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How to Synchronize mat-paginator Page Sizes?

I'm attempting to synchronize the page sizes of multiple mat-paginators that are nested across multiple child components. I'm using a shared service to store the "global" page size. However, ...
Andrew Biddle's user avatar
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Angular The file upload screen nothing happens

The file upload screen appears, but when I click upload, nothing happens. A pop-up window should appear saying "Are you sure?" As I show in this video, nothing happens. Angular Side : file-...
İbrahim Özdemir's user avatar
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Is it possible to add scroll bar to half part of table-angular

In table I want scroll bar to last 2 columns so that we can scroll next part. is it possible to add that in angular. I am able to add scroll to entire table but what I actually want is I want scroll ...
komal harmale's user avatar
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How to convert base64format to the word document preview in angular [closed]

Does in angular do we have any library ? i was looking for some examples but i didn't found any. I have found a library ngx-doc-viewer it has a url but i have base64 which i need to transform to word ...
ck-s's user avatar
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Mat Date picker sending the incorrect date

I have this input for selectin date <mat-form-field class="w-full"> <mat-label>{{ "DATE" | translate }}</mat-label> ...
flaw's user avatar
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ngx-Editor in Angular Not working as expected

ngx-editor is not working as expected the block, italics, blockQuotes and list is not working in my angular code. either i have to remove those options from editor-menu, or i have make those working ...
Sandeep pradeep's user avatar
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Angular - Send form on enter in MatDialog

My goal is to execute the form in a MatDialog if I press Enter. It doesn't matter which element is focused. I've searched a lot and tried lots of things but each time it didn't work. I've tried to use ...
Stefan's user avatar
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The XMLHttpRequest compatibility library was not found

I am doing a project with Angular and Firebase and I started to get this error. At first I didnt have this error, but then I used FirebaseTSAuth methods and the error appeared. Can someone help? This ...
Vladislav Georgiev's user avatar
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I am trying to run mobile version of the Angular project using yarn and I am continuously getting errors related to @types/lodash-es

I am using Angular cli version 13.0.2 my package.json { "name": "hrconnex", "version": "0.0.0", "scripts": { "ng": "ng", ...
Arb246's user avatar
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Unexpected value 'AppAsideModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add an @NgModule annotation

I have try to upgrade my project the version angular13 to angular17, that time I got "Unexpected value 'AppAsideModule' imported by the module 'AppModule'. Please add an @NgModule annotation.&...
Koushik Roy's user avatar
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1 answer

NullInjectorError: R3InjectorError[ToastrService -> ToastrService -> InjectionToken ToastConfig -> InjectionToken ToastConfig]:

I am stuck in add ngx-toastr in angular standalone micro-frontend in angualr 16. when i add the ngx-toastr provideToast() in main Module component. Please check the below screenshot: Thanks enter ...
manish jadli's user avatar
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How to populate dropdown with its previous value?

We have a dropdown which had 3 values, out of which one value is removed now, so two values are left for the user to select now. But if the user searches an item which has that value in the dropdown ...
Vishal Gandotra's user avatar
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why it not navigate to the dashboard page after login

id: any; loginsubmit(id: any) { console.log("button works"); const che = \[\]; this.admincreation.getdatas(id).subscribe((che: any) =\> { { const adminl = che.find((b: any) =\> { ...
priya singh's user avatar
-1 votes
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Change Angular Material Dialog style

I'm trying to create a modal with angular material dialog, but I would like to override the style of angular material with Bootstrap modal style...i'm trying to use 'panelClass' but the style is not ...
Filippo Brigati's user avatar
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Angular material pagination not working properlry

I am trying to show data in HTML table through an API and I want to add pagination to it and show 3 or 6 row per page but it is not working. All data showed without pagination while I looking to show ...
kelyen's user avatar
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2 answers

How to add pagination using angular material to HTML table

I am trying to paginate my page and show 3 row per page and navigate through pages using angular material pagination. In usersComponent.ts I retrieved Data from an API: import { Component, OnInit, ...
userfh's user avatar
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How to downgrade Angular materia Version 16.0.0 to 14.2.6

