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How can I aggregate fields using a custom directive in Federated GraphQL at the gateway layer?

I have cross-cutting concern across my graph, where I need to aggregate fields at my gateway layer, versus at my subgraphs. I must tag fields of interest in all of my subgraphs with a custom directive ...
cdaringe's user avatar
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How to Build a Python-Based GraphQL API Gateway and Federation Service for Django Microservices?

I have a set of Django microservices, each exposing GraphQL APIs. Currently, I'm using Apollo Server with Apollo Federation to combine all subgraphs into a single supergraph. However, I've encountered ...
Jackson Bakari's user avatar
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Strawberry GraphQL Federation: TypeError: Cannot convert value to AST: ['id']

Full disclosure: first time Strawberry user, new to Python, but not new to GraphQL and federation. I followed with Vendor and Product as classes instead ...
Learner's user avatar
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How to get zone-specific stock information for materials?

Problem Description: I'm working with a federated GraphQL setup involving three services: Material, Zone, and Stock. Each service has its own type definitions: Zone Service: Extends the Material ...
Krister Johansson's user avatar
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expected value of type "_Any" in apollo federation

{ "representations": [ { "__typename": "dummy", "templateId": "X", "strategy": "dummy", "...
Harsh Agarwal's user avatar
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NestJS GraphQL Federation 2, problem with @ResolveReference between two services

I need help. I currently have nestjs graphql microservices (apollo) federated via a nestjs gateway (appollo gateway). The types are shared between the services via a library that shares the types (I'm ...
Axel Carisey's user avatar
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Inability to Use transformSchema and Custom Directives in Apollo Gateway Configuration with @nestjs/graphql #3296

Current behavior The issue manifests when attempting to use the transformSchema and publicDirectiveTransformer in the Apollo Gateway configuration within a NestJS application using the code-first ...
Ahmad Salman Khan's user avatar
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Apollo Gateway doesn't connect to other services inside Docker

I am running 2 GrapQL APIs inside my project and have a Apollo Gateway that connects them. When I run the docker compose file, the APIs get built and work (I can access them through the browser) but ...
Ile Ristovski's user avatar
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GraphQL Federation for conditional dependencies

Suppose I have 3 datapoints in 3 separate subgraphs Data Point A in "Subgraph 1" Data Point B in "Subgraph 2" Data Point C in "Subgraph 3" A depends on B and C ...
Vishwanath's user avatar
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Extending a type in GraphQL / Apollo Federation

What I'm trying to extend another type using GraphQL federation under using the following syntax: [Key("id")] [Extends] public class Parent { [ID] public string Id { get; set; } ...
RQDQ's user avatar
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Graphql Federation composition errors

I am having weird composition errors , composing 3 different subgraphs with apollo federation v2. Subgraph 3 is what i am trying to run with nestjs and getting different errors with different versions ...
Deeptechtons's user avatar
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Centralized Authorization in Graphql Federation

I'm looking for an approach to centralize authorization in my Graphql setup. here is the full context of the problem I'm facing i have one supergraph, and two subgraphs, let's call them posts, and ...
reza erami's user avatar
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I Got ERROR : Cannot query field \"queryName\" on type \"Query\".", Even if it is published in schema

In my project I am using ApolloStudio for publishing my graphql queries, Using rover script I published my new query and it reflected in the changeLogs also in the API schema. But when I tried it on ...
Niraj C S's user avatar
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Is there any way to use Apollo Federation with HotChocolate to make one to many relationships between entities located in different services?

I have PostService and UserService in two different web applications written on c# web api. There is also an Apollo api gateway. const gateway = new ApolloGateway({ serviceList: [ { name: '...
Kirill Sukhorukikh's user avatar
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Apollo gateway error formatting with NestJS

I have GraphQL services (apollo) made with NestJS federated by apollo gateway. My services return a formatted graphql error, I add an internal error code and some other information in the extensions. ...
Cariz's user avatar
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owned types are marked as extension [is an extension type, but there is no type definition for]

I am trying to run MOST MINIMALISTIC gateway but I am running into false positive error when one of the dependencies is thinking that Use Objet type is "extension" type. Error: A valid ...
Michal's user avatar
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Apollo Server Graphql resolve dependent property in mutation

I have a user subgraph and post subgraph. There are mutations on the post subgraph that need user details from the user type. Is there a way to resolve the dependent fields in a mutation ? type User{ ...
Deeptechtons's user avatar
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How to resolve values from other subgraphs deep in a nested query in Apollo?

