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Do we need Jack to use Java 8 features to make a build using

I have an file and I was trying to make a build for Android 8.1 where I was using RxJava but while building it, I was getting the error Lambda coming from jar file need their interfaces on ...
NiJ's user avatar
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Building Cordova Android with Java 8 without Jack

Up until now I have been using Java 8 features in my hybrid Cordova Android project - I have one custom plugin where I use Java 8 features such as try-with-resources. In order to do so all I needed ...
DroidOS's user avatar
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AOSP + annotation processor + jack

How to get libraries requiring annotation processor (such as butterknife, dagger etc.) to be usable for an app in AOSP (N, in my case)? Jack seems to support annotation processor according to this, ...
mbmc's user avatar
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Android jack internal unknown error 415

I'm building AOSP 8 in a Mac (macOS Sierra 10.12.6) and Jack is failing with an unknown internal error Internal unknown error (415), try 'jack-diagnose' or see Jack server log jack-diagnose shows ...
YoMero's user avatar
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1 answer

What is a proper way to disable jack-server

I want to build Android 6, 7, and 8 without jack-server. Compiling Android 8 with make ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK:=false works. But this doesn't work on 6 and 7. Another question, is there any ...
Michael Security's user avatar
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Build fails with Jack compiler + Data Binding

I was using Databinding with Rxjava in my app & then decided to migrate from RxJava to RxJava2 with lambda. So I enabled jackOption & source compatibility. Now It fails to compile with ...
Sandip Fichadiya's user avatar
4 votes
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Method reference calls wrong method

I'm writing an Android app and use net.sourceforge.streamsupport:streamsupport:1.5.5 I'm using Android Studio 2.3.3 with the embedded JDK, source and target compatibility are set to 1.8. Now I have a ...
Michel Jung's user avatar
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2 answers

Error:Execution failed for task :app:transformJackWithJackForDebug - Android?

My gradle is like bellow : apply plugin: '' android { compileSdkVersion 25 buildToolsVersion "26.0.0" defaultConfig { applicationId "xx.xx.xx" ...
user avatar
7 votes
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migrate from jack to native Java 8

I'm trying to use lambda expressions and streams in my Android project.I'm using streamsupport library for streams, and native Java 8 for lambda expressions. To be able to use Java 8 features I need ...
GiorgiSh's user avatar
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Execution failed for task ':app:transformClassesWithPreJackPackagedLibrariesForArmv7aDebug'

So I came across this problem when I am clicking the play button on Android Studio in order to deploy to my device and I cannot figure out how to solve this. Please see print shot attached: I did ...
AndroidKrayze's user avatar
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Lambda coming from jar file need their interfaces on the classpath to be compiled, unknown interfaces are java.util.function.Predicate

I have an external jar library . i can import this file in intellij idea without any problem with java 8 . but when i add this file to android studio , i got this Error
Nadimibox's user avatar
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Jack compiler and JaCoCo code coverage

I am using jack compiler in my Android app. Here is a description of how to use JaCoCo with Jack compiler. But I don't understand it. There are talking about changing something in my make command. But ...
unlimited101's user avatar
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Lambda call on Android randomly fails

Just started using lambdas in a new project and stuck with the issue when app crashes with the following stack trace: I/art: Rejecting re-init on previously-failed class java.lang.Class<com.test.-$...
Mikhail's user avatar
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Problems when running application with Jack and Retrolambda

I recently had a lot of problems trying to debug in my application when using Retrolambda, because of that I wanted to include Jack on my Gradle for debugging purposes. jackOptions { enabled true }...
Francisco Durdin Garcia's user avatar
1 vote
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Jack compilation stuck with AndroidStudio 2.3

I have upgraded my AndroidStudio today to latest stable version 2.3 (with gradle plugin 2.3.0 and gradle 3.3): now, I am not able to build my project which ran fine under AndroidStudio 2.2.3. When I ...
Narayane's user avatar
4 votes
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Slow build gradle in android

I checked all of the questions with answers about slow gradle build . (For Example here , here and ...) .but build gradle in my project is too slow . sometimes which building takes about 5-8 minuets ,...
Nadimibox's user avatar
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1 answer

android jack server error

I am triying to build AOSP Android nougat rom by using JACK SERVER 3 warnings [ 34% 16872/49032] host Java: bouncyca...tle-bcpkix- host_intermediates/classes) warning: [options] bootstrap class path ...
Mohd Faraz's user avatar
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I am getting internal compiler error

