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java.lang.ClassNotFoundException when install app from APK [duplicate]

The error I describe below, occurs when: Install the app on a device directly from the APK. Download the app by Play Store The error don´t occurs when: Install apk through Eclipse pressing the 'run'...
user3782779's user avatar
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Meteor 1.0 export .apk

I got an issue on exporting .apk file from Meteor 1.0. I have already built the file with Meteor, and running on the simulator fine. But when I imported it to ADT, and trying to build the .apk for ...
Wing NG's user avatar
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Installing apk on emulator in mac

I have followed following tut to install messaging-simulator.apk on my Nexus 7 emulator of adt sdk... ...
Smitha's user avatar
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Android - Failed to export application after signing apk(Eclipse)

I'm very new to Android development. I signed the apk, but after that when I go to choose the location to export the apk, I clicked "Finish" and it says "Failed to export application". I don't know ...
david's user avatar
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Create a smaller apk file in Eclipse

How can I generate a smaller .apk in Eclipse [ADT-plugin]. My apk is ~1mb big even when I only have the standard "Hello World" string. What do you suggest?
user3531864's user avatar
3 votes
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APK contains unused resources

Yes, I saw that the similar question had been asked some years a go, but was unanswered, so I just had to give it another shot. I am quite annoyed with the fact that the .apk file for the simple ...
nebo.milic's user avatar
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Solution to installion failure due to invalid APK file

My logcat code: I tried solutions from other posts, but it is still not working. [EDIT] My manifest.xml:
moonrays00's user avatar
8 votes
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ADT (Eclipse) vs. Android Studio: How much APK file size difference is normal?

I imported a ADT project to the latest version of Android Studio (0.6.1). Both projects share the same code and libraries. Also both projects were cleared and compiled with the same ProGuard settings ...
Steffen's user avatar
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Some external files included in the package are not installed

I've to use external files because I need to create a page as a web page with StageWebView, and I need these files : 1 HTML file, 2 PNG files, 1 Javascript file. There is a problem when I want to use ...
François Gardien's user avatar
-5 votes
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How to only build and generate apk by using the Eclipse Android ADT? [duplicate]

I do not want to run the application because the emulator takes too much time to start and showing the app , so I want to know how to build and generate the apk of an application with the Eclipse ...
pheromix's user avatar
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Android APK: Duplicated resources, why?

I have seen some similar questions about this issue but no one leads to a solution. Resources are duplicated when apk is build, the apk is twice the size it should be. The apk installs and runs fine ...
Codebeat's user avatar
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Open source android app wont run via Eclipse

I am a total beginner to programming. I am looking to play about editing bits of a basic open source app (created by someone else) to help me get the hang of different parts of the process of app ...
user3308229's user avatar
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Signed APK sometimes work, other times doesn't

After updating ADT to 22.3, sometimes APKs can be signed, but throws ClassNotFoundException when testing, as exemplified below (it seems to always affect the class extending Application): 12-19 16:32:...
Kai's user avatar
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To check or not to check "IsLibrary"?

I built my app using a library project (that I also created, to be reused in other apps). It builds fine, but when I try to install & run it through Eclipse (Ctrl+F11), I get this red Could not ...
sfinja's user avatar
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Android Application Installed but won't open on device

I created an application on Android. I am developing it on eclipse with ADT. It is about nfc. For the moment it only reads and writes tag. I run my application on my mobile device for testing and it ...
Ayrton Werck's user avatar
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Cannot install android apk on my real device

I got this error when installing my developed apps to my android phone [2013-11-13 11:06:11 - Test] ------------------------------ [2013-11-13 11:06:11 - Test] Android Launch! [2013-11-13 11:06:11 - ...
Daniel's user avatar
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command line error exporting apk

I imported windows projects into the same ADT version (the last version at the moment) but on Linux. The build is ok, but when I try to export signed or unsigned the APK, I receive an error "Command-...
user1633717's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

What is the differences between `export signed` and `unsigned` .apk file? [duplicate]

I'm building .apk file for my Android application using Android tools - Export... as guided here My question is what are signed and unsigned .apk file? How can we use usngined .apk file? (I tried to ...
Nam G VU's user avatar
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Upload a replacement Alpha Testing APK on Google Play?

I am using the new Google Play "ALPHA TESTING" tab in the Android Developer Console. We have been successful with uploading 7 previous versions and distributing them to our Alpha testers using a ...
Cory Trese's user avatar
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Automatic APK signing when running ADT projects

I'm used to develop and debug android apps on my phone, it's pretty faster. When I'm ok, I export a signed APK to upload to the market. Now I use Google Maps APIs, I must add a signature to the ...
Tarek Eldeeb's user avatar
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Where is apk key stored on computer?

