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Logging in each method vs Logging with Aspect? [duplicate]

Whenever I write an API or program with Spring Boot, my logging strategy is usually like below: @Service public class ShortLinkServiceImpl implements ShortLinkService { private final Logger ...
Aksoy's user avatar
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How to save requests and responses to database in spring boot

I would like to write an aspect or something like that and whenever a request comes to the controller it saves the request and the response to the database. First question is what type I should use in ...
Aksoy's user avatar
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Use AOP in a Spring Boot app to log methods calls and their parameters

Rather than manually writing code such as public void someMethod(Object someArg, Object otherArg) { logger.trace("someMethod invoked with arguments {}, {}", someArg, otherArg); /...
Antonio Dragos's user avatar
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Springboot Event Logging

I have a scheduled task in a fixed rate, that reads a queue. Each message that comes from the queue has an ID. I wanna know if it's possible split the log by ID, appending to a different file. I was ...
DTodt's user avatar
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Spring AOP logging

I have a j2ee web application running on Spring framework. I want to implement logging using log4j and Spring's AOP. I am able to log the public methods using custom annotation. I am not able to log ...
bookofcodes's user avatar