How to downgrade Angular materia Version 16.0.0 to 14.2.6 so that colud be compatible with current project in term of appearance and animations I tried to downgrade angular version but no Effect on ...
NikomboTech's user avatar
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Upgrade Angular JS version 1.2.6 to Angular 16 (Material problem)

I would like to inform you about a project I am currently working on, which involves upgrading AngularJS version 1.2.6 to Angular 16. However, I am facing a major challenge regarding the differences ...
moh's user avatar
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Mat pagination not working properly, data in the mat-table is not getting updates.only the first 5 records are being displayed

The requirement is to use Mat-table,Mat-Pagination and the form group is different for each row, dont want to use the custom function to implement pagination, want to use MatTableDataSource('Took the ...
Deepanshu Malviya's user avatar
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MatSort exclude few rows not column

As per the screenshot, exclude empty Rows From "Date" when user clicks on Date for sorting. The empty rows exists because of ngIf applied on that row. Requirement is rows with empty column ...
deepthi's user avatar
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Angular Table Content Not Displaying Properl API

The API Returns an array of objects so that i could extract it and loop it through and make ROWS out of it . but the problem is it displays only one element in the row and makes 2 entries of Rows . ...
Rohit517's user avatar
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Open new tab used this.router.navigate

I'm trying to redirect the user to a specific page with ${id} opening a new tab after clicking a button in an angular material dialog box, because I want to keep the dialog box open while I query the ...
Nunes's user avatar
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Changes not reflected after editing data without manual refresh on angular webapp

I just edited the Milestone name and changed the flag color to green ,but i should be reflected in real time , but to get result i will have to refresh the page , then i am getting updated data , code ...
Ritu Raj's user avatar
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How to pass FormControl from @Input() in Angular 15

I am using Angular Material Chips dynamically and want to pass FormConrol from Task creation component to Chips component but I am not abble to get FormControl Value from Form Group on First click of ...
JAFFAR ABBAS's user avatar
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Angular Calendar is not working in different timezones with daylight savings

I am using angular-calendar to show the time in week view where I can drag and drop and customize the timings. Here is the sample code below from angular calendar:- Note that this only happening when ...
Towhidul Islam's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does attr.disabled = "row?.statut === 'TRM' ? true: null"doesn't disabled the specific row?

i want to disabled the rows that doen't match my criteria but the property doesn't return a single disabled row <mat-header-row *matHeaderRowDef="displayedColumns"></mat-header-row&...
Jordi Fokou's user avatar
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set duration when dialog open or leave angular 13

I'm using NgDialogAnimationService on angular 13 and it all works fine, but one thing is missing I need to set the duration property for when the dialog opens and leaves but I can't, some can help! ...
Sameh M Darwish's user avatar
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How to Connect Scanner device with Angular

I am trying to connect Scanner device with Angular application. I have Scanner page where user can see Scanner Connection Alert and scanned documents, if user scan the document means it should display ...
Bharanitharan Sakthivel's user avatar
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What makes this chip-list fail in my Angular 14 and Angular material app?

I am working on a form in Angular 14. I am trying to add a field with Angular Material cips. In the component's Typescript file, I have: constructor(private fb: FormBuilder,) { } public visible: ...
Razvan Zamfir's user avatar
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ngx component on bootstrap in Angular

I made a modal in angular and I sent the parameters to the modal through BsModalService but seems it doesn't work I reviewed my code many times but this error appears in console : ERROR TypeError: ...
Ahmed Albarwani's user avatar
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Angular update grid based on checkbox selection

When page load first time at that time I am displaying grid view with current user details. Now in that I have added one checkbox. So when user click on that checkbox then that grid should updated ...
Vasi's user avatar
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What is the replacement for ngModel in this code in Angular as I am getting warning for using form control name and ngModel together

I have used ngModel and formControlName together so I am getting warning in console. I want to remove that warning but I am not able to figure out if I am removing ngModel in it than with what should ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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i have -multiselect-dropdown , and all i need is send my value when put request into backend , but i cant catch value

<ng-multiselect-dropdown class="col-4 ng2-select-dropdown" [placeholder]="'Select Tags'" formControlName="tags" ...
Sameh M Darwish's user avatar
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Change the ngx-datatable-column name dynamically

