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Kill an app process from the library project

I am developing an Android library project which can be integrated to an app via a gradle dependency. As a requirement I need to kill the app process from inside the library project. I am using the ...
vidulaJ's user avatar
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2 answers

Android Studio -> How to Switch a project between Library project and Application project?

i'm migrating from Eclipse to Android Studio and i am facing this problem: In Eclipse i have a Library project A (library) and a Application project B (launcher). My launcher project, has a ...
NullPointerException's user avatar
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Any one can explain how to use library project in Android (eclipse)?

I am new for android. Here i try to create an library project to set image in image view when call the method call(). Code like in libProject protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { ...
user3555513's user avatar
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about using a library project in eclipse

I have developed an Android library project, let's call it MyLibProject. For example, a class in MyLibProject: public class MyLibClass { ... public void doTask() {...} } Then, I start to ...
Leem.fin's user avatar
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Android class GameHelper could not be found

Evrytime I want to start my app I crashs with following exception: 06-28 23:15:08.474: E/dalvikvm(27890): Could not find class '', referenced from ...
user2224350's user avatar
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Creating library project and integrating into existing project in android

I have an application that has got two basic screens, a home page and a sliding drawer menu fragment to the left of home page like the facebook sliding drawer. Now I am planning to create another page ...
user1002448's user avatar
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Android Library dependent on another lib provided by the Android App

I am building an Android Library which rely on a third party library. This library will be provided by the main Android application. How can I develop my library which is dependent on the third ...
poiuytrez's user avatar
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To check or not to check "IsLibrary"?

I built my app using a library project (that I also created, to be reused in other apps). It builds fine, but when I try to install & run it through Eclipse (Ctrl+F11), I get this red Could not ...
sfinja's user avatar
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Can I use project libraries in the library project?

I have a main project, it has some libs (like library-x, library-y, library-z) and a library project. In the library project I import the same libraries with the same versions of the main project (for ...
Tenaciousd93's user avatar
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Overriding a Class from Android Library Project

I make sereval Android apps with similar code, but I need to stay flexible for customizing the apps. My solution right now is, that I have a Library-Project, where I can override functionality in the ...
user2087312's user avatar
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Changes to Android library project are not applied until restarting Eclipse

I have a main Android application that is using an Android library project. When I change my library project and Build Project or Build All the changes are not detected in main project until I clean ...
Bob's user avatar
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Why I get error "Could not find MyLibrarry.apk!"

I have an android project that has a reference to project MyLibrary. I have checked Is Library for project MyLibrary and build it without error. I have added MyLibrary to Main Project in Properties->...
Bob's user avatar
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How to add library to an Intellij IDEA sbt Scala Android project?

When I'm trying to compile my sbt project in console I get the following error: compile [info] Wrote D:\androidProjects\myfootball\target\scala-2.9.1\src_managed\main\scala\my\android\myfootball\...
Андрюшка Спиридонов's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Calling an Application Activity from a Library Project in Android

Ok, So I'm making a library project of UI elements. The Library has some activities which are based of ActionBarSherlock which is a backwards compatibility library for the action bar in android. In ...
OVERTONE's user avatar
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Library project recompilation and recompilation of dependent projects

If we build project A as library project and project B as a standard project which includes the library project A, what happens when I change code in library project A (i.e. project A gets recompiled)?...
Gianni Costanzi's user avatar
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Is there a way for a Library to know the package name of the application using it?

Is there a way for any class in a library (could be activity, view or any other class that may have access to a "magic" method) to know or inquire the package name of the application using it? If so, ...
ef2011's user avatar
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Can an activity based application have no activity?

Assuming I have a shared activity class defined in a Library project, which does not change for any application using it and thus does not need to be subclassed, can I get a way with creating ...
ef2011's user avatar
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proguard.cfg not working in exported application using LIBRARY

I have two versions of the same application using identical proguard.cfg with the following section aimed at squelching all Log.x() LogCat output: -assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log { ...
an00b's user avatar
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54 votes
7 answers

how to reference an asset in a library project

In a class belonging to a Library project I call: webview.loadUrl("file:///android_asset/info.html", null); Unfortunately, this only works if I duplicate the file info.html into the Application's ...
an00b's user avatar
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Does a Library Project require a package name in its AndroidManifest.xml?

I am having this weird problem where everything seems to work as expected but Eclipse's Console keeps issuing a Could not find Library.apk! error. Since I have exhausted all possible "voodoo" tricks, ...
an00b's user avatar
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Could not find Library.apk!

I managed to restructure my application pretty nicely so that, except for a few methods in a derived Activity class, everything is in a Library Project. It works beautifully, except that Eclipse's ...
an00b's user avatar
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How to reference an icon from a Library Project in Application's AndroidManifest.xml

I am trying to use the same application icon for all applications derived from a Library Project. I thought that it would be as simple as implementing the advice provided in this thread, but ...
an00b's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

What does checking the "is Library" checkbox do "Under the Cover"?

I noticed that when I convert an existing Android Application project to an Android Library project by checking the "is Library" checkbox, nothing changes in the project's source code or XML files. ...
an00b's user avatar
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Library based application installs 2 APK files, not one - Why?

I am trying to restructure an existing app so that, except for a few override-able methods in a derived activity, all code will reside in a library. This still doesn't work for some reason, but in the ...
an00b's user avatar
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