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Using AlexaCRM/dynamics-webapi-toolkit I need to add a filter for a "modifiedon" datetime

As the title says, I am using the AlexaCRM/dynamics-webapi-toolkit package in a php project. I have some code where I retrieve multiple records (That part works). However, I need to add a sort of ...
Sky's user avatar
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How can I use Alexa CRM to display an aggregated result in WordPress

I'm currently using the Alexa CRM plugin for WordPress to connect to my Dynamics CRM. I'm trying to get the results of the following aggregation [msdyncrm_twig] {% fetchxml collection="simpleagg&...
Cameron Jones's user avatar
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Call a named workflow in Dynamics 365 from Laravel using PHP-CRM-Toolkit by AlexaCRM

We have an application in Laravel 5 which has an integration with Dynamics 365 through PHP-CRM-Toolkit ( I want to call a named workflow in Dynamics 365 ...
Anand Gupta's user avatar
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How to send a lead with a lookup field to dynamics CRM (using PHP and AlexaCRM toolkit)?

I'm using AlexaCRM and I tried sending a lead with a lookup field. I don't have any problems with other fields. This is my code: use AlexaCRM\CRMToolkit\Client as OrganizationService; use AlexaCRM\...
EmiPainkiller's user avatar
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Insert new contact

I m using to send data from a form to an entity in CRM I want to add a product id from entity 'new_produituic' to 'contact' entity <?php require '...
Abdo MErzouk's user avatar
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Alexa CRM how can i add data to different entities

I'm using to send data from a form to an entity in CRM. With normal fields it's okay but when I want to add 'new_produit_demande' it's gives error because ...
Abdo MErzouk's user avatar
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Get all invoices for specific contact using Alexa CRM toolkit in Dynamics CRM

I'm using AlexaCRM Toolkit for Dynamics 365 and I'm working on script that bring me results of all invoices for specific contact, the following script show the last ten invoices but for different ...
Mssef's user avatar
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Set new object property with Dynamics 365 using Alexa CRM toolkit

I'm using AlexaCRM Toolkit for Dynamics 365, I added a new field for the entity lead (I created a custom field called new_wordpressid) so I can do the mapping with the lead created in wordpress and ...
Mssef's user avatar
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How to add Account name to a contact in Dynamics 365

I am using Alexa-php-toolkit for Dynamics 365, using this I can successfully create new contact but I can't add an account name with the contact, when I try ...
Developer's user avatar