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3 answers

Boto error in Scrapy: "The authorization mechanism you have provided is not supported. Please use AWS4-HMAC-SHA256."

I'm trying to crawl the following spider: import scrapy from tutorial.items import QuoteItem class QuotesSpider(scrapy.Spider): name = "quotes" custom_settings = { '...
Kurt Peek's user avatar
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Retry Unhandled error in Deferred: in scrapy

I got BotoServerError in Scrapy when uploading images to AWS S3 because it happens to be a server down. How can I handle those errors so I can set the item pipeline to sleep for a while and retry ...
Aminah Nuraini's user avatar
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Scrapyd S3 feed export "Connection Reset by Peer"

I'm running Scrapyd with a FEED_URI set to export to S3, but I received the following error at the very end of my scrape. Note that it successfully uploaded a few hundred kb of data to the bucket as ...
szxk's user avatar
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Scrapy crawl appends locally, replaces on S3?

I implemented a Scrapy project that is now working fine locally. Using the crawl command, each spider appended it's jsonlines to the same file if the file existed. When I changed the feed exporter to ...
mr.b's user avatar
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