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Issues handling Image Url for blob files on Firebase

I am having issues on handling blob files as imageurl in the notification payload for firebase. The file that got uploaded on azure storage had spaces and special characters which got saved as below &...
Aman kumar's user avatar
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Delay in Google/Android Push Notifications (TPLink/Tapo doorbell) [closed]

I am not a developer but Chatgpt rerouted my question to Stack Overflow. I am trying to find an answer to the following issue I have: I have bought a TPLink Tapo doorbell. When someone is pressing the ...
Diether Standaert's user avatar
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How to disable enhanced notifications on Android from my app?

I am developing an Android messenger. No, users get AI-generated suggestions on notifications, called enhanced notifications, which I would like to disable because they are not useful and users find ...
Nemo's user avatar
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Android FullScreenIntent Restrictions: Behavior by Target SDK and Android Version

I’m trying to understand how FullScreenIntent (FSI) behavior changes based on Target SDK and Android version. FSI Behavior by Target SDK (official documentation): targetSdkVersion 33 or below: FSI is ...
임세현's user avatar
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3 answers

Firebase Cloud Message Notification Opens MainActivity Instead of Target NotificationActivity

I am trying to open NotificationActivity when a user taps on a notification created by Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). However, the app always launches the MainActivity instead of the desired ...
Aman's user avatar
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Error In Flutter App : Bad notification for startForeground

Guys i have been working on flutter app, flutter background services to make the notification check for alert and the user gets notification if got alert every 15 seconds. The problem i facing is the ...
Yogaruban Ganason's user avatar
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Android Notification - A Card Displayed as notification

I am playing this game called Bible Puzzle Word and I came across this notification that I see every morning on my Android home screen even when I have killed the app last night and I am wondering how ...
Dilpreet's user avatar
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how can we run adb.exe command inside flutter test code?

I'm trying to run the adb.exe command inside flutter test code. but I'm always getting an error. is it possible to run adb.exe inside flutter test code? ` Future<void> runAdbCommand(List<...
Nick M's user avatar
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Firebase Messaging: "UNREGISTERED" Error When Sending Notifications to Multiple Devices

I'm facing an issue with Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) where I get an UNREGISTERED error on one device when I send a notification to another device. Here’s a summary of my setup and the issue: I ...
laurentmeurisse's user avatar
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Unable to send android notification using Notification manager

I am trying to send a notification using the Notification Builder class, but I am getting an error: No channel found. Here is my code: Intent intent = new Intent(MainActivity.this,MainActivity.class); ...
Music's user avatar
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How to send an android notification using Notification

I tried to send a notification using this block of code, but some methods are deprecated and some are unavailable. Please provide a solution. Intent intent= new Intent(); PendingIntent pendingIntent=...
Music's user avatar
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Loading multiple images inside a custom notification with RemoteViews

I'm trying to create a custom notification that has 4 ImageViews in it. When I try to add the images, if I add only one it works, but when I try to add a second one it shows nothing. Here is the ...
baku9953's user avatar
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Expo push notifications not appearing as banners on Android emulator

I'm working on an Expo React Native app and I'm having trouble getting push notifications to appear as banners on my Android emulator. The notifications are being received and show up in the ...
Nirmal Panchal's user avatar
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Flutter notification is not showing on real device but works just fine on emulator

SO i was trying to send notification to the user, and wrote this code, basically its more like a reminder app, user will create a reminder and my app will give them a notification on exact time. every ...
Rahman ziad's user avatar
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How to customize font family of the text in custom notification (NotificationCompat.dectoratedCustomViewStyle()) in android? full width big content?

