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Unity + C# bouncing animation

I'm currently working on a slot game in unity and what I'm trying to achieve is that once the reels stop spinning, the symbols bounce a little bit up and down before they come to a full stop. In my ...
The SkyRider's user avatar
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Unity Randomized Animation is synchronized across all prefab instances

As per title, I am randomizing animation using the following script: private IEnumerator RandomizeAnimation() { while (true) { var rand = Random.Range(0, 100); switch (rand) ...
Krzysztof's user avatar
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SetCurve doesn’t work at runtime in Unity build with Animancer (non-humanoid avatar)

I'm trying to generate and play animations at runtime in Unity using Animancer. My current implementation uses AnimationClip.SetCurve to create and play the animation, which works perfectly in the ...
Finn's user avatar
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Parsing and Playing AMC/ASF in Unity

I've been trying to manually parse and play amc/asf files in unity. I've parsed the data but I'm not applying it correctly. Here is my setup: Parsing the data It is assumed that Unity uses a left-...
Francis Tony's user avatar
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Unable to copy unity animation properties from one file to another

I have a character model with 50 animation, all of them will have same properties Like Root Transform Rotation, Root Transform Position (Y), Root Transform Position (XZ), but i can not see any option ...
Jayant Barthwal's user avatar
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IK and walking animation behaves strange together

I’m trying to make foot ik for my character. Character has also walking animation from mixamo. I’m giving weights (SetIKRotWeight, SetIKPosWeight) by using animation curves. If walking animation shows ...
ozgurkara71 's user avatar
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2 answers

Make Snake move smoother, look like Google Snake in unity

Trying to make a snake game, but my version is a little complex, because I am not using a single green or black box for snake, I use different sprites for snake head, tail, body, and corner like this. ...
kekekuli's user avatar
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1 answer

I'm trying to make an AoE explosion on my character and the animation loops, but the hitbox only stays for the first loop (I don't want it to loop)

This image shows the animation set that I have made, if there is any questions about transition times then I can supply a list too using System Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using ...
ChickenNugg265's user avatar
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Character is floating in the air when death animation is played in unity

I'm new to Unity and I've been trying to make this little short runner game. Everything has been going smoothly except the death animation, which is supposed to be played when either the timer reaches ...
Avisa Rasooli's user avatar
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2D diagonal movement in Unity

I'm very new to Unity and am trying to set up 8 directional movement and animation for my Sprite. At present, 4 directional movement (up, down, left, right) is working fine, but diagonal movement is ...
Jim Lahey's user avatar
-1 votes
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Why is my Ui moving faster and faster with SmoothDamp? Unity | Animation | SmoothDamp

So i was working on a Animation per code. I didnt wanted to use the in Build Unity Editor. I decided SmoothDamp would be the perfect solution for my code, or so i thought. Because after some game ...
Benjamin Cisek's user avatar
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Animating Kyle Robot in Unity (or any humanoid)

So, I recently discovered that when I try to record animations for Kyle Robot, it was never working - position and rotation appeared to be changing when I hit the Record button (in the Animator), but ...
Ginzorf's user avatar
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What's the optimal way of reusing animation, rigs and controllers in a complex setup with multiple characters in Unity?

What's the optimal way of reusing animation, rigs and controllers in a complex setup with multiple characters in Unity 2022.3? I've got a somewhat complex scenario: One character that has 20 skins, ...
Fernando D'Andrea's user avatar
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1 answer

Unity assign premade animation to different instantiated GameObject

I'm working in unity on a procedurally generated weapons system (so you can generate infinite combos of crosses, scopes ... etc), and now i would like to add animations to them. For example, i would ...
Romain's user avatar
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Blender Character Rig for Unity saying "Root contains both Root motion and transform curves"

This error message allows the animations to play but when they do the character simply flies upwards instead of moving forwards as the root motion should work Tried Changing the FBX setting to no ...
Alastair Sydes's user avatar
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How do I flip the character to the left in Unity?

I assumed in Unity that the character was moving to the left in the animation or stopped on the way. I set it to do so using the recording function of the animation function. I made the animation a ...
codebetatester's user avatar
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Character does not move in Unity

I wrote the code in Unity hoping that the character can move in all directions in two dimensions if I press the direction key. (If I press the shift key, it moves fast.) However, after writing the ...
codebetatester's user avatar
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How do I code and attach a 2D simple melee attack in Unity?

