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How to detect Android configuration change of Locale during per App Language change

I am investigating per app language in my current android application and have add this to my android manifest file android:configChanges="locale|layoutDirection" My activities ...
Hector's user avatar
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How does French Canada Locale work in Android?

I need to create behaviour specifically for Quebec; which is a French province in English Canada. There is a French Canada Locale in the device API; but not Quebec. I'm assuming this is based on the ...
user1743524's user avatar
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Android Studio - Localization issues

I am building an Java-based app in Android Studio, and I am trying to do this in multiple lanuages (English and Norwegian). In the strings folder I have two files: strings.xml and strings.xml (no). ...
Alexandra Nicole's user avatar
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LocaleConfig for Per app language preferences not generated

I'm currently working on localization for a native android app using Jetpack Compose (minSdk 24, targetSdk 34). Following the official reference Per app language preferences, I set all the ...
Santo's user avatar
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Is there a way to get the language list from locales_config.xml programmatically?

I'm very confused about this new language stuff on Android 13. I have a locales_config.xml file and that works fine but the documentation makes it sound like I can use LocaleListCompat in order to let ...
casolorz's user avatar
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Android localization any region doesn't work for some languages and uses English instead

I though adding just zh folder with translations will be used for all regions but it seems if the device language is set to Mandarin Chinese (zh-rTW) then it will use English. I have to create zh-rTW ...
user924's user avatar
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Android instrumented tests - Recreated Activity not picking up locale change, API <33

At least, it's not doing what I'd expect. Here's my situation -- I'm writing a feature to allow that allows users to make locale changes at runtime. Without any special handling, a locale change will ...
aormsby's user avatar
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only few localisation strings not working on few android devices

I am facing a weird issue where there are only few strings appearing in english when the locale is set to hungary. This is happening on very few devices of various OS versions. Here are few devices I'...
chutwik's user avatar
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How to identify device language from the App language in Android 13?

I added support per app language to my app, the android 13 feature, now it is both English and Russian. I can change the app language from settings and no need to change the device language. Now for ...
Sergey's user avatar
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