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android - Why this code does not make a notification in BroadcastReceiver

I want to make a notification from BroadcastReceiver. I'm using this code in my activity and it works fine but I can't make a notification from BroadcastReceiver . Could you help me to solve this ...
donald draper's user avatar
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Receiving Android push notification in BroadcastReceiver

I am using for push notifications. To handle custom notifications I have created my own broadcast receiver. From Parse server I get Intent with extra JSON data, that looks like this: { "...
Zookey's user avatar
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Android stop notification in status bar while receiving message

I'm developing an application , and want to check every SMS messages content for a specific text , and do some actions the delete the SMS , and not let user notify if the message contained that text ,...
rabar kareem's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Open activity when tapping on a notification pushed from a BroadcastReceiver

I'm having a little problem. I have an AlarmManager who sends an intent to a BroadcastReceiver, in the onReceive method of that class I push a notification to the StatusBar... This works like a charm, ...
Andres's user avatar
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40 votes
5 answers

Listen to incoming Whatsapp messages/notifications

I'm working on a notification based app, for which I need to listen to incoming notifications. I've been able to listen to incoming calls, SMS, mail etc. I have no clue how to listen for pings or ...
sanjeev mk's user avatar
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