Two engineers are working on an android project. To publish the apk (not on Playstore, but private publication), they each run their project and then get the resulting apk and then publish. As it ...
Cote Mounyo's user avatar
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Proguard error preventing APK from building with "returned error with error code 1"

The issue is when trying to build a signed APK, it errors at the last step with this: [2013-06-20 11:39:34 - MyApp] Proguard returned with error code 1. See console [2013-06-20 11:39:34 - MyApp] ...
iwasrobbed's user avatar
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Android Project Not Importing in ADT. Changed APK to zip, unpacked and can't make project from existing source

I am thinking about working with another developer that gave me some links to APKs that I can look at before we start working. He told me I could rename them to zips and then extract them. That worked....
David West's user avatar
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Android Developer Tools: exclude asset files (php) from apk build

I've a mobile website from which I build a phonegap app for android. Unter assets\www I've put the website files that also includes some server side PHP scripts. That works pretty well. My question ...
casper's user avatar
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Error when exporting .apk from Eclipse / Android Developer Tools

Every time I try to export the project I get the error: android keytool error: java.lang.Exception: Key pair not generated, alias already exists I tried making a new key and using my old key - ...
Guy Richards's user avatar
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Export signed app hangs

I have a problem with exporting signed application. I have done some updates on my application, so I export application like I did before. Right click on project -> Android tools -> Export ...
mmx's user avatar
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What is the difference between the apk file in the bin folder and the apk file created through the Export option in Eclipse?

What is the difference between the apk file in the bin folder and the apk file created through the Export option in Eclipse? For debugging purposes, can I directly use the file in the bin folder? Or ...
Ahmed Faisal's user avatar
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android .apk size increased

I noticed that the application size of my app, as reported by android, was doubled respect to the same application two months ago, despite I did only minor modifications. Even building the .apk from ...
Gianni's user avatar
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Package ANE with APK

The Adobe documentation is lacking this very important bit, and the "documentation" of the ADT itself is written by a person having a very bad case of OCD, so it's not possible to understand it. I ...
user avatar
6 votes
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'Intent cannot be resolved to a type' error in eclipse

I am programming the first android tutorial in eclipse, and when compiling this code: Intent intent = getIntent(); it gives the error Intent cannot be resolved to a type How do I fix it?
Joseph Dykstra's user avatar
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NoClassDefFoundError when starting android project

After updating my Android SDK today none of my projects are working anymore. Whenever I try to run a project in the emulator I get a NoClassDefFoundError for the main class of the project. This class ...
Boris's user avatar
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The APKs are not same when build from ant and adt

I have an android project. I can release it to apk both from ADT in Eclipse and ant in command line. The the apk files are not same. I unzipped the apk files and compared the content. The main ...
schumyxp's user avatar
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"Application not installed", is it a bug of ADT?

I exported an apk by ADT in eclipse, and I attempted to install this apk into a avd, but it raised "Application not installed". I checked the logcat, and found this: W/PackageParser(59): java.lang....
hardPass's user avatar
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Invalid APK file when installing on my phone

I have been working on a project for 3 months now, and everything was working. Since yesterday however, Eclipse won't let me install my application on my phone. The application compiles fine, but ...
ErGo_404's user avatar
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Android Activity under Eclipse/ADT with Project Dependencies (Failed resolving XY)

I tried to keep a game project quite platform independent so I split it up into three projects from low-level to top android specific level like that: engine, game, android game. The involved classes/...
PiLLe's user avatar
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Unable to generate apk using Eclipse

Very new to Android development and am running into some issues with basic stuff. I've been using Eclipse to build my projects. Recently I upgraded to the latest version of the eclipse ADT plug-in ...
dinesh's user avatar
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I Can not install apk files on device or emulator in ADT-15.0.0?

I was developing my app and everything was OK. I installed ADT - 15.0.0 and installer_r15-windows.exe. After that, when I press Ctrl+F11 my project is uploaded but stayed in installing state without ...
Bob's user avatar
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Signing modified system applications?

I'm modifing some apks of my Honeycomb Tablet. I added some functions to SystemUI.apk which require new permission in the AndroidManifest.xml file. The problem is that I need to re-sign the package ...
gfbio's user avatar
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eclipse problems pushing and run apk on mobile phone

a few month ago I wrote a radio station app for android phones. I tested it in the emulator and on my phone and all worked fine, when I pushed it directly from eclipse to the phone. Now I wanted to ...
DeeFour's user avatar
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How to have both Debug and Release apk on same device?

While continuing to develop my application and test it on a real phone, I need to have the release version of it on the same phone, for demonstration purposes (the release version is much more ...
an00b's user avatar
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Unable to run Android app, Could not find .apk issue in eclipse [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Android Eclipse - Could not find *.apk Recently I have updated my ADT plugin of eclipse to the latest one but after that I use to face an unusual problem. When ever I try to ...
Rohit Mandiwal's user avatar