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switching panels - cardlayout

I can't get through panels. This is the line: cards, String.valueOf( "EXCEL_PANEL" ) ); I call to show method for EXCEL_PANEL and it does not appear. I feel this is a blinding ...
sali weizman's user avatar
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Card Layout Panel showing wrong panel - Java Swing

I want INIT_PANEL to be on top at first, and then (later) a button click will switch it to GAME_PANEL. But, GAME_PANEL is the top one when I run it... What am I doing wrong? Here's the important ...
Petros17's user avatar
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Show a panel in CardLayout in Java

I wrote the following code for showing three panels depending upon which of the three buttons is clicked which are at the bottom. import java.awt.BorderLayout; import java.awt.Button; import java.awt....
Anoop Kanyan's user avatar
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Java CardLayout does not change Panel until unrelated loop is finished

I created application which uses multiple panels, so I have chosen cardLayout. The thing is, when the following code gets executed, in the UserInterface method SinglePlayer() something weird happens. ...
xpg94's user avatar
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Switching between jpanels with a click of a button using CardLayout [duplicate]

I want to know how do you go to another panel by pressing a button. The codes for my main GUI is below: import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.EventQueue; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.event....
OhwellHardwell's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Can I set the size of individual panels in a CardLayout?

When I create my GUI I use a cardlayout to hold my different panels as I'm sure many know. This sets my screen to the width and height of my largest panel. This causes problems with the aesthetics of ...
David Parsonson's user avatar
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Making certain panel display in cardlayout

So I'm working on a research assignment with a gui and I have 3 boxes on the left panel "Input", "Processing", and "Display", if "Input" is selected using CardLayout then the first panel is shown on ...
Clozecall's user avatar
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