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Azure BlobContainerClient vs BlobContainerAsyncClient

I am just starting on code to download files from Azure blob using java SDK. while searching found two different clients for Blob. BlobContainerClient and BlobContainerAsyncClient. what's the ...
DAK's user avatar
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download large file from azure blob storage using java/android with progress

I am developing one android app where I need to download a file from the Azure blob I am able to download the file using the following code but I also want to show a progress bar while a file is ...
Harsh Shah's user avatar
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How to move file between azure blob containers using java?

How i can move file from one blob container to another using java api. i am using below SKD from microsoft. Gradle dependency: compile group: '', name: 'azure-storage-blob', version: '12.8.0' ...
Mohit Singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to create/delete share access policy in azure blob storage using java?

How i can create or delete share access policy using java api. Unable to get any official documentation for creating access policy using java SDK. below is the azure blob dependency i am using in my ...
Mohit Singh's user avatar
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Can we Reset SAS Url for azure blob storage?

How to create SAS url for azure blob storage using java How to generate azure blob storage SAS url using java? do we have any api where i can expire any existing sas url? Requirement: Generate any sas ...
Mohit Singh's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to generate azure blob storage SAS url using java?

I want to generate a SAS url that i can share with user to connect to storage account and upload a file to any location. How can i generate the SAS url using java api. i found one documentation but ...
Mohit Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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Copy Blob in Azure Blob Storage using Java v12 SDK

My Application is in a Kubernetes cluster and I'm using Java v12 SDK to interact with the Blob Storage. To authorize against Blob Storage I'm using Managed Identities. My application needs to copy ...
vzhemevko's user avatar
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Azure Storage Blob Container Vituval Folder Image Download IN JAVA

I want to download a image from Azure Storage Blob Container have virtual folder, it contain Image, need to download that image in java code. Asure Storage Stucture: "Blob-Container" -> &...
Raj Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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How to get blob Download Progress in Azure blob download

I want to download a large size blob from Azure blob storage. Let's say my blob size is 2 GB. I want to get the progress of the download in percentage using java-sdk so that I can show some pretty ...
CodeTalker's user avatar
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How to get list of all azure blob containers of all regions and how to get Region of a Azure blob container

I need help with two questions using java sdk: How to get a list of all Azure blob containers in all regions with their region name/ code? Do I need to loop over all the Storage accounts to ...
CodeTalker's user avatar
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Azure Blob Error: StorageException: The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met

So I have a function that simply downloads text from blob storage every 10 minutes and checks for a result. This function can run for days. But it often (roughly every day) fails before finishing with ...
OneTwo's user avatar
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Azure Java SDK: container with multiple volumes

I need to mount 2 separate directories as volumes to a newly creted container. So far I've found the way to mount only one volume since there's no way to add a file share volume via ...
iozee's user avatar
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Why is it so slow to query azure metrics tables and how can I speed it up? I'm trying to extract data from one of these WADMETRIC tables, but even if I ...
OneTwo's user avatar
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Generate Signed URL for Azure Blob Storage using Java SDK

I am trying to create signed URLs for a file in Azure Blob using Java SDK. Here is the snippet that is used - String container = "test"; String path = "hello/world.json"; long expiry = 2000; ...
Deepak Puthraya's user avatar
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Azure Storage Java API: Check if storage account support secure transfer or not using java SDK

I have two storage accounts. One supports Secure transfer and the other is normal storage account. I want to check in java which storage require secure storage transfer. So that I can put a check in ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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Is FileUpload functionality for Azure IoT Java SDK possible on Android?

We've been trying to use the Azure IoT SDK for Java on Android (via Kotlin) to initiate blob file uploads. The process seems to hang after the SAS token is received and the call to the CloudBlockBlob ...
Jim O'Neil's user avatar
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Azure Download Large Block in chunks with pause resume functionality in JAVA

By Using Java SDK of Azure blob storage, Is there a way to download a large file from Azure blob storage with resume functionality?
Rajan Patidar's user avatar
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Azure Storage Java SDK Check If Blob exist?

Using the new V10 SDK, is there a way to check if the blob exist before writing? Or should I set an infinite lease on every file that are successfully uploaded?
Bits's user avatar
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Azure SharedKeyCredentials fails with Input byte array has wrong 4-byte ending unit

While trying to run the simple example from Storage-blobs-java-v10-quickstart and using the reference listed in API reference document as: String accountName = "acsazurestore"; String accountKey = "...
Suren Konathala's user avatar
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ACS AEM Commons - Class not found by acs-aem-commons-bundle

I'm trying to write a custom class in ACS Commons' MCP Tool Including "azure storage" api in "pom.xml" as below: <dependency> <groupId></groupId> <...
Suren Konathala's user avatar
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Azure: Cannot specify storage account while creating a new UN - managed disk for azure.

I am trying to create and attach an unmanaged storage disk to Azure. I am unable to specify the storage account while creating the disk. vm.update().defineUnmanagedDataDisk(diskLabel) ...
nwarriorch's user avatar
2 votes
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Throttling issue while listing Azure Storage Accounts

I am using Azure JAVA SDK and am trying to list the Storage Accounts for the subscription. But I am intermittently getting this exception response. Status code ...
user1142317's user avatar
5 votes
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Azure Storage Java API: Account does not support HTTP

I am trying to use the Azure Storage Java API to check if a storage container exists and I am seeing the following exception. Any Idea what it means? ERROR ~
nwarriorch's user avatar
1 vote
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How to Query Azure Storage metrics for last five minutes using Java SDK

I have written a stand alone code to get the metrics for Azure Storage Blob Services but i want to get only last 5mins metric how can i get it from $MetricsMinutePrimaryTransactionsBlob please suggest ...
Abhishek B A's user avatar
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Azure: Attaching page blob created using storage API as a data disk to Virtual Machine.

I am tying to create a page blob using the storage API and add it as a disk to the Virtual Machine. Is there a way this can be done ? Currently when I create a blob and add it as the disk , the VM ...
nwarriorch's user avatar
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how to code in right way with Azure table storage sdk for java servlet

i have a Servlet(Jersey2 + Jax-rs) API app running on Azure App Service. This API is retrieving data from Azure Table Storage and send back to client side. So here is my question, Which is better ...
Myoungso Kang's user avatar
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MissingSubscriptionRegistration: The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.Storage'

Tried to run the from Azure-Java-SDK VirtualMachine vm = ComputeHelper.createVM( resourceManagementClient, computeManagementClient, ...
Harish Raj's user avatar
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Azure table storage: can't create a table with a CloudTableClient instance

I am following Azure's basic tutorial on Java API here: But encountered the following error: cannot find ...
Tony Jiang's user avatar