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How to upload file to folder using BlockBlobClient

I am using azure-storage-blob Java SDK version 12.8.0 with SpringBoot 2.x, and I would like to do multipart-uploads from local storage to Azure blob container, it worked well when specifying the ...
Corey's user avatar
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Unable to create the Pipeline with Data FLow using Java SDK

We are trying to create a Pipeline with a dataflow activity which is performing one aggregation operation. While implementing we are using the below structure and dependencies, SDK Version:
Saneel V's user avatar
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How to filter users in directory by company name with Microsoft Graph Java SDK?

I'm working with Microsoft Graph API to get users from my organisation. Here's what I have so far that fetches all users: TokenCredentialAuthProvider authProvider = new TokenCredentialAuthProvider( ...
Xiaozang's user avatar
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How do I disable logging on OkHttp okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform class, coming from OkHttpLoggingInterceptor?

How do I disable logging on OkHttp okhttp3.internal.platform.Platform class, coming from OkHttpLoggingInterceptor ? I get log messages , that I am unable to turn off from config in host.json . They ...
djangofan's user avatar
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How to authenticate to Azure AD using java SDK

I am trying to create an authentication method to autheticate to azure ad for adding an removal of users via my java code. I have a free tier account setup for the same. below is the method I used for ...
MI Haque's user avatar
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1 answer

Azure BlobContainerClient vs BlobContainerAsyncClient

I am just starting on code to download files from Azure blob using java SDK. while searching found two different clients for Blob. BlobContainerClient and BlobContainerAsyncClient. what's the ...
DAK's user avatar
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2 answers

AccessDeniedHandler not called when using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer

My application is a simple resource server — I am using AadResourceServerHttpSecurityConfigurer.aadResourceServer() to validate the given access token. The specific documentation I have followed can ...
Moody's user avatar
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Timeout error when reading large blobs in Azure container through Java SDK

I am trying to read the InputStream of a large blob from an Azure container and store it in another cloud storage of my own. For small files, it is working perfectly. But for large blobs (around 3GB), ...
Kumaran's user avatar
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Legacy JDK 8 project - Runtime error with Azure Java SDK

We want to integrate Azure Service bus Java SDk in a legacy project that has JDK 8. The project compiles fine, but spits out the following run time error: 'com/azure/spring/cloud/autoconfigure/...
Pavitar's user avatar
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Download blob to a path using azure blob java sdk with UTF-8 encoded file name

I have blobs in a folder location and sometimes the blob name has some Chinese characters in it. For example, I have blob name as 项目.xlsx. Currently I am using downloadToFile method where am trying to ...
anto clinton's user avatar
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Having trouble implementing Microsoft Graph Java SDK to list licenses assigned to user

I'm currently working on integrating Microsoft Graph APIs into my Java application to retrieve license details for users in my Microsoft 365 tenant. I referred to the official Microsoft documentation ...
user25035467's user avatar
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Unknown characters while reading PDF file from Azure Blobl Storage

I want to read PDF from azure blob storage and convert it into Base64 format. Following is the code that works fine with .txt file format but for .pdf file, it gives unknown characters which I ...
Akanksha_p's user avatar
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Nothing read from Azure Blob storage after downloading file in stream data

I'm fetching file from Azure blob storage with the following code but downloadedData is always empty string. I referred this MS document to read the file from the location. The file is not empty and ...
Akanksha_p's user avatar
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cosmos Change feed listener in java

I am implementing change feed listener in java. I don't want to use function App for it. Implementation is almost completed but it is not running and throwing error: leaseClient: content response on ...
Nitin Kumar's user avatar
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How to avoid "PKIX path building failed" error while querying Kusto with Java SDK?

I'm using Java SDK for Kusto (Azure Data Explorer). <groupId></groupId> <artifactId>kusto-data</artifactId> <version>5.0.3</version> I'm ...
Shlomo Prayev's user avatar
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Find Deprecated releases of all the azure resources for java sdk using python script or any other script

I have a specific use case in which I want to block all the pipelines in cicd in Azure DevOps which are using the resources of the deprecated releases or who have them in their pom.xml file I tried ...
Mayank Dhamaniya's user avatar
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Azure blob API returns sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature when uploading file to it

I am trying to use java SDK in order to connect to Azure Blob. On the method create if not exists I constantly get a general error. StorageCredentials storageCredentials = new ...
radurbalau's user avatar
-2 votes
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Is there any Java application code that is connecting to Azure Data Factory using Azure Java SDK?

