All is working properly except for some cases ...
bl000m's user avatar
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Reading data from standard input using two threads

I am trying to read data from standard input (stdin) using two threads but I'm not able to read data properly. I tried on Linux platform using gcc compiler. I am trying to read data using cat command ...
msc's user avatar
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Use pipes to change the input entered using cat command in child process in C

I have an operating systems problem where I need to execute the 'cat' command in the child process. The child process is created using fork() system call. While running 'cat' command in the terminal, ...
Ramanpreet Kaur's user avatar
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Executing cat|grep|grep using 2 pipes

Title is self-explanatory on what I want to do so here is my current code: #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <sys/wait.h> int main() { ...
Sergio's user avatar
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Command line tool to get binary data as String in Windows like Cat?

So I have program that transforms data by piping the string into stdin like so. cat input.mp3 | myexe except I want this commandline tool to run on Windows. type input.mp3 | myexe.exe and cat and ...
Skylion's user avatar
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Use cat output in another program with pipe in C

I want to run: cat somefile | program > outputText in a UNIX system. I have looked at many things such as pipe, using popen, dup2, etc; I am lost. Basic code should be: Read whatever output cat ...
raffaello's user avatar
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cat with fork execvp pipe and dup2

This is one step of a set of exercises I'm doing. The program I write should take more than two arguments. The use of the first argument is not implemented yet. The rest of the arguments are a list of ...
HZero's user avatar
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Send input to a program and get control back

I have been stuck on this for some time. Let's say I have a C program like the following. I want to be able to send this program some string and get the control after that. If I do: --> cat myfile | ...
Rames's user avatar
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