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Having Exoplayer controls in both layout and notification bar?

I'm building a podcast player using the Exoplayer. I've managed to set it up to have the controls both in the layout and the notification bar using exoplayer's PlayerNotificationManager. The problem ...
dbarnes's user avatar
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Fetching all apps from the notification bar android

I have a requirement to fetch all the app notifications which already exists in the notification bar. For this purpose am using the NotificationListenerService along with the BroadcastReceiver to get ...
Chandru's user avatar
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21 votes
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Allow notification to be cancelled after calling stopForeground(false)

I have a Media service that uses startForeground() to show a notification when playback starts. It has pause/stop buttons when playing, play/stop buttons while paused. NotificationCompat.Builder ...
Will Eddins's user avatar
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Alerting the user from a service (Android)

So, i have a service working in the background (when the application is closed) which connects to internet every 2 minutes and gets some data from a database, and if something's wrong i want to alert ...
Vladimir's user avatar
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android how to create a service that make a notification in real time (like facebook or whatapps)

I'm trying to create a background service that every "X" minutes consult a webservice and if response "ok" generate a Notification on the notification Bar I'm not sure if is a android service o ...
user1435753's user avatar
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Android Service Multiple Threads and startForeground()

I have a Service that facilitates the downloading of files from a server. Everytime an Intent is received in onStartCommand, I start a new Thread, put the Thread into a map with the url being ...
Eliezer's user avatar
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How to add notification icon on the Android phone status bar?

I am new to Android programming and I need help. If any of you has a simple example of adding (icon/message) notification on the Phone and when clicked it restores back the application to its state. ...
XBasic3000's user avatar
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