I need to write a java application code using Azure Java SDK, to connect to Azure Data Factory to run the pipeline, to get the status of pipeline and to cancel the pipeline. I need a sample code for ...
Bangtan's user avatar
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1.5 billion record insertion into cosmos db using java SDK

I have to insert around 1.5 billion records in cosmos db using Java SDK which is broken into batches of 7k documents. I have written the code which generates the data first in the loop then put it ...
Akanksha_p's user avatar
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Azure Event Hub Not Using All Partitions

I have written an app using Azure Java SDK which pushes data to Azure Event Hub. This app makes use of partitioning and I'm using the car (a single manufacturer) VINs as the partition key. As the ...
AAA's user avatar
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Having trouble downloading a certificate from Azure KeyVault as a .PFX using the Java SDK

Having trouble downloading a certificate from Azure KeyVault as a .PFX using the Java SDK. After the download, the cert is not openable like the original HEX-encoded .PFX file is , before I uploaded ...
djangofan's user avatar
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Application Insights integration with SpringBoot 2.7.12

I have a spring boot version, and applicationinsights-runtime-attach dependencies. Before main method, ApplicationInsights.attach() gets executed and the instrument key from json is getting picked but ...
Harshita Porwal's user avatar
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Azure Open AI bring your own data feature returning error on getChatCompletions call: "Functions are not supported at this time."

Example I am following: ...
solujic's user avatar
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Failed to execute goal

Is something wrong with my pom.xml which could be causing GitHub actions to throw an error when trying to Restore Project Dependencies Using Mvn? I have a feeling there is some sort of compatibility ...
supermariowhan's user avatar
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Azure Data Factory Java SDK build dataset with Azure Data Explorer (Kusto) query

I want to migrate data between 2 Azure Data Explorer Clusters with filter on the source cluster. I'm creating Copy job on Azure Data Factory for automate and orchestrate it. I'm using the Java SDK in ...
Shlomo Prayev's user avatar
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How to write Junit test for Cosmos container query items?

I have a requirement where I need to write Junit tests for the following piece of code. The issue I am unable to figure out how to create an actual dummy instance of Iterable<FeedResponse<T>&...
Shivayan Mukherjee's user avatar
2 votes
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Spring Boot 3.0 with Azure AAD Security and CORS not working, worked in Spring Boot 2.6

For our application we had to write a custom OIDCUserService and OIDCUser objects as well as customize Azure's AAD Security Config with Spring. Here is the code for Spring Boot 2.6 that works. @...
bytor99999's user avatar
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1 answer

azure java sdk for az get token programatically

I am studying the azure java sdk and I did not find a wrapper method for az account get-access-token --resource api:// This request works properly from windows batch but ...
aurelianr's user avatar
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How to configure the timeout and retries on NetworkManager client

I want to control the timeout, connection retries number and the delay duration between the retries when the connection to the Azure NetworkManager failed. Here is how I connect to Azure: private void ...
Lior Elayev's user avatar
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NoSuchFieldError: Companion for azure.application-insights

Currently migrating my spring-boot app to use the latest compatibile version for JDK 8. I'm currently receiving this error when running the spring-boot-app ightsTelemetryAutoConfiguration': ...
SoulChill19's user avatar
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How can we create an Azure VM with trusted launch enabled with Azure Java SDK?

