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send queue data with custom expiration in python

Currently I'm trying to send data to a azure queue in storage. I am able to send data but I am unable to custom the expiration time like to 10 seconds 1 day like that. But in azure portal able to do ...
sai's user avatar
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Checking if an Azure Storage Queue exists

I would like to check if an Azure Storage Queue exists by calling the Azure.Storage.Queues.ExistsAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) method within the Azure Storage v12 API. I am ...
Hakan Yildizhan's user avatar
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How to listen to azure storage queue with Node.js?

Azure storage queue is not listening to the message automatically when we push to the queue, we have to write a custom lister in-order to fetch the message from the queue. import { ...
Akash Vishwakarma's user avatar
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Azure Storage Queues - Is there an App wide configuration for setting poison messages TTL

I'm using an Azure Webjob which is triggered by Storage Queues, using [QueueTrigger] attributes, and poison message handling is done by the integration package itself. I'm trying to find a way to set ...
Cristian E.'s user avatar
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Copy Azure Queue messages to another storage account

We have a Queue created in storage account. an external system is creating messages in the Queue. So I need to process the messages for 2 environments (say PROD and Stage). So I have a Queue trigger ...
Naresh Ede's user avatar
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Max dequeue count in azure storage queue

What is the maximum no of times a azure storage queue message can be dequeued ? Couldn’t not find any documentation on MSDN regarding this. is our assumption correct that messages are moved to the ...
nen's user avatar
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Failed Binding Queue Storage Message Text in Azure Function

I have successfully sent some messages to Azure queue storage. Here's a code of how I send messages to my queue storage: private void QueueEmail(Email email) { QueueClient client = GetQueueStorage(...
Sherwin Variancia's user avatar
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Model Binding Issue in Azure Function After Switching to Azure.Storage.Queues

I use Azure Functions with Queue triggers in my backend and up to this point, I'd been using the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage package to handle all Azure Storage operations i.e. queues, blobs, etc. ...
Sam's user avatar
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Creating a Azure.Storage.Queues client that can handle multiple queues

I'm migrating my code from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue to Azure.Storage.Queues. In my app, I wrapped all queue operations I use in a MyQueueClient class. The old way of creating a queue ...
Sam's user avatar
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Azure function with .net core 3.1 not triggering from Queue storage

I am trying to trigger an Azure function when a new queue message is added. Both the storage account and the azure function are in the same region. For my Azure Function, I clicked on Add, Azure Queue ...
B1B's user avatar
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How can I access queue messages in Azure using Python?

I have some data in the queues which I want to access in my python code. I am using the following code: from import QueueService queue_service = QueueService(account_name='', ...
New_to_work's user avatar
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Does the PopReceipt property guarantee the CloudQueueMessage was successfully added to an Azure Storage Queue?

I'm using the Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Queue library to push messages to an Storage Queue from an Azure Function with the following code: public void Enqueue(MyMessage myMessage) { string ...
Velair's user avatar
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Value cannot be null. Parameter name: messageId

I'm trying to update the content of an Azure Queue using the following code : queue.UpdateMessage(new CloudQueueMessage(timestamp + "|" + encodedContent),TimeSpan.FromMinutes(0),MessageUpdateFields....
dokyalashot's user avatar
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Is there a way to dynamically determine the amount and names of queues triggered in Azure webjob during startup time?

I am using an Azure webjob with queue triggered functions to listen on several Azure queues. The processing method for each queue is identical (but the queues still need to be separate). I was ...
Maayan's user avatar
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Azure Queue Updating invisible message for first time fails. Succeeds once message becomes visible

I created an invisible message using AddMessage. Invisible for 6 hours. Azure Storage explorer shows "0 of 1 message". It means the message was accepted by the Queue service, but not yet visible. ...
Pankaj Takawale's user avatar
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Azure Queue to receive http requests

I want to know if it is possible to create an Azure Queue (Service bus or Storage Queue) which can be placed in front of a web application and receives http requests very fist. updates Thanks for ...
user217648's user avatar
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How do you send XML files using Azure Storage Queue?

I have a requirement to send xml files between 2 servers. These files could be up to 1mb. I was considering using an Azure Storage Queue as an intermediary destination for these files but read that ...
wingyip's user avatar
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QueueTrigger Attribute Visibility Timeout

If I were to get a message from queue using Azure.Storage.Queue queue.GetMessage(TimeSpan.FromMinutes(20)); I can set the visibility timeout, however when trying to use Azure.WebJobs (SDK 0.4.0-beta)...
GUID_33's user avatar
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Azure Storage Queue - CloudQueueMessage different types

I have a queue in Azure storage and I want to be able to add different message types to the queue and parse them as their specific types. For example. public class Customer { public Customer() ...
David Dury's user avatar
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