[ 34% 16888/49032] Building with Jack:...l_intermediates/with- local/classes.dex FAILED: /bin/bash out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/core- all_intermediates/with-local/classes.dex.rsp java.lang....
Mohd Faraz's user avatar
1 vote
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Compiling Android N without Jack

I am trying to compile Android N while disabling Jack by setting: ANDROID_COMPILE_WITH_JACK := false in aosp/build/core/combo/ While compiling APP, there is always the error msg: ninja:...
Simmis's user avatar
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Jack and Jill minify equivalent [duplicate]

Recently I've decided to migrate my android project to Jack and Jill build chain. But now I'm facing multi-dex problem that was not present in the previous build chain, so my questions arise. What ...
Jan Stoltman's user avatar
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Is Androids new Jack compiler really that slow?

On some of my Android projects I see that building got quite slow since using the new Jack compiler. I need it to use Java 8 features like lambdas. But the long building time is a bit disturbing. So ...
unlimited101's user avatar
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Can't compile okhttp with jack enabled

My project was working great but then i decided to enable jack, after this i got the following error: The type com.squareup.okhttp.OkHttpClient cannot be found in source files, imported jack libs or ...
AmirG's user avatar
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Compilation error with Jack compiler and generics

I'm using an ORM for android called Squeaky and it generates code to avoid using reflection. The generated code worked ok when I wasn't using the new jack compiler but with it I get these errors: ...
Auras's user avatar
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Android JACK compiler error after upgrade to latest support library

--Android Studio 2.2.3 (Windows 10 64 bit) --Build Tools version 25 --Android Gradle Plugin Version 2.2.3 After upgrade to latest support libraries (25.1.0 from 23.4.0) and change of ...
android_dev's user avatar
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Compilation exception when Jack is enabled

I am using Gradle 2.14.1 and Android-Gradle plugin 2.2.3 on Android Studio 2.2.3. in a multi-module app. Enabling Jack throws the following exception (stacktrace included) : Executing tasks: [:MyApp:...
Dev's user avatar
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android studio compile errors not ordered and not clickable

I am using jack with android studio When I have compilation errors the errors are mixed in with the warnings and are thus annoying to locate and once located you cannot click on them to go to the ...
wal's user avatar
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Android - I dont manage to activate Jack & Jill

In my Android project I need to use a dependency that requires java 8 so i'm trying to use jack { ... jackOptions { enabled true } } compileOptions { sourceCompatibility ...
Johny19's user avatar
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Android jack and jill get stuck

I am trying to use Jack-Jill and Java8 for my Android app. Everything is good on my laptop but when I tried to run the project on CircleCI it's getting stuck on ...
Jutikorn's user avatar
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no line numbers (e.g. for Log.getStackTraceString) with Jack compiler

We've switched over to the Jack compiler for our Android app to take advantage of Java8 features. However when we enabled minification (minifyEnabled true) we saw our app crashing in seemingly random ...
Mark Vulfson's user avatar
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Build errors when switching from buildToolsVersion '24.0.2' to anything higher

Build fails when switching to buildTooolsVersion 24.0.3 or higher with error messages relating to Default methods and Static methods "not supported in Android API level less than 24" Works fine in ...
Berthold's user avatar
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How to resolve locale issue with `jack.import.type.policy`?

I am building an app which must use Java 8 libraries. To enable source compatibility I added following to app's build.gradle: compileSdkVersion 23 buildToolsVersion "25.0.0" defaultConfig { ...
raidensan's user avatar
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Jack and Android - Lambda runtime failure until clean build

Seemingly at random, the apk that Android Studio installs is corrupted. It usually centers around lambdas (but it's a different one every time). I'm using Jack compilation and the latest version of ...
colithium's user avatar
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Instant Run is disabled when Jack compiler is used

I got this message in gradle : Instant Run is disabled when Jack compiler is used my compile time is taken too long . 3:54:11 PM Gradle build finished with 1 warnings(s) in 17m 15s 937ms I think ...
S.M_Emamian's user avatar
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What is the minimum SDK version jack compiled code can run well on?

