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3 answers

Value at 0 cannot be converted to JSON Object

I am reading String data from SharedPreference. The format of my String is [{ "name": "sdf", "phone": "2356235623", "no_people": "2" }] I want to read all JSONobjects present in this ...
Satyam Gondhale's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

JSON data - How to parse?

Suppose I have data in JSON. How can I parse the data so I can get the values of nested objects (e.g. kind, id and title)? My JSON data is: { "kind": "youtube#playlistItemListResponse", "items": ...
Pradeep Sheoran's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to get all changed items in android recyclerview adapter

I am using name and description in RecyclerView. But name and description has edittext where user can change the name,description and submit the entire fields. Now question is how to get the ...
Shiv's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Part of JSON response from server is returning null: Android

I am trying to fetch data from the server and then display it into the app. I have JSON data as, {"COLUMNS":["TIMEID","BRANCHID","COMPANYID","MON_O","TUE_O","WED_O","THU_O","FRI_O","SAT_O","SUN_O","...
devgeek's user avatar
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2 answers

JSON Data Parsing Error the response from server becomes null: Android

I am trying to fetch data from the server and then display it into the app. I have JSON data as, {"COLUMNS":["TIMEID","BRANCHID","COMPANYID","MON_O","TUE_O","WED_O","THU_O","FRI_O","SAT_O","SUN_O","...
devgeek's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How to handle Array of objects in response while using StringRequest in android volley

I have android app . in that app I'm posting some string data on server and get some response. Problem is ,I'm receiving the response in jsonstring,but I want this data in json array. althouugh when I'...
user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Determine if an Object is an array or a string

I have some JSON data being returned from the server. Sometimes the data is an Array other times, it returns an empty string (yes, I know it should return an empty array). So I need to check FIRST if ...
user-44651's user avatar
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-3 votes
1 answer

Create dynamic view in android?

In my application I am receiving JSON multiple forms like this: "forms":[ {"name": "form1","title": "First Form","order": 1, "fields":[ "name": "firstName","type": "...
Tefa's user avatar
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0 votes
5 answers

Android: Dynamically Get JSON Array Key Name From JSON

I have a json link, if we open it I get a following result { "Status": "Success", "All_Details": [{ "Types": "0", "TotalPoints": "0", "ExpiringToday": 0 }], "First": [{ "id": "0", ...
Encipherer's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

how to parse Json Array Inside Json Array in android

I want to know how to parse JSON array inside into another JSON array.I am new in android developing please help me and Thanks in web service url here my code:- public class ...
Anand Jain's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

How to design layout of JSON Array inside another JSON Array in Android

I want to set Json array data inside another json array data into XML Layout but how is design I am new in android developing Please help me solve this problem my layout is here:- <?xml version="1....
Anand Jain's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Iterate through Parse JsonArray

I'm retrieving a list of "read messages" that I store by objectID when clicking on a detail view. Now I'm attempting to retrieve these objectID's from the array like so: JSONArray myArray = ParseUser....
Shaniqua's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

NullPointer on JSON Array Android

I am getting this response from server: status: "ok", response: { suggestions: [ { suggestion: "Cetri (10 mg)" }, { suggestion: "Cetri-Plus (300 & 10)" }, { suggestion: "Cetriax (1000 mg)" }, { ...
Prakhar's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Separate array from json and store to db

I have a json coming from web server as follows: "data": { "classes": [ { "subject_name": "Chemistry", "class_id": "48", "...
shine_joseph's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

JsonArray to List in Java

I have a problem with parsing JsonArray response. I take JsonObject from JsonArray, parse it and set in entity message and then that message add to ArrayList. Problem is that in ArrayList that I ...
MalaAiko's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

How to extract values from JSONObject in android

1.I am having json object like this how can i get the access to all values in android 2.before anyone down voting that i want to say i have searched stackoverflow for similar examples but those ...
phpnerd's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Sending string arrays to php

I want to send string array to php by Json and retrieve there. String[] Books = {"book1", "book2", "book3", "book4",..}; In Json: List<NameValuePair> nameValuePairs = new ArrayList<...
Namikaze Minato's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Android JSONArray looping

This is the result I am getting from a webservice "year":["2014","2013","2012","2011","2010","2009","2008","2007","2006","2005","2004","2003","2002","2001","2000","1999","1998","1997","1996","1995","...
ramesh's user avatar
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