Let's say I have the following federated graph: type Query { products: [Product]! } // resolved by `discounts-service` type Discount { priceWithDiscount: Float expired: Boolean } // ...
voyager11's user avatar
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How to lookahead from a reference resolver in GraphQL Ruby?

Using lookahead in GraphQL Ruby is really helpful to optimize your database queries, but it seems like you can only use it at the field level. This is fine for normal GraphQL API, but when using ...
pmrotule's user avatar
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Mixing Apollo v3 and v4 GraphQL in a federated graph

We have a mixture of Apollo v2 and Apollo v3 services running right now, and federation is working very well amongst them. We're about to start upgrading services to Apollo v4. There have been a ...
Mayur Patel's user avatar
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How to Use @defer Directive in GraphQL Federated Application with NestJS

I am working on a GraphQL federated application using NestJS, and I'm trying to implement the @defer directive to enable partial query execution and improve the performance of my GraphQL API. However, ...
Cod3n0d3's user avatar
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Nestjs Graphql Federation 2 problem when migrating from @apollo/gateway to @apollo/router

I'm facing errors using Rover CLI to compose my subgraphs, however I don't face any issues with the gateway approach using the same code. I'm using Nestjs graphql driver. It has been a blocker for a ...
Abdelrahman Essawy's user avatar
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Apollo Graph QL - Router fails to start - Voyage II: Federating the Monolith

I am working on the course Voyage II: Federating the Monolith I have progressed along tot he point where we need to ...
user2864961's user avatar
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Apollo federation with graphql java kickstart giving runtime error while executing query

I have couple of existing backend services exporting graphql data for 'accounts' & 'billing'. These services have implemented graphql using graphql-java-kickstart (without springboot). I want to ...
suraj bahl's user avatar
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Changing Keys of a subgraph in apollo federation

I have two subgraphs that contribute to a supergraph by following apollo federation 2.0. One of the subgraph defines a type Payment which has a field bill. The subgraph that defines the Payment type ...
Varun's user avatar
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Spring Graphql Resolvers

Is there a way in graphql to only return a result record in an list if the key is found in 2 resolvers. For example: Query { getData:[A!]! } Service A resolver type A @key(fields: "id") {...
Bran's user avatar
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Graphql Inner and Left Join

We are using Apollo Router + Netflix DGS to build federated graphql services. Suppose that we have a common relational database right now for books and authors, but want to move towards a microservice ...
Justin W's user avatar
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Importing "@authenticated" directive using nestjs, apollo, and code-first approach

I am using NestJS server with microservices and Apollo Router. I want to add "@authenticated" directive to my resolvers so I can omit authentication on requests to routes that do not require ...
Reabon's user avatar
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Add appsync as subgraph to apollo graphql supergraph

I have apollo supergraph created with two subgraphs working perfectly. I have used Rover commands to join subgraphs with supergraph. Now I'm trying to add appsync as a subgraph to my supergraph. I ...
srikanth gunuputi's user avatar
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Complex type in Netflix dgs entityfetcher

I have defined Subgraphs to fetch data from multiple sources type MyResult{ id: ID innerResults: [InnerResult] @external otherResults: [OtherResult] @requires(fields: "innerResults") } ...
Gajukorse's user avatar
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How to query _entities in Apollo Router?

While resolving GraphQL request, Apollo Router makes requests that include field _entities(representations: $representations) to internal services. However, when trying to issue the same query to ...
TohaSt's user avatar
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Confusion in initialising GraphQL Dataloader in context

context: ({ req }) => { if (req) { return { ip: headers.userip, headers, userLanguage, decodedToken, dataLoaders: { seoDataLoader: createSeoDataLoader() } } } } Here I create a createSeoDataLoader ...
Jay Karavadra's user avatar
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File Upload on apollo gateway

I have two graphql subgraphs server a and server b. Each running fastify and mercurius and using grapqql-upload to handle files. I also have an apollo gateway connected to both servers and working ...
Cyrille keith's user avatar
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NestJS + Apollo Federation Gateway Save Schema