How to use custom fonts for text in notifications in android, i have tried a way of creating folder "font" and the add font.ttf file to "font/file_name.ttf" but its not working. I ...
Kashaf Khan's user avatar
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Flutter: Android local notifications to launch app using Work Manager / Question about the right approach

I am working on a code that will check a list of items that are loaded from a json file, managed with Riverpod state management, and send local notifications. I read the official documentation on ...
Stooges4's user avatar
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Show notification only on Android Auto, not on the mobile

Can I somehow show the notification only on Android Auto? What I am using: //create channel private val channel = NotificationChannel(channelId, channelName, NotificationManager.IMPORTANCE_NONE) ... ...
Vladyslav Matviienko's user avatar
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Notification channel with "banners" style

I have a device with Android 10 and OS modded probably by Huawei. I need full screen intents and heads up notifications working, but without "Banners" checked all my notifications are just ...
snachmsm's user avatar
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How to automatically open an Android notification from a `NotificationListenerService`?

I want to implement an Android application that intercept notifications generated by another app, and then automatially opens such notifications. Currently, I have the interception part implemented, ...
user27404866's user avatar
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Unable to Redirect to Specific Page on Notification Tap in Flutter Firebase Messaging

I'm working on a Flutter app that uses Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) for push notifications. I've implemented a notification handler to redirect the user to a specific page when they tap on a ...
Arul's user avatar
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How do I set my hour and minute from a variable inside TZDateTime?:Flutter

I schedule user notifications. It works well, but I want to add the hour and minute that come from the user only I have two variables, the hour and the minute, but I do not know where to put the ...
مجهول's user avatar
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Android: send local notification from background

I'm trying to implement custom call screen when app receive certain push notification. When I have all the data avalable, I'm trying to raise local notification while app is still in background. NB: ...
Serg Tomcat's user avatar
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Android's WorkManager's Notification gets stuck when constraints are not met

I have a WorkManager Worker that has a required network type of NetworkType.UNMETERED as a constraint. It shows a notification while it's running. When the device loses connection to wifi and goes to ...
bernardo.g's user avatar
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NotificationCompat.Builder.setStyle() type mismatch with CallStyle

I am following this official guide for creating a call style notification for calling apps. In my code: notification = new NotificationCompat.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID) ....
Yoav Gat's user avatar
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Creating a notification channel: required Context but found String

I'm trying to create a notification channel with some help from this tutorial (on creating notifications) and this tutorial (on creating alarms). I have this code: private fun ...
Toomany Bees's user avatar
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I want to send a data that I get date information from the room database as a notification to the user

I am developing an Android application with Jetpack Compose. My application will be a reminder application. Since I want the application to be available offline, I store the data in the room database. ...
mkysln's user avatar
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Media player notification created with foreground service not showing on lock screen (Android 13, SDK 34)

Called from HomeActivity This is the part where the service function is called from the main activity. It is called differently depending on the version. Intent serviceIntent = new Intent(HomeActivity....
Cra ck's user avatar
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How can I improve my notification system for my Android app?

I believe my code isn't the best, and would like someone to point me into the right direction of how I could improve my code to make a better notification system that is: a) still fast, but: b) ...
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Android app that plays a sound on notification on silent and DND mode

I have installed an emergency application on my android phone, that rings even if DND mode is on and silent mode is on. When the app was installed the only permission it requested was to sent me ...
Chen Peleg's user avatar
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notifee/react-native onForegroundEvent doesn't work with React-native 0.74.5 ( sdk target 34)

my mobile app uses notifee library to display and manipulate notifications, and it works fine with targetSdkVersion 33. however when I upgrade to 34, the onForegroundEvent event is no longer working (...
Phan Anh Tuấn's user avatar
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Problem with push notifications in production React Native

When I test the notification system in a test environment using expo go, everything works as it should. However, when I create an APK through expo and install it on the phone, everything works except ...
John's user avatar
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Customizing push notification design from FCM for Android/iOS

How am I able to customize the design of the push notification received from FCM? FCM states that if app is backgrounded/killed and it contains a notification payload, it will automatically be ...
Zysora's user avatar
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createNotificationChannel() asks the user for permissions

I have an Android application for which I need to ask for Notifications permission. For this I am creating a channel and, after creating the channel I am asking for permissions. The code that asks for ...
Cosmin Constantin Firta's user avatar
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Custom sound not working in Android notifications

I can't get my app to play a custom sound in its notifications. It always plays the default notification sound instead. This is my class for posting notifications: class AndroidNotificationCentre(...
realh's user avatar
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How to block a notification entirely?

