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Call extension function IOS Swift

How can I call extension function, so that the button is encouraged to call the view. I made a UiButton Extension with a function to animate a button, and everything works, but only if I call it from: ...
jbp611's user avatar
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2 answers

I can not call function inside button <a href="">

I'm working in edit mode (contenteditable=true), I need to call the function inside the link but it does not respond. Can be done? I need it Note: I canceled the buttons to call the function, but it ...
Renato Ramos's user avatar
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c# use a local variable in another button

I'm currently playing with the Ftp.dll library from and I'm having a problem implementing a Disconnect button. When I type client.Close(); in FTPDisconnectbtn_Click I'm ...
Jeremy Goyette's user avatar
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1 answer

How to call a function inside a function with button (Javascript)?

So my problem is, when I enter this code: function exemple() { var hey; function message(){ hey = true }} <input type="button" value="hello" onclick="message()"> It says ''...
zone 53's user avatar
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2 answers

Call an external js function from html

I have an HTML file with the following button: <button type="button" onclick="muteaudio()" id="testButton">Mute</button> In the head part i have <script src=""><...
Graham's user avatar
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Tkinter: How to call a Button from another class method?

class Something: def buttons( self ): self.button1 = Button( self.main, text = "Add User", command = x ) def Window( self ): self.main = Tk() self.main.title( "...
tester's user avatar
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2 answers

Cannot call js function from html button

Im writing a program that creates a cookie with a string of foods in it. Upon pressing submit, whichever foods have been checkbox'd should be collected into a string and then recorded into the ...
VLPPLP ryguy's user avatar
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1 answer

Execute function from a webpage that is activated onclick

I have to make a console application in C# which retrieve some data from webpages. I have downloaded the HTML code from the main page of a website. WebClient client = new WebClient(); String ...
Martin Rezyne's user avatar
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3 answers

Call PHP function with parameter onSubmit / onClick event

I have a PHP file containing a shop class, which has several static public functions like: createBasket() getProductNameFromId() ... File : shop.php And one of my function is : static public ...
Benjamin Robert's user avatar
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1 answer

Calling a variable in javascript using a button

I want to make a function and call that function on the click of a button. There are many guides on the internet to do this but it just didn't work. (I'm a beginner) <script type = "javascript/...
user2018844's user avatar
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1 answer

call java function from JSP page's button on click event

There is an application that stores photos in oracle db (oracle multimedia format). There is a JAVA servlet page that handle the connection and the SQLs ..., and there are JSP pages to show the images ...
Greg's user avatar
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6 answers

Buttons sending var to a Jquery function

I'm trying to get this code to work but I must be wrong somewhere. I have a menu with several buttons. Each Button have a proper ID and different var. If you click on a button, its var are sent to my ...
Kazzin's user avatar
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1 answer

Calling button function from user control

Previously , I has a default aspx page which include a main user control. The main user control is user for dynamic load the menu item . For example Contact person and sales order . When user click ...
user998405's user avatar
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4 answers

How to call a function when button is clicked php

i have a button and when the button is click i wan it to call a function to do some processing . However it wouldn't call the function . what when wrong? <input type="submit" name="submit" ...
Nicholas Lim's user avatar
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1 answer

calling function in radiobutton group

with your help, i am now able to call the function for each radio button. however, i get a error message Reference to non-existent field 'ics_si' ics_si is my function, which has the following code,...
vijisai's user avatar