Like the title suggests, I've spent some time reading sdk documents and testing but had no luck so far finding a method under AzureResourceManager.virtualMachine would allow me to explicitly set the ...
kanade96's user avatar
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Could not resolve vimeo.stag for project

I keep getting this when running mvn clean install [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project tomtom: Could not resolve dependencies for project com.sample:tomtom:jar:1.0.0: Could not find artifact com....
Nesan Mano's user avatar
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ServiceBusSessionReceiverAsyncClient throwing IllegalStateException During Close

When using the ServicebusSessionReceiverAsyncClient to receive a single message from a Service Bus Queue, an IllegalStateException is thrown. The message mentions trying to add credits to an already ...
LPal's user avatar
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Java Reactor equivalent of an ArrayBlockingQueue

Imagine the following pattern: execute(): The execute() method is called once and a reactor code scans the entire directory, does parse files and puts the result into a blocking queue. fetch(): The ...
Werner Daehn's user avatar
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Java service running in AKS to access storage blob using system assigned maanaged Identity

Our Application is running inside AKS, and using System assigned Managed Identity, we want app running in AKS to access excel files present in Azure Storage blob using Java. We added Role of Storage ...
Sriram G's user avatar
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Check Connection with Azure service bus using Java SDK

I am using Azure service bus with Java SDK. Currently not find any way where I can verify that connection is established or not. Is there any method or way where I can check connection is established ...
yogesh prajapati's user avatar
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How to setup Basic Authentication for Azure Function App HttpTrigger functions (java)

I have created Anonymous HttpTrigger function using java and Deployed to Function App package com.function; import; import
Venkatesh's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Invoke Admin Level Authorized Azure HTTP Trigger Function

I've Created HttpTrigger Azure Java Functions with ADMIN LEVEL Authorization: Reference Document Link: For Invoking ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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guide to use the MASL java SDK to authenticate user in azure function developed in java

Please help me to find out the documentation on how to use java MASL SDK to get access_token for a service principal. I am looking to find the documentation or GIT links which can guide me how to use ...
Onki's user avatar
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getting error "Failed to get version of function(null)" in Intellij while running azure function

I am trying to run azure function in local in intellij. While I run in local, I get this error in intellij : when I click on configure, I see that the path is set correctly. Now, I have tried ...
Onki's user avatar
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How To Add Function Level Authorization to Azure Http Trigger Java Function

I've Created Http Trigger Azure Java Functions, Function Name 1.FUNCTION (FUNCTION LEVEL Authorization) ,,, package com.function; import; import com....
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How to Add Admin Level Authorization for Azure Java Functions

I've Created HttpTrigger Azure Java Functions, Function Name 1.ADMIN (ADMIN LEVEL Authherization) Above Function Having Admin Auth, Successfully Deployed to Function app and I've Updated _master Key ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How to list only the files(As BlobItems / Client) residing in a BlobContainer : Azure Storage in Java

I have a following folder structure in the azure blob storage: -MainFolder -subFolder1 -foo1.json -foo2.json -subFolder2 -foo1.json -foo3.json -...
user6090970's user avatar
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How to add Basic Auth for Azure HttpTrigger Java Function

I have created a sample Azure HTTP Trigger Java Function using Visual Studio Code and Deployed it to Azure Function App. Now it is Working Fine in Postman without authorization Postman Basic Auth ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How to generate swagger file to azure Java Functions without springboot

I have Azure Http trigger java Functions works for copy files from one container to another container, generate Sas token etc by using BlobServiceClient java class... These functions i created without ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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How to Generate Swagger File For Azure Java Function

I Have Azure HttpTrigger Java functions(get, Post) Those are Working Fine in Postman but, as per the Client Requirement I need To create swagger UI file for all those functions(Java) i am searching ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Upload a file to Azure Blob storage using Java

How to upload a file to Azure Blob storage using Azure Java SDK and also print the timestamp after uploading the file?
Pratik Dey's user avatar
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How to trigger Email notifications automatically to end users if my Azure function fails fail

I created some http functions using java and deployed to. Azure function app but now I need to trigger Email notifications to end users if function fail For this I have created alert rule resource ...
Venkatesh's user avatar
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Upload large file using azure java sdk more than 50k block

I'm trying to upload a file size of 230GB into azure block blob with the following code private void uploadFile(FileObject srcFile, FileObject destFile) throws Exception { try { ...
Krishnan's user avatar
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How to move Azure Storage blob to other container using Java SDK?

I'm trying to move blob from one container to another with in the same storage account. I'm using Java SDK for it. My code: StorageSharedKeyCredential credential = new StorageSharedKeyCredential("...
dev333's user avatar
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