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2 answers

MSYS2 - mingw64 Installing a package

i'm quite new to programming. I'm trying to install a compiler for my Vscode. I tried to use GNAT but i couldn't figure out how to install it, so I used mingw64. I followed the documentation online, ...
Noé Déverchère's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Ada static compilation

I have compiled a simple Ada application which uses the Win32Ada library. I'm compiling the application on Windows using: gnatmake C:\GNAT\2020\bin\src\main.adb -I"C:\GNAT\2020\lib\win32ada" ...
user1220022's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Why does Ada DLL get stuck at adainit when called from Rust over FFI interface?

Happy case Using Mingw I have successfully compiled a minimal hello world windows DLL in Ada and used it over the FFI interface: package MY_FFI is procedure Hello_World with ...
Kaarel Allemann's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

pragma export function is not external in Ada executable

I need a Visual Studio C++ DLL be able to call a function in my Ada mainline. The Ada code has a function spec like package offset is function GET_OFFSET return integer; pragma Export (...
erict's user avatar
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Building a DLL for Windows with a specific base address

I am working on a project for a Windows library in Ada that must be compiled in a DLL, starting from a .gpr project via GPRBuild. I was able to produce a working DLL for Windows, but now I want to ...
Lucio Franceschini's user avatar
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2 answers

GNAT Studio (GPS) not launching on windows 10

I've just installed the Adacore's IDE GNAT Studio on Windows 10. The installation process went smoothly, then I added the binary directory to the path (C:\GNAT\2020\bin in my case). I can compile a ...
iceberg53's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I interface with Windows system calls in the new manner of 64 bit GNAT GPS?

I am used to using Win32Ada library for calling system calls for a terminal program that I was creating for Windows. The system calls were sufficient to achieve the control needed over the console, ...
Micah W's user avatar
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1 answer

Can Ada be told not to catch EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION

We have a large Ada/C++ system (using Gnatpro 7.3.2) running on Windows which very rarely crashes hard with a 0xC0000005 windows memory violation. I've tried to simplify by creating a small Ada ...
erict's user avatar
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how to use RegisterEventSource and ReportEvent function in an Ada program?

I am trying to access RegisterEventSource and ReportEvent function to write into windows event log in Ada.
a verma's user avatar
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2 answers

how to write in windows event logs using Ada language?

an Ada application which will write in to windows event logs? i have tried to use system call in Ada but its not working this is main.adb with System; with Interfaces.C; use Interfaces.C; with Ada....
a verma's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

UTF-8 on Windows with Ada

It is my understanding that by default, Character is Latin_1, Wide_Character is UCS-2, and Wide_Wide_Character is UCS-4, but that GNAT can have specified pragma Wide_Character_Encoding(UTF8); or -...
Patrick Kelly's user avatar
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1 answer

How to use GtkAda in command-line?

I try to compile a very simple GtkAda application in command-line, on Windows. Here is the app code: `WITH Gtk.Main ; USE Gtk.Main ; WITH Gtk.Window ; USE Gtk.Window ; PROCEDURE Test01 ...
yO_'s user avatar
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How to compile this program? error at linker stage

I have installed gnat gpl 2016 on windows 10 and try to compile following (small) program with gnatmake. Problem is that due import of one function from libc the task seems to be far more complicated ...
darkestkhan's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How can I migrate an application written in DEC Ada to Windows?

I have a batch application written in Ada in the OpenVMS DEC ADA ENVIRONMENT which I need to port to Windows. How should I approach this?
Y Tomas's user avatar
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2 answers

Ada program works in Linux but not in GPS Windows 10

Thanks in advance for any help. I am currently doing some beginner work on ada programming and I have installed GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) from I ...
Alejandro Martinez's user avatar
3 votes
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How to prepare Cygwin environment on windows 10 for compilation of Ada GNATColl library

After successful installation of Ada 2012 on windows 10 (with AdaCore-Download-2016-07-14_0729 package) I didn't find how to step forward to add database driver support to Ada. I found GNATColl ...
user6600768's user avatar
-3 votes
2 answers

GNAT GPL 2016 Installation Hassle On Windows XP SP3

About 2 weeks ago I installed the new 2016 version of the GNAT GPL Ada/SPARK compiler and associated software tools. But the damn thing won't work right. Running existing projects on it, it just won't ...
Trunk's user avatar
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3 answers

How to return an exit code from an Ada process to the calling Windows process?

I need to interface a Windows C++ program to a legacy GNAT Ada program. The Windows program spawns the legacy Ada program as a separate process and then waits for it to return. I can have the Ada ...
JBabrick's user avatar
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Detecting if a sd card reader has a card inserted

Does anyone know how to use the Windows Api in C to detect whether an SD Card reader has a card inserted or not? Platform: windows xp/visa/7/8. I've had a google around and a look at the Windows API ...
Matt's user avatar
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GNAT.Serial_Communication and virtual COM ports

I try to connect with GNAT.Serial_Communication to a COM port (Windows 8, from a console which is 'run as administrator') and receive the following error message: EXCEPTION: GNAT....
Florian Poppa's user avatar
1 vote
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Adacore GPS "Could not locate executable on path: gnatmake"

I recently installed the Adacore GPS 2012 for Lego Mindstorms on my Windows 7 machine. When I try to build the example project, I get the error message: "Could not locate executable on path: gnatmake"...
Jackson Blades's user avatar
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1 answer

Unable to read a USB com port using GNAT Ada

I'm attempting to set up a USB serial port using: GNAT.SERIAL_COMMUNICATIONS. I am able to open the port but when I try to set attributes of the port I get the following exception raised GNAT....
Sean's user avatar
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Tasking on Windows and the -gnatP switch

What's the deal with the -gnatP (enable polling for asynch tasking operations) switch? I'm working on a fairly large game project using GNAT, and the documentation claims that this switch is needed ...
Ryan Witmer's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Compile Ada program for Linux using Windows

If I want to compile a program that is written in Ada, I have to use GNAT, of course. As my Computer has Windows as its sole operating system, I cannot use GNAT, normally. Right? Thus I got Cygwin ...
caw's user avatar
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How do you install GNAT (GNU Ada) on a Windows computer?

Alright, I'm looking into doing a multi-language project. I'm looking at part of that being in Ada. I'm already aware of the AdaCore packages, but I would need to link each file separately, meaning it ...
johnki's user avatar
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Can i get any advantage from Athlon 64 3800 writing a concurrent program on Ada?

I'm limited to ObjectAda 7.2 for particular reason. Do i need to install a 64 bit OS (Win 64x in my case) to write and run such programs?
just_cause's user avatar