I tried attaching this directly via Add Behavior onto the animation event, but it didn't work. Then I tried to attach it via an Animation Event and that didn't work either. public class ...
tai an Zhou's user avatar
-1 votes
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A couple of questions about resizing and animating sprites

I'm programming a very simple proof of concept game in which bandits attack a knight. Nothing fancy. I did Google and YT before I wrote this. :) My questions : a) How do I resize the sprite to scale? ...
tai an Zhou's user avatar
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How to move humanoid model charactor in unity with 3d coordinates from mediapipe pose estimation

I have a python program that runs mediapipe psoe estimation and sends 3D pose coordinates data via UDP to unity. So far I've been able to render the pose results with spheres and lines. Here is the ...
073's user avatar
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Simple Sprite Animation Not Playing As Intended

I have a simple animation for lava that I want to play. Ideally, it should play only when visible on the screen, BUT for now, it is set to always animate (screenshot attached). Each Lava Pool has 1 ...
Astantos's user avatar
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Animation froze midway through animation in unity 3d

This occured after I had finished all the movement and animation in unity for this. Just midway through the animation you have your player running in a weird way with his leg up and other leg diagnol ...
TurtleLover69's user avatar
-1 votes
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Unity 3D animated player is moving away from its parent object transform

Whenever I continue moving my player around in Unity 3D, the radius between the player model transform and parent transform increases. I believe this is because of my animator because this wasn't ...
TurtleLover69's user avatar
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2 answers

Blender animation exported as .fbx won't even preview in Unity

I recently exported an animation from Blender as a .fbx file, and although I can access the animation object from Unity, there's no way to make it run on Unity, not even in preview. This is my ...
Lolloroma114's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to disable animation after SetActive(true) in Unity?

I have an animated UI obj (A button) that plays the animation (is switching sprites, between sprite1 and sprite2) after a certain condition, after the button is pressed the sprite of the button ...
Chris der Hov's user avatar
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Unity2D animation problem, Jumping/Falling Animation

I was following a youtuber called antarsoft on his tutorial for 2d movement and animations, i got to the jumping animation part, I did everything he said but when I jump. The animations are playing ...
Mohammed Hussain's user avatar
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Animate child object in animated root object in Unity3D

I'm attempting to add animation to the Erika object. However, when I try to do so, the camera shakes in-game due to the existing move animation in NCGS_VAKTA. How can I resolve this issue? Objects ...
Николай Хорлин's user avatar
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Updating BoxCollider parameters in animation tab (Dopesheet)

I tried to change the values of the center and size of the BoxCollider (3d) throughout the animation. I have encountered a problem that any entered BoxCollider values were immediately reset to the ...
Soul's user avatar
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2 answers

Animating a GameObject with Nav Mesh Agent with idle animation - Unity 3d

I have a Unity Assets store imported GameObject named Zombie1 with a Nav Mesh Agent component set and a Animator component (screenshot: ), and a animation named Z_Idle. I would like to implement the ...
codertocode's user avatar
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My game wont acknowledge my animator and is giving me no errors

In unity when I have it made so when my camera collider interacts with an object I get the option and ability to interact with it. I already set up the animator and put a trigger called press. When I ...
Karim Elhusseiny's user avatar
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How is the lightning effect of the Rechargeable Battery achieved in Plants vs. Zombies 2

How is the lightning effect of the lighting reed achieved in Plants vs. Zombies 2, which produces different electrical arcs depending on the target's position? Is this achieved through piecing ...
Jimbo Lu's user avatar
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Can't run generic character animation Unity 3D

I've imported animation (separately from the model) from Mixamo and now I can't merge the model and the animation. The model can't be a humanoid because it doesn't have enough bones, and when I select ...
Ilya's user avatar
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Assistance Needed for Creating Triangular Animation for a Holographic Pyramid Display

I'm currently working on a project in Unity where I need to create a triangular animation suitable for a holographic pyramid display. The display is intended to be three-sided, providing a 270-degree ...
PLBM_ Đ4Ņ1ËĻ's user avatar
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How to correctly add animation for a rotating object with Script in unity?