Question When making the Apollo Gateway leveraging the NestJS GraphQL Module, how can you save the schema file? Background Normally with NestJS GraphQL support you can save the schema file with ...
cbolles's user avatar
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Apollo Federation Integration testing and extended types in subgraphs

I'm currently trying to write a simple integration test to run executeOperation on one of my subgraphs. However, the graphql schema for my subraph has entity references to my other subgraphs. For ...
LoneWolfPR's user avatar
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Does NestJS execute resolvers of ObjectTypes when they are used as a fields of another ObjectType

Consider an ObjectType, as such: @ObjectType() @KeyFields('id') // wrapper to create federation directive export class MyInterestingThing { @Field(type => ID) id: string; @Field() ...
Ryan Shohoney's user avatar
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Is there a way to load pre-federated schema by using Apollo Gateway?

I am using ApolloGateway to federate graphql subgraphs. Below is the demo code: const gateway = new ApolloGateway({ supergraphSdl: new IntrospectAndCompose({ subgraphs: [ { name: 'accounts'...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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How to set different header for different subgraph via ApolloGateway?

I am using Apollo gateway to build a graphql federation service. Below is the demo code: const gateway = new ApolloGateway({ supergraphSdl: new IntrospectAndCompose({ subgraphs: [ { name: '...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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Set-cookie headers are not being sent when calls are made through apollo federation gateway NestJs

I have a non monorepo nestJs graphql microservices app, and opted for Apollo federation gateway. I have an authentication server which works fine and sets cookies to header, only problem is when calls ...
saafgh's user avatar
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How to call mutation from one subgraph to another in Apollo federation gateway GraphQL

There is 2 subgraphs User and Posts, I want to create post and add newly created post Id to the user's posts array. User and Post are different services with different databases. createPost mutation ...
Harshil Sharma's user avatar
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How can I federate custom scalar type cross subgraph via Apollo federation?

I have below graphql schema defined in a apollo server works as a subgraph behind Apollo federation router. extend schema @link(url: "", import: [&...
Joey Yi Zhao's user avatar
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Apollo gateway gives an error when `@requires` fieldset has an entity which is resolved by two separate clients

I have 4 subgraph services namely products, couriers, cargo_service, tax. (Not a real-world example, just playing with graphql federation concepts). Below is my code for those services. products ...
Mohamed Ishad's user avatar
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Is the Apollo Federation loosely coupling?

I am pretty new to microservices architecture and Apollo Federation. I am curious: is the Apollo federation really loosely coupled? Because if a subgraph doesn't work in Node.js, the gateway also ...
Ertan Özdemir's user avatar
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Union of responses from two different subgraphs

I was looking into apollo federation but was not able to deduce from a first scan of their docs if I will be able to respond from the router with union of responses from two different subgraphs. For ...
zoid's user avatar
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GraphQL - Apollo printSchema error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'kind')

I am trying to use the printSchema function from Apollo to include @directives in the GQL Schema. However it keeps showing this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'kind') ...
Sivvie Lim's user avatar
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How do you order by a left join with graphql apollo federaton?

I'm using apollo federation. I need to order owners by if they written a product review for a particular product, and then the ones that haven't last. In psql world it's really simple select * from ...
user133688's user avatar
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How to resolve type from another subgraph in a Apollo GraphQL federated schema?

I have an Order subgraph and a Menu subgraph. The order subgraph returns customers orders and the Menu subgraph return information about menu's and the menu items. When I fetch an order, I want the ...
Stretch0's user avatar
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how to use neo4j/graphql in conjunction with nestjs-neo4j to access the neo4j schema directives

I am using: nestjs v9 neo4j v4.5 neo4j/graphql v3 apollo server v4 w/federation neo4jService from nestjs-neo4j to create a neo4jGraphqlService that uses neo4jService for most neo4j DB ...
MichaelE's user avatar
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Error from a non-sharable field defined in a subgraph that shoudn't have this field

I have multiple GraphQL microservices (subgraphs, using ApolloFederationDriver) with a GraphQL gateway (using ApolloGatewayDriver) I have a really strange bug since I've upgraded my GraphQL ...
MrSquaare's user avatar
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GraphQL Federation Uploading File - This operation has been blocked as a potential Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)

I try to upload images to Cloudflare R2 bucket. But when I upload a file on Client side, this file comes to Gateway successfully. After this step, it doesn't go to subgraph and gives this error on ...
Ertan Özdemir's user avatar

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