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Zarr: KeyError .zarray when opening anndata group

When I try to open an anndata group object with zarr using a store: group = I get a keyError on .zarray. zarr is trying to figure out if certain folders are arrays or ...
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BracketError when using diffxpy for a scRNAseq experiment

I am trying to use diffxpy to do differential gene expression analysis between 2 samples (batch) in one cell type from a scRNAseq experiment and I am using the following code: #subsetting an adata ...
CATA_Bioinfo's user avatar
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Scanpy Neighborhood Graph Construction Error: "'NoneType' object has no attribute 'split'"

I am running a standard scanpy workflow on a dataset and I reached the neighborhood graph construction. When I run the line: sc.pp.neighbors(adata, n_neighbors=10, n_pcs=11) I get the following error: ...
shugor's user avatar
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How to plot anndata like matrix to grey 2d numpy array

Input data mtx: "<COOrdinate sparse matrix of dtype 'int64' with 357558594 stored elements and shape (30562, 96629557)>" mtx.todense()[0:2,0:8] = matrix([[4050, 24, 21, 3, ...
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