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boto3 print rules from bucket encryption

Im writing a python script to retrieve information of AWS and im trying to get only the SSEAlgorith but i get TypeError: list indices must be integers or slices, not str Is there any way to do this? I ...
Jean Lugo's user avatar
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how to create an encrypted s3 bucket while creating new s3 bucket with boto3

how to create encrypted s3 bucket while creating new s3 bucket with boto3 I know how to encrypt an existing bucket. But, is there any way to encrypt while creating it via boto3?
vikas's user avatar
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Boto3 InvalidParameterException while executing the lambda function

I'm getting a Boto3 InvalidParameterException while running the lambda function. I'm trying to find out a way to handle this exception. I came across the below solution: from boto.exception import ...
Bharath Bharath's user avatar
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How to start all the ec2 instances using python by configuring boto3 libraries in windows?

I have installed python 3.6.4 version on my windows 8.1 64-bit machine. what all steps required to install and configure boto3 and boto libraries. I was trying to fetch all the AWS EC2 instances of ...
zlogic's user avatar
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Passing the security_token for ec2 creation - BOTO

I have the accesskey, secret access key and security token for my session and am trying to create a ec2 instance using BOTO: import boto from boto.vpc import VPCConnection conn = boto.ec2....
Scooby's user avatar
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