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Brownian bridge kernel method (BBKM) in adehabitatHR: 'subscript out of bounds' error for home range getverticeshr ()

I have a dataframe with 5-minutes relocation data recorded for several days and for 500+ cows. I created a loop to calculate the daily explored area (home range) of each cow using the minimum convex ...
cmoreno's user avatar
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geom_sf missing geometry with SpatialPolygonsDataFrame

I'm working with some GPS collared animals and using LoCoH.a function in the adehabitatHR package to generate a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. library(tidyverse) library(lubridate) library(adehabitatHR) ...
Jason P's user avatar
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Combining two or more estUDm objects into a single estUDm object

I know it is possible to combine multiple estUD objects into a single class-estUDm object using: tot <- list(estUD1=estUD1, estUD2=estUD2, estUD3=estUD3) class(tot) <- "estUDm" ...
user303287's user avatar
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questionable home range values with mcp() (minimum convex polygon) in R

I am trying to calculate the home range of a whole species and seperate two groups based on sex. I used mcp() and it runs but the output is questionable. Here is my data library(raster) library(dismo)...
Janneke de Bresser's user avatar
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MCP Home range with AdehabitatHR too small

I'm new to spatial analysis using R. I'm trying to calculate daily home ranges (MCP 100, later 95 and 50 %) using mainly the adehabitatHR package in R. I used a script provided by my colleague and it ...
Justine Güldenpfennig's user avatar
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"Error in kernelUD: At least 5 relocations required to fit a home range" but have many more than 5 relocations per group

I have been making kernel density home range estimations for canid groups in an area by population and per pack across various temporal scales. However, when I attempt to run kernelUD on a subset for ...
Charlie_J's user avatar
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Converting my dates into a POSIXct class

I'm currently working my way through the adehabitatLT package. I've put my date_time column into characters and named it da: da<-as.character(dat$date_time) head(da) [1] "7/08/2015 0:22" "7/08/...
SamR's user avatar
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R Subset Data from Spatialdataframe

I am trying to analyze spatial data in R. I ran into problems trying to subset my data for the analysis. First of all my raw data had this format. The Dataframe is called "locs": AnID X ...
h4g0's user avatar
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