I'm running a service extending NotificationListenerService: class NotificationBlockerListenerService : NotificationListenerService() { override fun onNotificationPosted(sbn: StatusBarNotification)...
Valentin Vignal's user avatar
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Change text color of Android notification action

I'm trying to have an action on my notification with red background and white text. I've tried: endString.setSpan( ForegroundColorSpan( ContextCompat.getColor(context, R.color....
Pedif's user avatar
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How can I play a custom tone using a downloaded audio file?

In my app, I have multiple sound files fetched from the server, and these files can change based on server configurations. When an FCM notification is received, I need to set the downloaded tone file ...
Mahendran K's user avatar
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How Do You Make A Foreground Service Notification Only Appear When The App Is Closed Or In The Background In Android?

As the title says, how do you make a foreground service notification only appear if the app is closed or in the background? I have a sample app I'm trying to implement that feature into to but I don't ...
Bob Rasner's user avatar
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The progress bar stuck at 100% in notification bar when download file from internet

I was downloading a pdf from url and save in app storage this code work as it download file and save in app storage and notify user about download in notification bar But the problem are occur some ...
Umesh Maurya's user avatar
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Add custom text in native call notification in react native callkeep

React native call keep shows the native notification when receiving a call it has the name of the caller and some text like Incoming call via. Is there any way where we can customise the text. I just ...
Irfan wani's user avatar
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Full Screen Intent is not working when Extend Unlock/Smart Lock is enabled in device

I'm implementing a VOIP call based app, Full screen notification is working fine as expected in other cases. But when extend unlock or smart lock setting is enabled in device, in that case sometimes ...
Naina's user avatar
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Android: Show "Open link" button in notification for links

On Android When I receive a link within notification for some apps, notification previews this "Open link" button, click on it opens the link either in browser or in an app that can handle ...
Daguna's user avatar
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Flutter schedule push notifications problem

I'm writing a tasker program, and I need to send notification before 24 hours of deadline. I'm trying to send notification by schedule but I've a problem It worsks but when I add the schedule it ...
Kushnirenko's user avatar
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Flutter Local Push Notification Custom Vibration

Custom notification vibration pattern in Flutter Local Push Notification doesn't work. Setup a notification channel or details, the vibration pattern not work AndroidNotificationChannel( "...
Darmawan Z.'s user avatar
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Firebase Notification (http v1 API) shows error when I set Minify Enable = true, Access token failed:

I am using Firebase Notification for my my chat Application for android. all code works fine if i set isMinifyEnabled = false but when I set isMinifyEnabled = true; like this then notification fail to ...
Rup Sarma's user avatar
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Sending a notification targeting users by language or country/region doesn't work using Firebase Console

While composing a notification in Firebase Console you can target user segments by various criteria. I need to cover multiple languages, so I expected I could send one notification per language and ...
Vega180's user avatar
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Bad notification(tag=null, id=100) posted from package : Crash on App launch after app update

I have an app on play store, whenever users are updating app and upon first launch the app is getting crashed multiple times with below logs reported on firebase crashlytics: Fatal Exception: android....
SHUBHAM PRAKASH's user avatar
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Flutter Local Notification - Payload getting captured only in active state

I have a flutter app which is generating local notifications as per scheduled timing. When the app is in active state/home page, and a notification is generated, I am able to capture the payload when ...
Divya Kala's user avatar
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How can I access the CarContext in a Android Auto Media App?

I am currently building a Radio App for Android Auto and I simply want to send a notification to the screen when a song gets requested. I'm trying to send a CarToast but it requires a CarContext: ...
SaschaMoll's user avatar
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How to access media-service notification controls with UiAutomator?

I'm basically starting a foreground media-service from an activity and then move the activity to Lifecycle.State.DESTROYED. ServiceTestRule is not really sufficient for testing bound services, which ...
Martin Zeitler's user avatar

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