I have the following structure of my Turret: Turret -> Body -> Head The Body rotates by Y and Head rotating by X via script to a moving target, I have created simple Idle animation for turret ...
Jabka's user avatar
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2 answers

Unity 2D - animated background

I'm working on a game with free pixel adventure sprites. The GIF below is a level that the sprite creator put, and I have no idea how to create such a background in Unity (repeat with go down ...
Pooria Sadeghy's user avatar
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Blender image sequence (png) to Unity

I'm new here and I would like to ask you guys a question about exporting Blender stuff into Unity. I've created a character in Blender and exported it to Unity. The thing is, when I export the ...
Superpower56's user avatar
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Animation not transitioning Unity

so I’m kind of new to Unity and I’m making a top down 2D shooting game. I’m trying to make my character play the death animation when he dies but for some reason it doesn’t transition. I tried using ...
BolliePanda's user avatar
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Can't attach animation after creating one through script in Unity

I'm supposed to create an animation for a specific object in Unity using C#. Therefore, the object has a component with the following parameters: The animation clips were successfully generated and ...
Ana Henriques's user avatar
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I want to convert each frame of a animated sprite into a separate Layer and then create a sprite sheet

I want to convert each frame of a animated sprite into a separate Layer and then create a sprite sheet , can anyone Provide steps to do the sameHere is the image of the frames I have tried asking AI ...
Dullestdear's user avatar
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Unity 2D, Prefab text with rising animation is spawned on touch, correct x position but always spawns at y 0?

The bonus text particle has an animation where it is at x 0 the whole time, but the y rises from 0 to 1. When playing the game, tapping the screen, the particle is created at the correct finger ...
Div's user avatar
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Unity Trash Dash Endless Runner game can't add mixamo avatar

Hi i downloaded the Trash Dash( the sample game from Unity for endless runner). I want to add new characters. I created a character in Mixamo, but each time i run the app i get an error. ( the app ...
antonia simionescu's user avatar
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While function to check if animation is running crashing Unity

I'm working on a two player fighting game, where one player can hit the other player. All hits are marked as a strike or a grab, and when an opponent is hit with a grab I want the opponent to follow ...
jeremy.bartlett's user avatar
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Clean camera transitions

I'm trying to have cameras cut to the next animation clean but it doesn't work. I animated the camera movement and rotation so these animations deal with the camera. 1st example: When you have two ...
JMAS's user avatar
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Problem with Unity jump animation when using BoxCast for ground detection

I am developing an endless runner platformer game for android devices and i have a problem. I am using BoxCast for ground detection and animations are not working correctly. Also sometimes at the ...
inanakmugan's user avatar
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Unity Animator: Animation is playing correctly in one layer and not playing in another

Version of Unity: 2018.4.36f1 So here's the problem: I have a canvas and animations for Disclaimer game object. When animations located in Base Layer all works fine, but I need few animations playing ...
ADAMANT GD's user avatar
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Animation using a blend tree, 2D Simple Directional not using the correct animation

Why does this deer not switch to its 'Deer Move-Left' animation until the value is at 1. From my understanding, I would think it would switch over right when the value goes from 0 to -0.01.
Jesse Moreland's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to implement this Desmos roll function in Unity

I was looking for a way to create a roll out effect just like this in a 2D Unity project The problem is I'm not that goot at math, so I'm not sure how to ...
s_marcell's user avatar
-2 votes
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Animation has no reference

guys when i'm starting game everything's fine but when am trying to move my game stopping and causing errors animation footL run-forward-right run-forward-left has no receiver! are you missing ...
Ragnärok's user avatar
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Animation is lagging and stopping

It's a 2D platformer game. Animations transitions were set up in the Animator window, but unfortunately, when the player encounters an obstacle, the animation stops. What could be the reason? There is ...
user avatar
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Animation bug with NavMeshAgent in 2D game(using NavMeshPlus)

The animation begins to quickly switch during corner passages. Most likely, the problem is that the values change too quickly. However, I can't understand how to fix this (In code or animator). ...
pouwapuff's user avatar

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