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Edge Screen nav drawer button show white box android

[Nav bar hamburger Button show white box][it only happens on curve screen like Samsung s8 s9 etc works fine on plain screen] this is a screenshot below. private void getViewsReference() { ...
Bilawal muzaffar's user avatar
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Why does the android jetpack NavigationUI navigateUp method only open the draw menu if you are at the start destination of the nav graph

When using a NavigationView with a DrawLayout and an ActionBar, jetpack provides some powerful convenience methods to hook everything up together so that these items are easier to implement. The ...
Jason Ridge's user avatar
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getActionBar().setHomeAsUpIndicator() Breaking Navigation Drawer "Hamburger" Animation

In my application, I'm using a Navigation Drawer. I have given each item in the Navigation Drawer a different Icon for opening the Nav Drawer. When I initially start the app, the drawer icon for the ...
mhorgan's user avatar
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Navigation Drawer and with Activity in Android

I am trying out the navigation drawer (slide menu) given in this tutorial. The difference with above link and mine is that instead of calling fragments I am trying to call the activity. When the app ...
TheDevMan's user avatar
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Action Bar with navigation drawer

This is very similar to many question already posted on stackoverflow, but I still haven't found the right solution. The problem I'm facing is how to implement a custom actionbar.xml file and add a ...
Matthew's user avatar
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