I'm using a component ngx-datatable angular version 9. I'm trying change the props namedynamically using a *ngIf command. Problem: I want to using a attribute the list to show the right name. Code: ...
Luciana Oliveira's user avatar
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Showing link into MatDialogConfig message box

I'm receiving String with hyperlinks inside.The String is: String : For accepting click here <a href="link 1">click here</a> and <a href="link 2">click here</a&...
Владимир Гичев's user avatar
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3 answers

How can i show a spinner while waiting for data from a get call inside my ngOnInit ? (Angular 15)

i'm struggling on something that should be pretty easy. I'm trying to render a spinner, whenever a get call is ongoing, so instead of displaying an empty screen, i can use the spinner. I thought of ...
GamblingMan's user avatar
-1 votes
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i have shared service ,i inject dataSource!: MatTableDataSource i got undefined and can't reder

[enter image description here][1]i have Shared service , i create a method using MatTableDataSource to get requiset api from json server and when i use this method into my components dataSource ...
Sameh M Darwish's user avatar
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Upgrading to Angular 11 - NG8002 Error "Can't bind to 'formGroup' since it isn't a known property of 'form'."

So, I am trying to update our project from Angular 8 to Angular 14. I have gone thru the process of updating from 8 to 9 and 9 to 10, before starting the upgrade to 11. When upgrading to 11 though, ...
Anthony Anaya's user avatar
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keep track of active users - Angular

I have a web page with angular and I need to know the number of active users, it is useless to do it based on the users who have logged in, because perhaps they logged in once and have not entered ...
Cristian E's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to Print Angular Dashboard Content

Im currently in the process of creating a legal document automation program for the company i work for, however i have run into one issue on possibly one the last step of completing this web app. I am ...
Isaac Lyne's user avatar
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How to convert Angular Application from MonoRepo to PolyRepo?

I have created three angular applications separately that have an individual workspace or individual projects and individual repositories. I can share the modules among them by using the @angular-...
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Angular Modal Popup Form Validation Not Working

Scenario: I am new to angular. When I click the button Enable Access, I'm trying to create a Modal Popup Form in Angular. The issue I am facing is it is not checking the validations like Required. It ...
Amateur coder's user avatar
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How to Pass Data Mat-Dialog

So I'm trying to pass data that i input in dialog and send it back to the parent component my problem is how to patch the value of array in the afterclosed? i tried the patchvalue and the setvalue and ...
Yan's user avatar
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Facing error while running ng serve command

I am trying to run ng serve command for my project , i tried npm i command for many times, but it showing same error continously. Node version is : v16.13.2 Npm version is : 8.4.1 Image is of error
Aniket kute's user avatar
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How to scroll mat-select option top after closing the mat-select?

How to scroll mat-select option top after closing the mat-select? I have many option in my mat-select. I select one option from bottom. Now, after open mat-select again, I want the list from top.
Shubham Kumar Keshri's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to build tow Angular apps but with the same design

To make my project clean for future maintain I decided to break down the project into multiple apps, for example: Dashboard for Users who create post Dashboard for Users who just read the post It's ...
Refat Alsakka's user avatar
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show date in correct format angular

I am making an application in which I want user to submit date date is getting stored in database in this format 2003-06-01T00:00:00.000+00:00 I want to display it as 01/06/2003 or 1st June 2003 can ...
Juned Adenwalla's user avatar
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How can I add an internal script file to index.html in Angular?

How can I insert a custom js file in index.html? Always get error 404 But if add custom.js works well I can't use node_modules because ...
user3750252's user avatar
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In angular slickgrid want to provide custom edit icon button when clicking that I need to provide default inline editor with a single click

I am using angular slickgrid to display my data and also for inline editing data. In angular slickgrid Im using a default inline editor using the editor option like the one below editor: { model: ...
Keertika Prabu's user avatar
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Angular Material :Value at position 3 in the NgModule.exports of MatAutocompleteModule is not a reference Value could not be determined statically

While Making changes in the Angular, I am getting the following error : The Angular material is being used to create chat functionality. ERROR in Failed to compile entry-point @angular/material/...
mudit's user avatar
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