If I build my android project using the jack & jill toolchain I can set the minimum SDK version fairly low. When I have jack enabled via: android { compileOptions { ...
Dave Thomas's user avatar
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Android studio update 2.2. Runtime error: Jack transformation null

After I have updated to 2.2 I've got dex cannot parse version 52 bytecode android So I've tried to force usage of Java version 1.7 and I was able to pass the error but now I receive this : ...
Ionut-Mihai Nicula's user avatar
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Compiling android application using Java 8

My application is not yet migrated to gradle, we still use Ant build script. Recently one of our dependent libraries started using Java 8 features. In order to compile using Java-8 lib, configured ...
R K's user avatar
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Jack compiling taking forever

After upgrading my project to enable Jack and Java8 features, my 16gb macbook can't seem to build my project anymore. I see the memory usage getting higher and higher but the process gets stuck at the ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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Android Studio 2.2 and Jack are getting blocked by Avira Antivirus

So I update my project to use the new jack compiler, but for some unknown reason my AntiVir blocks the task transformClassesWithPreJackPackagedLibrariesForDebug It works if I disable AntiVir real-time ...
Murat Karagöz's user avatar
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how to pass 'eventBusIndex' parameter to EventBus annotation processor

I am just getting started to use the new Android Jack compiler and use the Greenrobot Eventbus. I got it working after some trial-and-error but it only seems to work, when I specify the eventBusIndex ...
TmTron's user avatar
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android-apt & jack and jill

Android Studio 2.2 Gradle Android Tools 2.2.0 Gradle Wrapper 2.14.1-all I am using apt plugin to compile ButterKnife ( version 8.2.1 ) library and I want to use lambda with jack and jill support. ...
okarakose's user avatar
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Android Studio build errors with jack enabled

So i recently switched my Android Studio default JDK to Java 8, so I could use Lambda expressions. I had to enable Jack to let the gradle build, but now when I try to rebuild my applicaiton, I am ...
Nicholas Pesa's user avatar
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Android gradle build with Jack for Java 8 fails "importing types"

The build fails with a TypeImportConflictException which fires a LibraryReadingException. The error log is the following: Ive noticed that along with the exceptions ...
Biel Simon's user avatar
14 votes
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Lambda expressions crash with IncompatibleClassChangeError in Android when using jack

I am using Java 8 in my Android project. I have setup both Jack (In android application module) and Retrolambda (in other modules). The problem I am having is that my Lambda expressions crash in one ...
Team's user avatar
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Android studio error when add java8 support

what's wrong with my Android Studio or my config? Error:(22, 0) Could not find method jackOptions() for arguments [build_1b0umrzpkhcolzr325bxbizec$_run_closure1$_closure5@41c39fc1] on project ':app' ...
life2015's user avatar
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Android build fails in Ubuntu Docker container when Gradle runs transformClasses

My Android project gets built fine on a Windows dev machine with lots of RAM. But in a simple Docker container (FROM ubuntu:xenial + Android SDK) gradle build (./gradlew assembleTrunkDebug) fails on ...
Galya's user avatar
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Jack's translated lambda expression doesn't use more efficient approach when minSdkVersion set to 24

I'm currently looking at the bytecode that jack compiler generates for lambda expressions. Let's take the following plain Java class as an example: public class ForEach { public static void ...
Alex Lipov's user avatar
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Error:Data Binding does not support Jack builds yet

I am implementing DataBinding, it is working perfect, but it is not allowing me to use jackOptions. It throws error Data Binding does not support Jack builds yet while build. Here is my build.gradle ...
Ravi's user avatar
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where is the proguard mappings.txt file generated when using JACK?

I have been trying to use the latest JACK and JILL build system to for my android project. I know that JACK process includes the proguard processing. But after that i couldn't locate the mappings.txt ...
Arnav M.'s user avatar
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Jack fails on Preview 4 with com/android/jack/api/v03/Api03Config error

I have an issue with the latest Android Studio (Preview 4) and compiling with Jack. I get this error : FAILURE: Build failed with an exception. * What went wrong: Execution failed for task ':app:...
Romain's user avatar
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Android Jack Compiler not removing logs from proguard rules

I have tried using: -assumenosideeffects class android.util.Log { public static boolean isLoggable(java.lang.String, int); public static int v(...); public static int i(...); public ...
Antonio's user avatar
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